Embodiment of Disgust

punk orc woman with spiked mace

Disgust helps the Ardent create boundaries, recognize threats, and avoid harmful or undesirable influences. By embracing this emotion, they develop heightened awareness and protective instincts.

  1. Protective Barrier (2nd Level): Your disgust manifests as a personal barrier, making you more cautious. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while in your Passion state, as your heightened awareness keeps you alert to dangers.
  2. Vigilant Insight (6th Level): Disgust sharpens your perception of threats. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while in your Passion state, allowing you to notice hidden dangers or undesirable influences.
  3. Contempt’s Resolve (10th Level): You feel an inner fortitude when dealing with things you disdain. While in your Passion, you gain advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, diseased, or frightened.
  4. Purging Auras (14th Level): You channel disgust to remove harmful effects. As a bonus action, you can end one disease or poisoned condition affecting you once per long rest while your Passion is active.

Embodiment of Surprise

surprised me with sword

Surprise brings with it curiosity and the excitement of discovery. The Ardent embraces the unexpected, turning moments of shock into opportunity and using curiosity to fuel their drive forward.

  1. Curious Reflex (2nd Level): When you experience Passion through surprise, your mind sharpens. You can take one additional reaction per round while in your Passion state.
  2. Wondrous Agility (6th Level): Your curiosity makes you more agile and adaptive. While in your Passion, you can move an additional 10 feet as part of your movement and have advantage on Acrobatics checks.
  3. Shockwave Momentum (10th Level): Your reaction to the unexpected gives you bursts of energy. When you take damage, you can immediately move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
  4. Serendipity’s Favor (14th Level): Once per long rest while in your Passion, if you fail a saving throw, you can reroll the die and take the new result.

Embodiment of Sadness

pale woman with katana and wakizashi

Sadness deepens the Ardent’s inner strength, allowing them to process pain and turn it into endurance. By embracing sorrow and grief, the Ardent becomes capable of weathering both emotional and physical hardships, drawing resilience from their introspection.

  1. Reflective Sorrow (2nd Level): As sadness washes over you, it strengthens your ability to endure. While in your Passion state, you can reduce the damage from one attack by 1d6 per long rest, representing how you absorb emotional pain and convert it to resilience.
  2. Enduring Willpower (6th Level): The weight of sorrow reinforces your resolve. While in your Passion state, whenever you take damage, you can choose to roll a Constitution saving throw (DC = 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is higher). On a success, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.
  3. Grief’s Fortitude (10th Level): Grief reinforces your physical and emotional resolve. While in your Passion state, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks.
  4. Sorrowful Persistence (14th Level): Embracing your sadness allows you to keep going despite adversity. While in your Passion state, if you drop below half your hit points, you can regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier at the start of your turn, lasting for up to one minute. This feature can be used once per long rest.

Embodiment of Happiness

armored woman with sword and cape

Happiness empowers the Ardent by bringing a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. By embracing this feeling, the Ardent reinforces their own resilience and spreads an aura of encouragement to those around them.

  1. Joyful Surge (2nd Level): Happiness fills you with energy. When you enter your Passion state, you immediately regain hit points equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus.
  2. Contentment’s Peace (6th Level): Your sense of inner peace gives you resistance to emotional turmoil. While in your Passion, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  3. Grateful Momentum (10th Level): Your connection to happiness makes you more enduring. You can use a bonus action to take the Dash action, and opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage while you are in your Passion state.
  4. Euphoric Resilience (14th Level): Once per long rest, while in your Passion, if you drop to 0 hit points but are not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Additionally, you regain hit points equal to your Ardent level.

Embodiment of Fear

kneeling man with sword and shield

Fear sharpens the Ardent’s senses and instincts, allowing them to move swiftly and react with precision. By embracing fear rather than fleeing from it, the Ardent channels their heightened alertness into improved defensive and evasive abilities.

  1. Heightened Reflexes (2nd Level): Fear enhances your reflexes. While in your Passion state, your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  2. Anxious Precision (6th Level): Your fear-driven focus makes every action feel vital. Once per Passion state, you can reroll one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. You must use the second roll, even if it’s lower.
  3. Evasive Footwork (10th Level): Fear keeps you on your toes. While in your Passion state, when an attack roll targets you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack once per round.
  4. Survival Instinct (14th Level): When your fear spikes, you act on pure survival instinct. While in your Passion state, if you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. This feature can be used once per long rest.

Embodiment of Anger

A green orc raging with arms raised

Anger is a driving force that motivates the Ardent to overcome obstacles. It is an emotion that calls for change and action, and when wielded constructively, it becomes a tool of immense strength and resilience.

  1. Burning Determination (2nd Level): While experiencing Passion through anger, you feel a relentless drive. You gain temporary hit points equal to your level, which last until your Passion ends.
  2. Frustration’s Focus (6th Level): When something prevents you from succeeding (such as missing an attack or failing an ability check), your frustration sharpens your focus. You can reroll one failed attack roll or ability check per round while your Passion is active.
  3. Channel the Heat (10th Level): You’ve learned to harness the burning sensation of anger, making you more resistant to physical harm. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage while in your Passion state.
  4. Unbreakable Will (14th Level): As your anger peaks, so does your refusal to back down. When you are reduced to 0 hit points while in your Passion, you can instead drop to 1 hit point. This can be used once per long rest.


ginger dwarf with axe

When the village bell tolls, Jara feels a familiar sense of fear tighten in her chest. Instead of letting it paralyze her, she takes a deep breath, letting the fear fuel her movements as she races toward the danger. Fear sharpens her focus, heightens her reflexes, and hones her instincts. In this moment, Jara knows that her fear isn’t a weakness—it’s what will keep her alive.

Mirek walks the battlefield in silence, his eyes downcast as grief threatens to overtake him. But rather than burying his sorrow, he embraces it. The pain reminds him of the lives lost, the ones he fights to protect. Each step he takes becomes a vow, his sadness giving him the endurance to continue, even when hope seems faint.

Ainsley’s laughter rings out as she moves through the crowd, her lighthearted nature a balm to those around her. But when the time comes to act, that joy transforms into a well of energy, driving her actions with precision and grace. Happiness isn’t just something she feels—it’s a force that propels her forward, making her quicker, sharper, and harder to pin down.

