Arcane Tradition: Nullimancy (5e)

Nullimancer Wizard Arcane Tradition

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Nullimancers have learned the secret art of tapping into and manipulating the all-consuming energy of Oblivion. They can generate it and transform it to a variety of effects, all of which destroy matter or energy in some way. This results in new spells and features, and several existing spells have Nullimancy versions that use Oblivion instead of the Weave.

The Nullimancer is a Wizard Arcane Tradition using an entirely new form of magic from the Caphora campaign world, but it can also be used in other settings.

This product contains the full subclass, 14 new spells, and a new magic item, all based on nullimancy magic.

All play content is also available in the D&D Beyond Homebrew section so you can easily add it to your campaign in Subclasses, Spells, and Magic Items.