Disabled NPC of the Week: Natasja

A Hispanic-looking woman with wrinkles and short grey hair pulled back and parted. She wears a grey sleeveless blouse with green lace in the middle. She holds a wooden table leg in her right hand.

Natasja is a female human experiencing menopause and hypertension (high blood pressure). She can be used in any campaign setting, or her traits can be adapted to your PC. She appears in our Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Greater of Two Evils

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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!

Disabled NPC of the Week: Lolbimirt

A light skinned strawberry blond gnome wearing banded armor and holding a pole-axe. He has a red rash across the right side of his face and neck.

Lolbimirt is a forest gnome guard with abnormal growth and a rash on 40% of his body.

Is this character actually disabled?

While “taller than usual” and a skin rash don’t seem like disabilities, and by most official definitions, they’re not, this character emphasizes that disabilities are not binary — they’re a spectrum. Most people have multiple physical and/or mental challenges, and there’s no hard and fast line that separates people with or without disabilities. We’re more alike than you think. At the same time, Lolbimirt has difficulty navigating the burrows of his gnomish family, and his rash leaves him in danger of infection, an important condition in a world without antibiotics or, in the real world, to those without proper access to medicine or medical insurance.

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!

Disabled NPC of the Week: Zentha Beijor

In a forest, a blond light skinned female elf wearing a tattered green hooded cape and matching clothing. She's holding a longbow with a crossbow-like center. A glowing yellow string powers a fiery yellow arrow shooting from it.

Zentha Beijor is a high elf Artificer (Artillerist) with Hypermobility Syndrome from this week’s Accessible Adventure of the Week: Fey & Fortune.

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!

Disabled NPC of the Week: Maledos

a gender-ambiguous brown-skinned tiefling in a muted olive leather longcoat and thigh-high boots. They hold a staff glowing blue behind them. They stand in an archway with an open arched door behind them. A hawk flies in the forest behind the open door.

Maledos is a 5th level tiefling sorcerer who also experiences severe muscle cramps as featured in our Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Weight of Glory.

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!

Disabled NPC of the Week: Jeralion the Centaur

A male centaur. The horse body, tail, and short straight human hair are black. He has horse ears coming out of the top of his head. His skin is pale. He wears a silver necklace with a medallion consisting of a + in a circle.

Jeralion the Centaur from this week’s Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Dour Dowry. Jeralion was born with a form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome known in centaurs as Slough (/slo͞o/) Hoof, which causes fatigue and pain.

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!

Disabled NPC of the Week: Tikaani 🐺

A light skinned young woman seen from the hips up with black hair and a lacy black sleeveless shirt. She's holding an apple, which is glowing. Two wolves stand by her, their heads at her waist. Behind her, a snowy wooded shoreline and a lake with hills on the other side of the lake.

From this week’s Accessible Adventure of the Week, Casts with Wolves, we bring you Tikaani, a 3rd level Circle of the Moon Druid.

Tikaani was abandoned by her mother and raised by wolves and now leads her pack. She is challenged by intrusive thoughts and vertigo.

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!

Disabled NPC of the Week: Wynford Teague

A light skinned human male with a receding dark hairline wearing a pale green shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a quiver and cloth bag across his shoulder. He's kneeling on 1 knee with a bow drawn. He has a tattoo on his left arm of a flying bird with 2 ribbons flowing behind it.

Wynford Teague, from the adventure, The Dark Watchman, is a human lighthouse keeper and archer with back and neck stiffness.

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!

Disabled NPC of the Week: Keyrie Hazelgrove

under a low canopy of trees in a forest, a light-skinned blond female elf wearing a green corset and tan pants, necklace and headband, caresses a pseudodragon on her lap. The pseudodragon is looking back at a small tyrannosaurus that is walking toward them

Keyrie Hazelgrove, from the adventure, Save the Queen!, is a high elf druid with a pseudodragon sidekick. Keyrie also has Sensory Processing Disorder.

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!

Arieni Kettlewhistle (Disabled NPC of the Week) now at DMs Guild

A halfling with shoulder-length black hair with a white poliosis patch in the center. Her eyes are narrow, and her skin is light. She is wearing scale mail with a robe over it, has a sword in her hand and another on her back along with a shortbow attached to her back.

Arieni Kettlewhistle is a fourth level Ranger (Hunter) halfling who happens to have a paralyzed arm, but she has no problem weilding her hand crossbow and short sword in the other hand! She also has Attention Deficit, so she’s easily distracted by interesting plants and fungi, but that hyperfixation makes her a fearsome opponent to vegepygmies and other plant creatures!

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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Arieni Kettlewhistle is featured in the Accessible Adventure of the Week, The Ember Elk.

We all have disabled, neurodivergent, and mentally ill people in our lives.  Maybe that’s you. Doesn’t it make sense to have them in our Dungeons & Dragons game, as well? The disabled NPC of the week makes it easy for you to bring characters like that into your game to represent those you care about in real life, to help people become comfortable interacting with people that are different from them, and to normalize disability in all of our lives. Each week, we give you a free NPC with some form of disability that you can plug right into your game, complete with game mechanics taken from the Disabilities and Depth book. Sign up for our newsletter at wyrmworkspublishing.com to get notified of more free weekly content!

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance.

Content Trigger Warnings

This character includes topics of violence.

Avery Penn 🍾 (Disabled NPC of the Week) now at DMs Guild

An illustration of a headshot of a human woman who appears to be of Latina descent with long curly dark hair. She's standing in a tavern with animal heads on the walls, holding two steins of foamy beer.

Avery Penn is a 20-year-old female human innkeeper. She has very long, curled, dark hair and brown eyes. She has rugged, dirty, brown skin. She stands 172cm (5’7″) tall and has a round build. She has a tattoo of a cobra on her right arm and a colorful tattoo of the word fear translated into draconic on her back. Born without a left hand, she has a wooden prosthetic with a leather strap and cam cleat that allows her to hold things with it. She is friendly and self-confident and enjoys listening to the villagers’ stories, celebrating with them and being a shoulder to cry on.

Available at the Dungeon Masters Guild
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This character also includes a description of her inn, The Bronze Mandolin, as featured in the Accessible Adventure of the Week, The Inevitable.

We all have disabled, neurodivergent, and mentally ill people in our lives.  Maybe that’s you. Doesn’t it make sense to have them in our Dungeons & Dragons game, as well? The disabled NPC of the week makes it easy for you to bring characters like that into your game to represent those you care about in real life, to help people become comfortable interacting with people that are different from them, and to normalize disability in all of our lives. Each week, we give you a free NPC with some form of disability that you can plug right into your game, complete with game mechanics taken from Limitless Heroics – Including Characters with Disabilities, Mental Illness, and Neurodivergence in Fifth Edition.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance.

Content Trigger Warnings

This character includes topics of death and family loss.