The Ardent channels their emotional states into powerful actions, affirming that all emotions—whether joyful or painful—have value and purpose. While others might suppress or ignore their feelings, the Ardent embraces theirs, drawing strength, insight, and resilience from every emotional experience. Their power is not derived from manipulating the emotions of others but from their own intense emotional experiences, which they use to fuel their physical and mental prowess.

Whether motivated by righteous anger, deep sorrow, or focused anxiety, the Ardent’s Passion manifests as a heightened state of being, turning inner turmoil into a tool for survival and protection. Their Passion is not a frenzied outburst but a deep expression of personal truth. The Ardent’s philosophy is simple: every emotion has worth, and they are stronger for embracing them all.

Creating an Ardent

When creating your Ardent, think about their relationship with emotions. Are they someone who always felt deeply, even when it caused discomfort, or have they recently learned to harness their emotional depth? Consider their experiences with various emotions—do they find strength in anger, resolve in sadness, or focus in fear? Perhaps joy and surprise inspire them to act with agility and determination.

Each Ardent views emotions differently, but all understand the transformative power that emotions can offer. Your Ardent’s emotional core will shape their actions in both combat and daily life. Whether they’re driven by deep personal loss, a protective nature, or an unwavering sense of justice, their Passion is a manifestation of their emotional truth.

Quick Build
To make an Ardent quickly, follow these suggestions. First, make Wisdom your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the outlander or hermit background. Third, choose the longsword, explorer’s pack, and chain mail as your starting equipment.

Key Questions for Your Ardent:

  • What emotional experiences define you?
  • Which emotions do you channel most often?
  • How do you view the role of emotions in your life and battles?
  • Do you see your emotional depth as a blessing, a burden, or simply a fact of life?

Your Ardent class is driven by intense emotions, fueling action in battle and beyond. The Fervent Embodiments represent the various ways an Ardent channels their emotions, drawing on unique feelings to guide their powers.

The Ardent Table

Level Proficiency Bonus Passion Uses Features Fervent Embodiments
1st +2 2 Passion, Emotional Insight
2nd +2 2 Fervent Embodiment, Emotional Resilience 1
3rd +2 3 Emotional Surge 1
4th +2 3 Ability Score Improvement 1
5th +3 3 Emotional Overdrive 1
6th +3 4 Fervent Embodiment feature 2
7th +3 4 Resonant Spirit 2
8th +3 4 Ability Score Improvement 2
9th +4 4 Unyielding Passion 2
10th +4 5 Fervent Embodiment feature 2
11th +4 5 Emotional Empowerment 2
12th +4 5 Ability Score Improvement 2
13th +5 5 Boundless Heart 2
14th +5 6 Fervent Embodiment feature 3
15th +5 6 Focused Emotion 3
16th +5 6 Ability Score Improvement 3
17th +6 6 Ardent Mastery 3
18th +6 7 Fervent Embodiment feature 3
19th +6 7 Ability Score Improvement 3
20th +6 7 Emotional Ascendancy 3


Class Features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d12 per Ardent level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per Ardent level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools or a musical instrument
  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a greataxe or (b) any martial weapon
  • (a) two handaxes or (b) any simple weapon
  • An explorer’s pack and four javelins

1st Level: Passion

charging orc warrior with 2 swordsYou tap into the well of your emotions, using the depth of your feelings to enhance your performance in critical moments. Your Passion is a heightened state of focused intensity, empowering you both mentally and physically.

You can enter a Passion state as a bonus action, allowing you to channel your emotions to gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • Heightened Awareness. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Wisdom (Perception) checks as you become acutely aware of the world around you and the emotional undercurrents of your environment.
  • Emotional Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, as your emotional focus shields you from external influences that would alter your state of mind.
  • Unwavering Resolve. You gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + half your Ardent level (minimum of 1) when you enter the Passion state.
  • Swift Reactions. Once per round, when you are hit by an attack or targeted by a spell, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll or force the caster to make a concentration check (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier). On a failure, the attack misses, or the spell’s effect is negated.
  • You cannot cast spells or maintain concentration on spells during Passion, as the intensity of your emotions requires your full attention.
  • Your Passion ends early if you are knocked unconscious, if you choose to end it (no action required), or if you don’t take damage or make an attack against a hostile creature on your turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses after a long rest.

1st Level: Emotional Insight

As someone in tune with your own emotions, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to discern the emotional state of others.

2nd Level: Fervent Embodiment

At 2nd level, you choose a Fervent Embodiment, a deep connection to a primary emotion that shapes your abilities. You gain features from your chosen embodiment at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

2nd Level: Emotional Resilience

While you’re not in a Passion state, you gain proficiency in saving throws against being charmed or frightened, representing your ability to ground yourself in your emotions rather than being manipulated by others.

3rd Level: Emotional Surge

At 3rd level, when you use your Passion feature, you can also choose to manifest a surge of emotion. When you activate your Passion, you may unleash an emotional burst, allowing you to do one of the following:

  • Anger: Gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
  • Fear: Choose a creature within 30 feet. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
  • Happiness: You and one ally within 30 feet gain advantage on your next attack roll or saving throw within 1 minute.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.

5th Level: Emotional Overdrive

Your Passion drives you to act with extraordinary speed. While in a Passion state, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

7th Level: Resonant Spirit

At 7th level, your intense emotions bolster your physical and mental endurance. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws if you don’t already have it. If you already have this proficiency, choose another saving throw proficiency.

9th Level: Unyielding Passion

Your Passion allows you to push beyond normal limits. When you would be reduced to 0 hit points while in a Passion state, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can use this feature once per long rest.

11th Level: Emotional Empowerment

While in a Passion state, your emotional power deepens. The bonus damage from your Passion increases to +3, and when you use Emotional Surge, you can now choose two effects instead of one.

13th Level: Boundless Heart

At 13th level, you learn to channel the intensity of your emotions to recover more swiftly. When you finish a short rest, you regain one use of your Passion feature.

15th Level: Focused Emotion

Your control over your emotions sharpens. When you activate your Passion, you may choose to gain one of the following benefits for the duration:

  • Gain advantage on Constitution saving throws.
  • Gain resistance to psychic damage.

17th Level: Ardent Mastery

At 17th level, you can enter a state of Perfect Passion once per long rest. When you activate this feature, your Passion lasts for 10 minutes, and you do not lose it if you haven’t attacked or taken damage. Additionally, your Passion bonus damage increases to +4, and you gain resistance to all damage except force damage.

20th Level: Emotional Ascendancy

At 20th level, your mastery of emotions transcends normal limits. When you roll initiative and have no uses of Passion left, you regain one use. Additionally, your Passion bonus damage increases to +5.

Fervent Embodiments

The Fervent Embodiments represent the primary emotions that shape the Ardent’s abilities and powers. Each embodiment focuses on a different aspect of emotional experience, allowing the Ardent to channel their feelings into unique strengths and skills.

The Gods of Andovir

mountains and a starlit sky reflected in water

From the start, all of the gods were unified and sang the planes and their inhabitants into existence. They sang with harmonious improvisation, adding to the song through creation: the bass drum of the giants, the clarinet elves, the xylophone dwarves, the cymbal orcs, the bar chime gnomes, the piccolo goblins, the trumpeting humans, the many strings of the dragons, and the halfling rests between notes, rarely noticed but crucial to the song. Each was another tone, another verse, another note, another chord, and we still carry those rhythms in us through our heartbeats and breathing, our innate developments of rituals and habits.

But over time, some gods felt that, to reach our full potential, we needed competition. The others argued that we are stronger together through community, but to prove their point, those who would become the Twilight Pantheon started a multiversal competition, which almost immediately devolved into war. They approved. They claimed that deception would force us to seek and better know truth, that isolation would make us desperate for unity, that hate would strengthen love, that fear would produce a longing for hope. But those vices became self-perpetuating, and the Twilight Pantheon decided that, if we would not strive for harmony, then we deserve the resulting cacophony. They affirmed their decision and intensified their efforts. We would either learn out of desperation or experience the ultimate consequences of our failure. Over time, their contempt grew until they found amusement in the strife itself, but they still keep the pretense of striving for improvement.

The Lords of Light held that those who know truth can spot deception and that no one threat is stronger than an infinite diverse community. They held that hope and love provide greater lasting motivation for goals that benefit all creatures.

The pantheon of Andovir is divided into two opposing forces: the Lords of Light and the Twilight Pantheon. The Lords of Light embody compassion, generosity, loyalty, and truth, guiding mortals toward unity, peace, and the flourishing of life. Their teachings focus on uplifting others, fostering community, and protecting the vulnerable. In contrast, the Twilight Pantheon thrives on self-interest, deception, and manipulation, prioritizing personal power and survival at any cost. Where the Light seeks balance and growth, the Twilight embraces ambition, indulgence, and the relentless pursuit of control, often through destruction or domination. This duality shapes the spiritual and moral landscape of Andovir, as followers choose between selfless service and self-centered ambition.

Lords of Light


outline of one hand lifting anotherTitles: Defender of the weak, Servant King, Builder of lives

Divine rank: Greater God

Position: God of Compassionate Love

Holy symbol: Two hands, one pulling the other up

Alignment: Neutral Good

Cleric alignments: Any Good

Portfolio: Love, compassion, peace, forgiveness

Domains: Arcana, Life, Light, Protection, War

Favored weapon: Philosyne’s followers prefer entangling weapons like mancatchers and chain weapons with the intent of incapacitating opponents. They also prefer spiked bucklers to use against entangled opponents. Other preferred weapons include tools that can also function as weapons. They eschew weapons whose only function is to kill and destroy.

Appearance: Philosyne appears as an older man in plain clothes with worn knees, a smile on his face, like a friendly grandpa, typically of the same ancestry as those around him. His hands are calloused and strong but gentle. Philosyne frequently manifests on the Prime Material Plane, actively helping the disadvantaged and marginalized. However, he remains inconspicuous, operating in the background to empower and inspire others, often going unnoticed until after his intervention. Philosyne is often accompanied by his wife, Amara, embodying the synergy of compassion and love.

Realm: Philosyne and his servants can usually be found around Elysium and the other upper planes, helping others wherever they can and coordinating with other beings to plan for the greater good.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Philosyne’s temples are multifaceted structures designed to serve the community. They encompass conference rooms, workshops, lounges, and planning areas to organize and prepare for community outreach and aid.

Tenets: Philosyne’s teachings center around compassionate love and selfless acts. They emphasize that Philosyne’s love encompasses all individuals, enabling their followers to trust in that love and dedicate themselves to serving others. Philosyne encourages their followers to experience the divine love and, in turn, teach others the joy of loving and serving.

Deity’s Paladins Code: Paladins of Philosyne vow to champion the defenseless and forsake personal quests when encountering individuals in dire need. They prioritize the well-being and protection of those who cannot defend themselves.

Sects and Cults: The Opheilo cult of Philosyne has taken the self-sacrifice concept but lost the freedom, turning self-sacrifice into a demanding requirement, so personal injuries and even sacrificing relationships become a badge of honor. They function on guilt in a constant effort to pay back Philosyne’s love for them, but the leadership “provides opportunities to serve” by taking advantage of members and making cruel demands, doing little or no service for anyone themselves.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Philosyne holds respect for all beings, seeking their well-being and growth, even extending their compassion to evil beings. While Philosyne aims to guide them towards the path of goodness, they will intervene to protect the defenseless from harm caused by evil entities. This inclusive approach has earned Philosyne a commendable reputation among all good-aligned creatures. However, neutral beings may view Philosyne as overly idealistic, while evil beings often attempt to exploit their compassion. Philosyne allows some manipulation, but always with a plan to bring about positive outcomes for others.


a pitcher pouring into an overflowing steinTitles: Giver of all good gifts, The Source

Divine rank: Greater Goddess

Position: Goddess of Generosity

Holy symbol: Liquid flowing into an overflowing cup

Alignment: Neutral Good

Cleric alignments: Any Good

Portfolio: Generosity, resource management, creativity and artistry, celebration and parties, food and drink

Domains: Knowledge, Life, Protection, Forge, War

Favored weapon: Eudoxia favors weapons that can be used as tools, like hammers for the forge, knives for craftsmanship, polearms for agriculture, and other multi-purpose implements. Eudoxia also prefers missile weapons, an ironic twist on the concept of giving far and wide.

Appearance: Eudoxia appears as a graceful woman of the same ancestry as those around her, embodying the beauty of generosity She dresses as a woman of high social status and has a presence of respectability, but she wears modest jewelry. She always wears a purse and is often depicted carrying a bowl and cup in times of peace or her longbow and quiver of endless arrows in times of war.

Realm: While Eudoxia calls Elysium home, her magnificent estate in Amoria hosts a never-ending party, and she’s often found celebrating with friends in the Twin Paradises or on hunts in the Happy Hunting Grounds.

Dogma, clergy and temples: While the core of Eudoxia-worship is generous giving to others, she doesn’t require poverty. Eudoxia gives to her adherents that they may give of her abundance to others. In order to best use her gifts, adherents are encouraged to invest their resources wisely and use their possessions and positions for others. Her temples are filled with ornate artwork and carvings, their halls echoing with music, but with few precious metals or jewels, preferring the value to be in the craftsmanship, not the cost of the materials. Every temple of Eudoxia also has a large ballroom reserved for feeding and sheltering the poor and for hosting quarterly balls, to which all are invited, rich and poor.

Tenets: The core principle of Eudoxia’s worship centers around generous giving and selfless acts. Followers place their trust in Eudoxia’s abundant blessings and are encouraged to share her gifts by supporting the temple’s service work, employing their artistic talents to enrich the community, and extending assistance to those in need.

Deity’s Paladins Code: Paladins of Eudoxia prefer ornate and beautiful armor and weapons as a testament to her generosity. They also carry additional supplies of food and resources reserved explicitly for aiding those they encounter who are in need.

Sects and Cults: The Dispensia sect encourages adherents to contribute their possessions to the leaders, who, in theory, redistribute them to address communal needs. However, in practice, these leaders often retain the majority for themselves. Some areas have experienced coercion from the cult, forcing impoverished villages to surrender their resources under the guise of generosity while the leaders luxuriate in opulence. They have been known to use henchmen to ensure the generosity of the citizens.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Eudoxia is especially loved by fey for her artistic emphasis and her constant celebration.


interlocking heartsTitles: The Ever-Present, The Unwavering, The Faithful

Divine rank: Greater Goddess

Position: Goddess of Loyalty

Holy symbol: Interlocking hearts

Alignment: Lawful Good

Cleric alignments: Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral

Portfolio: Loyalty, commitment, friendship, promises, community, devotion

Domains: Life, light, protection, war

Favored weapon: Amara prefers weapons composed of two connected pieces, like nunchaku and flails.

Appearance: Amara appears as a kind elderly woman of the same ancestry as those around her. She dresses in humble local clothing, reflecting her affinity for simplicity and devotion. 

Realm: As Philosyne’s wife, Amara spends much of her time at his side. When they’re not together, she enjoys spending time building friendships with beings from Nirvana to Elysium, and as such, if she or her followers are threatened, many available beings will respond in kind to her loyalty by fighting in her name.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Amara-worshippers are known for their complex harmonious music, liturgies, and greetings. When Amara-worshippers meet each other, they sometimes take several minutes to greet each other with responsive greetings, an expression of unity: “Amara is with you.” “She will never leave us.” “Her faithfulness never ends.” And back and forth it goes, sometimes spoken, sometimes transitioning to music as their smiles grow. Amara’s temples serve as community centers where all ages and faiths are welcome, and her festivals take the form of carnivals or team sporting events.

Tenets: Amara’s teachings center in her faithfulness to her followers, so they respond in faithfulness to others. Her followers strive to uphold their promises, fulfill their obligations, and remain steadfast in their commitments to others.

Deity’s Paladins Code: Paladins of Amara strive to never break a promise. They’re also intensely loyal to their friends, fellow Amara-worshippers and Philosyne-worshippers, and will never give up defending or rescuing one to whom they’ve sworn loyalty, but they exercise discretion and wisdom, retreating in the face of insurmountable odds to strategize and plan a successful rescue.

Sects and Cults: The Erimus cult takes a hard line on their rituals and, for the sake of agreement, reject all rituals past the date of the cult’s founding to be heretical. Consequently, they hate the mainline Amara religion and refuse to participate in Amara’s festivals and sometimes even sabotage them. They do have their own quarterly festivals, but because they fall on the same dates as mainline Amara festivals and are more subdued (using the same music, food, and games every year), communities tend to attend the mainline festivals instead. Unlike other followers of the Lords of Light who engage in worship across multiple deities, the Erimus cult solely worships Amara and remains socially isolated within their communities.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Amara’s emphasis on relationships and friendships endears her to various peoples and beings. She particularly holds a special place in the hearts of halflings, tiggywinkles, and other “hearth folk.” However, many beings from diverse planes, including the chaotic realms, consider themselves “friends of Amara,” a sentiment she wholeheartedly reciprocates.


A lantern with an eye in itTitles: Illuminator of Truth, The Guiding Beacon, Revealer of Mysteries

Divine rank: Greater God

Position: Truth and Justice

Holy symbol: Lantern with an eye instead of a flame

Alignment: Lawful Good

Cleric alignments: Lawful Neutral or any Good, must also have INT 12+

Portfolio: Truth, Knowledge, Justice, Light

Domains: Arcana, Life, Light, Protection, Knowledge

Favored weapon: Luminaris prefers piercing weapons, which more easily get under the armor that conceals the true nature of an enemy.

Appearance: Luminaris appears as a genderless being, mirroring the ancestry of those around them. They wear a luminous crown adorned with eye-like gems. Their radiant presence shines so brightly that it renders non-divine beings blinded when they attempt to look directly at them. The light emitted by Luminaris eliminates shadows within a 1000 foot radius and inflicts 100 hp radiant damage per round on creatures from the Demiplane of Shadow.

Realm: Luminaris lives in a gleaming castle in Lunia and holds court in their massive judgment hall. The rest of the castle consists of libraries and lavish housing for those executed for crimes they didn’t commit.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Luminaris’s temples are brightly lit, open spaces, using massive arches to eliminate the need for support columns besides those built into the outer walls. They serve as public libraries, schools, and housing for refugees, abuse victims, and all those who face injustice. Clerics of Luminaris focus on social justice, actively aiding the marginalized and persecuted. They engage in intellectual and legal battles, prioritizing non-violent methods to defend those who cannot protect themselves.

Tenets: Centered on truth, including the exposure of falsehoods that perpetuate injustice, Luminaris’s followers strive for honesty and abhor deception. When faced with a problem, they seek its root cause, firmly believing that “light can banish the deepest darkness.”

Deity’s Paladins Code: Paladins of Luminaris are duty-bound to intervene whenever they encounter unjust persecution or abuse. They will alter their current path to provide aid to those in need to the best of their abilities. In cases of systemic injustice, they strive to establish local efforts to combat the wrongdoing or call for reinforcements when necessary.

Sects and Cults: The Aletheia cult is a Lawful Neutral cult that emphasizes truth at all costs. While the mainstream Luminaris followers emphasize truth for the benefit of others, the Aletheia see themselves as guardians of truth, or their version of the truth, at the expense of others. They’re known more for what they’re against than what they’re for, and they’re best known for their persecution of Tieflings.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Luminaris is revered and cherished by creatures of Law and those who seek knowledge for the benefit of others. Dwarves, in particular, tend to hold a deep affection for Luminaris.


acornTitles: The Inherent Beauty, The Verdant Muse

Divine rank: Greater Goddess

Position: Goddess of Beauty and Nature

Holy symbol: Acorn

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Cleric alignments: Any non-evil

Portfolio: Nature, beauty, life, creation

Domains: Life, Nature, Protection, Trickery, Tempest

Favored weapon: Elowen prefers weapons crafted from natural materials, such as wooden staffs, bone daggers, or stone-tipped arrows. She encourages her followers to avoid metal weapons that disrupt the harmony of the natural world.

Appearance: Elowen takes the form of a captivating fairy with radiant brown skin and flowing green hair. She adorns her head with a wreath made of leaves, flowers, berries, and acorns, symbolizing the bounty of nature. She wears a simple blue dress that flows like a waterfall.

Realm: While Elowen delights in exploring and enhancing the beauty of the Prime Material Plane, she also finds solace in the lush upper planes, reveling in their verdant landscapes.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Elowen’s temples are forest glades, flowering prairies, and desert oases. Her clergy (mostly druids) seek to care for creation even while they let creation care for others. All of Elowen’s clerics are trained in herbalism and/or animal handling and wilderness survival, and they love to get their hands dirty enjoying the gifts Elowen gives through nature.

Tenets: Elowen’s followers believe that nature is a reciprocal gift to be managed responsibly and to enjoy. They treat the natural world as a friend, savoring every gift it brings and seeking to give back even more.

Many of Elowen’s followers, especially the fey and clerics, tattoo their faces with elaborate natural designs.

Deity’s Paladins Code: Paladins of Elowen wield weapons crafted solely from natural materials, such as wooden staffs with stone tips or bone blades. They exhibit conscientiousness toward their impact on the land and actively strive to leave minimal ecological footprints. Whenever the need arises to fell a tree, they pledge to plant two new saplings in its place. Additionally, when encountering wounded animals, they prioritize nursing them back to health, even if it inconveniences their party.

Sects and Cults: The Sylvan Circle is composed of elves and other fey who see all other humanoid races as a blight on the earth. They only eat fruit and nuts that have fallen from trees or animals that have died of natural causes, not wanting to kill any of Elowen’s creatures, although they have no problem with violence against “the blight,” often sabotaging mills, farming equipment, and other equipment and facilities used to “murder the earth.” They’re also known to set domesticated animals free, and when pets or other loyal animals don’t run away, they kill the animals. “Better saved than slaved!”

Affiliated Lesser Beings: As Elowen’s focus is more obvious above ground, she’s particularly loved by elves and other fey.

Twilight Pantheon


Kite shield with crossed arms, a skull at the topTitles: Lord of Survival, The Preserver, Giver of Immortality

Divine rank: Greater God

Position: God of Self-Preservation

Holy symbol: A kite shield with arms crossed as if hugging itself and a skull at the top

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Cleric alignments: Non-Lawful Neutral or Evil

Portfolio: Self-preservation, War, Undead

Domains: Death, grave, protection, trickery, war

Favored weapon: Svayam only uses 1-handed weapons so he can always use a shield to protect himself.

Appearance: Svayam always appears in red full-plate armor with a kite shield and longsword.

Realm: Svayam resides on an undisclosed plane of the Abyss, but his influence extends far beyond a single plane. He keeps his location secret to protect himself but uses extensive magical wards and traps. He uses minions but trusts only the undead under his direct control.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Svayam teaches self-preservation above all. His clerics often speak of immortality and eternal life, but those terms refer to necromancy and the undead. They speak of protection and preservation, but ultimately only of themselves. Svayam’s worship involves dark rituals and the exploitation of the vulnerable, though they maintain plausible deniability. Svayam’s temples often offer care for the elderly, serving as both income source and future undead recruits. Clerics collaborate closely due to mutual suspicion. Assassins’ guilds frequently ally with local Svayam temples.

Tenets: Svayam’s teachings revolve around self-preservation through mistrust and deception. The most revered followers are those who outwit their peers.

Deity’s Paladins Code: Svayam’s Paladins never go into battle without a shield. They also only fight when the personal benefit vastly outweighs the risk, or they have some perceived guarantee that they will be restored by some means if fallen in battle.

Sects and Cults: Some Svayam cults follow the Shadowbinders sect, which has a greater emphasis on murder for necromantic purposes. A city with a Shadowbinders sect will eventually become a horrifying nest of undeath. Many of these sects are secretly led by vampires or other powerful sentient undead.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Svayam is revered by necromancers and those seeking to extend their existence at any cost. Svayam is also the patron of many sentient aberrations, some of whom covertly lead Svayam temples.


jeweled tiaraTitles: Wealth of the world, Mistress of all the Sparkles, The Most Precious Jewel, The Merry Heart

Divine rank: Greater Goddess

Position: Possessions (Greed)

Holy symbol: A jewel-covered tiara

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Cleric alignments: Any non-good

Portfolio: Wealth, deception, avarice, illusion, rogues, indulgence

Domains: Trickery, Illusion, Protection, Knowledge

Favored weapon: Velara never engages in direct combat. That’s what attendants are for! Her clerics, as her defenders, prefer quick weapons that can be used with panache, especially light swords like rapiers and other finesse weapons, avoiding blunt weapons and pole arms. 

Appearance: Velara appears as middle-aged dwarven woman wearing excessive jewelry, a fancy dress woven with jewels and threads of precious metals, and always carrying a purse full of money. She’s constantly surrounded by attendants, catering to her every desire.

Realm: Velara lives in a great gold and ivory castle carved into a mountainside on Colothys, tended by enslaved fiends, dragons, and the souls of her deceased followers, each of which wears golden shackles around neck, arms, and legs with chains that fade away at a distance but are all within reach of Velara.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Velara’s temples are places of opulent wealth, white marble adorned with precious metals and jewels, at least one dragon statue, and an altar that appears to be four dwarves holding a slab of marble above their heads, all guarded by elite swordsmen at all times. Her clerics typically have close ties with local thieves’ guilds. They offer wealth and riches to their adherents, typically run ponzi schemes and other deceptive swindles that pull their adherents in deeper and deeper. Every temple also includes a casino.

Tenets: Each adherent pledges 20% of their income to a patron, becoming patrons themselves to those they convert into Velara’s worship, creating a pyramid scheme of wealth. All patrons must also contribute 20% of their earnings to the local temple, with a high priestess overseeing these contributions. Half of these earnings are invested in temple operations, while the rest is retained by the high priestess.

Deity’s Paladins Code: All paladins must give 50% of their earnings to the local temple in addition to their patron earnings. They also typically run protection rackets in the community surrounding the temple.

Sects and Cults: The Hidden Web, typically a secret faction within a local Velara hierarchy, focuses on driving people into debt with loan sharks, fraud, and drug addiction. Once individuals are ensnared by debt, they are coerced into indentured servitude and other exploitative practices, forever bound by their debts.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Velara is the queen of all dragons and believed by many to be their mother, alongside Svayam.  Even though many dragons aren’t evil, their obsession with material wealth makes them attracted to Velara. Few dragons ever break her hold on them. She also enthralls many dwarves, and her temples can be found in most dwarven cities. Many other marketplaces, breweries, and thieves’ guild headquarters include shrines to Velara.


An inverted heart with a keyhole in the middleTitles: The Temptress, Mistress of Illusion, Lady of Discontent

Divine rank: Greater Goddess

Position: Hedonism (Desire)

Holy symbol: An inverted heart with a keyhole in the middle

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Cleric alignments: Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Sensual pleasure, unfulfilled desires

Domains: Trickery, Illusion, Tempest, Knowledge

Favored weapon: Erimara favors weapons that manipulate perception and inflict psychological torment, such as whips or daggers with hallucinogenic toxins.

Appearance: Erimara takes the form of an irresistibly alluring woman, dressed in seductive attire that reflects the desires of those who gaze upon her. She’s always accompanied by several succubi/incubi but is noticeably more attractive than her attendants.

Realm: Erimara rules a layer of the Abyss in a dark castle filled with red and violet velvet and silk. The halls echo with the anguish of those whom her religion seduced in life who spend eternity facing offers of all they desire but never attaining fulfillment.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Erimara’s temples are opulent halls of sensory indulgence, designed to captivate the desires of mortals. The clergy of Erimara employ elaborate illusions and intoxicating scents to entice their followers. These temples serve as havens for those seeking to pursue their deepest desires, although the ultimate result is an insatiable craving that leaves one feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied.

Tenets: Erimara teaches that the pursuit of pleasure and desire is the ultimate goal in life. However, her followers are encouraged to constantly seek new sensations and experiences, never allowing themselves to truly find lasting fulfillment. They believe that the journey of desire is more important than the destination.

Deity’s Paladins Code: Erimara’s paladins, known as Eclipsed Souls, serve as enforcers of her will. Their duty is to manipulate the desires of others, exploiting their weaknesses and leading them down a path of unfulfilled longing. They sow discord and chaos in relationships, driving mortals into an eternal cycle of dissatisfaction.

Sects and Cults: The Delirium Coven is a sect devoted to Erimara that specializes in weaving intricate illusions and casting spells of enchantment. They lure unsuspecting victims into a web of deceit, promising boundless pleasure and fulfillment, only to deliver a perpetual state of emotional emptiness and despair.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Erimara is served by and associated with various demons and undead with life draining abilities.


A gray amorphous shape with a faded gradient around the edgesTitles: The Wise Eye, The Be Cause

Divine rank: Greater God

Position: God of Pragmatism

Holy symbol: A gray amorphous shape with a faded gradient around the edges

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Cleric alignments: Any chaotic

Portfolio: Situational ethics, expediency, resourcefulness

Domains: Arcana, knowledge, trickery, tempest

Favored weapon: Zyraeth has no preferred weapon. Practicality eliminates such requirements.

Appearance: Zyraeth appears in whatever humanoid form is most expedient for the situation, but is always recognizable by a distinctive mark over one eye.

Realm: Zyraeth has multiple cottages and fortresses on Pandesmos and Cocytus, living wherever his whims take him. These buildings have shifting walls and corridors and often lead randomly to other planes, although Zyraeth can use them flawlessly.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Zyraeth’s temples are constructed using whatever resources are most readily available, even if it inconveniences others. Clerics often contradict each other, and the teachings of one temple may drastically differ from another. This can lead to rivalry between temples, and alliances with others, including temples of other deities.

Tenets: Zyraeth is a god of adaptability and contradiction, requiring flexibility from his followers. His wisdom must not be questioned, even when it contradicts previous statements. The end always justifies the means.

Deity’s Paladins Code: Zyraeth’s paladins choose their own code with a specific action requirement and a prohibition, then must follow that code to the letter always – until it becomes impractical, at which point they must create a new code.

Sects and Cults: Every temple of Zyraeth is essentially its own sect, adapting to local circumstances and opportunities.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Zyraeth is the most popular deity among opportunistic humanoid races. He is also believed to have tenuous alliances with multiple creatures of chaos but is ultimately trusted by no one, as befits his nature.


A set of 3 steps with a boot on the top stepTitles: The Highest of the High and Greatest of the Great

Divine rank: Greater God

Position: Ambition and Personal Advancement (at any cost)

Holy symbol: A set of 3 steps with a boot on the top step

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Cleric alignments: Any evil

Portfolio: Ambition, social climbing, political manipulation, competition

Domains: Arcana, knowledge, trickery, war

Favored weapon: Zalthrax prefers blunt weapons, especially hammers, that flatten the opposition.

Appearance: Zalthrax appears as a middle-aged individual, adapting to the appearance that suits the situation best, usually dressed in the clothing most closely associated with the local wealthy, but always wearing some kind of boots.

Realm: Zalthrax rules supremely over Oinos atop an obsidian tower. Inside, a staircase with steps of random heights ascends from the ground to the top, populated by various fiends, but it’s impossible to ever reach the top, no matter how many steps one climbs. That said, the steps are not a loop, so beings who fall will fall down the entire distance they’ve climbed thus far.

Dogma, clergy and temples: Zalthrax’s clergy adheres to a strict hierarchy, engaging in fierce competition for positions of power within the cult. Temples dedicated to Zalthrax are constructed in a ziggurat-like shape, with increasingly deadly traps as one ascends higher. Clergy members often hold influential government positions, utilizing their power to further their ambitions. Temples are sustained by contributions from adherents.

Tenets: Adherents must pay dues based on income and position in the hierarchy. The rate is regressive, with those at the bottom paying the highest percentage. Adherents constantly strive to seek the highest level in their occupation at whatever cost, sacrificing reputation, family, friends, the well-being of others, or anything else deemed necessary.

Deity’s Paladins Code: Paladins constantly strive for position and will undermine the leader of a party if necessary to attain a position of leadership. They also oversee the enforcement of hierarchies and the collection of tithes.

Sects and Cults: While most Zalthrax adherents operate primarily by manipulation and political maneuvering, the Ascendants are known for preferring overt displays of power, including violence, to gain and maintain their positions.

Affiliated Lesser Beings: Zalthrax is is revered especially by ambitious and ruthless humanoids. He also has a number of powerful beings serving under him, each constantly vying for his favor and a higher position in his hierarchy.


sunset landscape with lake, mountain and town on water, digital painting. Indigo dragon scale top and bottom border. Top: Andovir Atlas: Stoneharbor. Bottom: indigo tribal tattoo-style dragon head Wyrmworks Publishing logo on parchment.

Andovir Atlas: Stoneharbor

The following material is from the back cover of the book.

The Ballad of Stoneharbor

Oh, gather ’round ye sailors brave, and hear the tale of yore,
Of Stoneharbor where the mountains gave their treasures to the shore.
With daring hearts and iron wills, the founders carved their place,
From granite cliffs to ocean chills, they built a city’s grace.


Stoneharbor, Stoneharbor, where the mountains greet the sea,
With hearts so bold and tales untold, that’s where we long to be.
Stoneharbor, Stoneharbor, the gem of Andovir,
We’ll raise our sails to catch the gales and journey back to here.

Today the winds of trade still blow, through markets full and bright,
From ships that come and ships that go, by day and through the night.
The city’s heart beats strong and true, its people brave and free,
In Stoneharbor’s vibrant view, the future’s ours to see.

So lift your voice and raise your hand, to Stoneharbor so grand,
Where past and future proudly stand, a beacon on the land.
With every tide and passing year, our city’s light will shine,
In Stoneharbor we’ll persevere, and call it ever mine.

About Andovir Atlas

This supplement is part of the Andovir Atlas Series, offering detailed explorations of the inclusive world of Andovir. As an accesspunk setting, Andovir incorporates accessibility as a fundamental aspect of its cultures, reflecting a world where universal design is integral to everyday life. This approach not only enriches gameplay but also serves to inspire real-world changes, making our lives more inclusive and fantastic. Future installments in the series will include more locations like this one, a comprehensive player’s guide, GM’s guide, bestiary, and a variety of adventures to further expand your campaign.

Sa sre Uufhee!

(“Welcome to Stoneharbor” in the Shathun language)

Stoneharbor is a city of contrasts and marvels, where the ingenuity of its inhabitants is matched only by the grandeur of its setting. Nestled partly beneath the towering mountain of Spirit Rock, partly along a rugged shoreline, and partly upon a sprawling wharf, Stoneharbor is a testament to the union of nature and craftsmanship.

Founded by pioneering dwarves, minotaurs, humans, and orcs, Stoneharbor has evolved into a diverse metropolis, renowned for its innovative technology, robust trade networks, and resilient spirit. The echoes of its storied past resonate through the city, from the ancient dwarven halls and minotaur tunnels carved deep into the mountain to the lively waterfront where sailors and merchants from across the seas converge.

Today, Stoneharbor is a beacon of opportunity and adventure, drawing travelers, scholars, and adventurers with its promise of discovery and fortune. The city’s reputation as a hub of trade and invention is well-earned, with its bustling markets offering goods from every corner of Andovir and its arcane workshops producing marvels of magical engineering. The intricate balance of power between its council, guilds, and enigmatic criminal elements creates a dynamic environment where intrigue and alliances shape daily life.

Stoneharbor’s unique blend of ancient traditions and cutting-edge innovation makes it a place where legends are born and where every corner holds the potential for new stories. Whether exploring the depths of Spirit Rock’s tunnels, navigating the treacherous waters of its harbors, or uncovering the secrets of its arcane spires, adventurers will find that Stoneharbor is a city that challenges and rewards in equal measure.

History of Stoneharbor

Foundations in Stone (6-224)

For centuries, the Shathun and Myusuntan dwarves were part of a united society known for mining and craftsmanship. Around year 6, those who would become the Shathun dwarves allied with the tunnel-dwelling Minotaur Therigen, integrating their strength and navigation skills into what became Shathun culture. The Myusuntan dwarves remained insular, preserving their heritage. This split laid the foundation for the distinct identities and migration of the Shathun and Myusuntan dwarves into separate cultures and locations as the Shathun migrated westward toward the coast.

A severe earthquake in year 95 prompted exploration of surface living for safety.

Shifting to the Shore (279-296)

A catastrophic mining accident in year 279 forced evacuation to the shore, marking the city’s surface expansion and integration of the Orcs and Humans whose fishing villages covered the coast. Expansion along the coast led to territorial disputes with the Quenians, and in year 296 led to a war, the Shathun forming an alliance with the Thathavay and adopting their Stream Silks technology for naval superiority.

As the Shathun expanded, they established several key settlements. Brooz, a strategically located port city south of Stoneharbor, quickly grew due to its advantageous position for trade and defense. Its access to fertile lands and open sea routes made it an economic hub and eventually the political center of the Kingdom of Nluubdaria. Its access to farmland and ability to manage both inland and maritime affairs more effectively than other settlements cemented its status as the capital.

Waves of Change (333-479)

In 383, Bleea, a legendary Minotaur Therigen warrior, bolstered Nluubdaria’s military, and when a sea serpent terrorized the coastline in 401, her leadership led to its defeat.

Meanwhile, centuries of opulence among Nluubdaria’s ruling class led to a rebellion in year 464, resulting in political restructuring. The tumult caused challenges and uncertainty for many, but the newly formed Stoneharbor Council implemented creative decisions that made it a more desirable port than Brooz. Because of Stoneharbor’s resulting economic prosperity, the city, already running out of shoreline, constructed a massive wharf in 468, transforming the city as it expanded over the sea.

Brooz and the national government continued to experience upheaval, including an assassination attempt in 474. These security challenges combined with increased sahuagin raids in 479 motivated more security and ultimately the development of the Immersive with the help of Thathavay Arcanowrights.

Harboring Rivalries (Year 483-Present)

As Brooz struggled to maintain security and stability, the capital increased taxes on Stoneharbor and other ports. A series of shipwrecks and fires plagued Brooz and several military outposts in 483. While Nluubdarian officials blamed Stoneharbor, they never verified a connection. This internal conflict and diversion of resources allowed increased piracy, disrupting trade and prompting collaborative anti-piracy efforts by 499 and improved negotiation throughout the governmental hierarchy.

Adventure Hooks

  • Lost Founders’ Treasure: Rumors have surfaced of a hidden treasure buried by Stoneharbor’s founders. Adventurers must decipher ancient maps and face the perils of forgotten tunnels to uncover the city’s lost wealth.
  • Sea Monster’s Revenge: The descendants of the sea monster (Dragon Turtle) that terrorized Stoneharbor in its early days have returned. The city calls for heroes to protect its shores and defeat the vengeful creatures once and for all.

Discovering Stoneharbor

Vital Information

  • Population: Approximately 45,000 inhabitants
  • Government: Governed by a Council of Elders, representing various districts and interests
  • Economy: Thrives on trade, fishing, shipbuilding, and arcane crafting
  • Defenses: Stoneguard militia, fortified walls, and Harbor Watch patrols
  • Climate: Mild climate year-round. The days are generally warm and pleasant, with cool to mild nights and frequent rainfall.

Stoneharbor is a dynamic city that seamlessly blends ancient traditions with modern innovation, uniquely situated beneath a mountain, along a rugged shoreline, and atop a sprawling wharf. Founded by the industrious Shathun dwarves, the city has grown into a bustling port, integrating the diverse cultures of its inhabitants. The stone halls and underground forges of the mountain contrast with the vibrant markets and shipyards along the coast. Stoneharbor’s various districts offer adventurers a wealth of opportunities, from exploring ancient dwarven tunnels and navigating its complex political landscape to engaging with merchants or catching a ship on the Grand Wharf.


The Stoneharbor Council

Stoneharbor is governed by the Stoneharbor Council, a diverse and representative body responsible for making decisions regarding trade, security, infrastructure, and community welfare.

The Stoneharbor Assembly meets monthly to discuss and vote on city policies. Each council member brings their unique perspective, ensuring that decisions are balanced and considerate of the city’s diverse population. The Assembly’s inclusive approach has helped Stoneharbor navigate its complex history and emerge as a thriving, forward-thinking city.

Council Members

Brez (he/him)

Role: Council Leader
Ancestry: Shathun Dwarf
Memorable Mannerism: Brez often strokes his long, intricately braided beard when deep in thought.
Brez is a pragmatic and fair leader who values tradition but is open to innovation. His leadership style is inclusive, ensuring that all council members have a say in decision-making.

Fyolmot (she/her)

Role: Head of Security
Ancestry: Minotaur Therigen
Memorable Mannerism: Fyolmot taps her hoof on the ground rhythmically when emphasizing a point.

Fyolmot is renowned for her bravery and tactical acumen. Her early career included a battle with a powerful sea monster that still triggers traumatic flashbacks with loud, sudden noises. Fyolmot leverages her past to train others in overcoming fear and excelling under pressure. Her leadership is characterized by a deep empathy for her team and an unwavering commitment to their safety and growth.

Nlook (they/them)

Role: Head of Trade and Commerce
Ancestry: Human
Memorable Mannerism: Nlook often adjusts their glasses while speaking.
Nlook is an astute negotiator with a deep understanding of maritime trade. They are instrumental in maintaining Stoneharbor’s economic prosperity and navigating the complexities of trade routes and tariffs.

Skeef (he/him)

Role: Cultural Liaison
Ancestry: Orc
Memorable Mannerism: Skeef has a habit of humming traditional orc shanties during meetings.

Skeef works to ensure that the cultural heritage of all communities within Stoneharbor is preserved and celebrated. He organizes festivals and cultural exchanges, fostering unity and understanding.

Iiye (she/her)

Role: Chief Engineer
Ancestry: Tinkerling
Memorable Mannerism: Iiye twirls a small wrench around her finger when brainstorming.

Iiye is a brilliant inventor and the mastermind behind many of Stoneharbor’s technological advancements, including improving on the Thathavays’ original designs for the Immersives. Her ingenuity keeps the city at the forefront of innovation.

Iiye is blue/orange colorblind.

Adventure Hooks

  1. Council Corruption: Whispers of corruption and bribery have been circulating within the city council. Adventurers are hired to investigate and bring the corrupt officials to justice.
  2. Assassination Plot: A plot to assassinate a key council member has been uncovered. The party must protect the target and uncover the mastermind behind the conspiracy.



The Stoneguard is a formidable military force tasked with defending Stoneharbor and its surrounding territories. Comprising skilled warriors from various backgrounds, the Stoneguard is known for its discipline and adaptability in combat. They are trained in both conventional warfare and maritime tactics, reflecting the city’s dual nature as a coastal stronghold.

Treatment of Residents: The Stoneguard maintains a strong presence within Stoneharbor, ensuring the safety of its residents through regular patrols and swift response to threats. They prioritize the protection of civilians and work closely with the local constabulary to maintain law and order.

Interaction with Visitors: Visitors to Stoneharbor are greeted by the imposing sight of Stoneguard soldiers stationed at key points throughout the city. While vigilant in their duty to safeguard the city, the Stoneguard are also courteous and respectful towards visitors, providing assistance and guidance as needed.

Harbor Watch

The Harbor Watch serves as the city’s local constabulary, responsible for enforcing laws and regulations within Stoneharbor’s bustling port. Led by Captain Reyna, the Harbor Watch is comprised of dedicated officers who uphold justice with integrity and efficiency.

Unique Item: The Harbor Watch utilizes magic lanterns, enchanted by local Arcanowrights, to emit a soft, soothing light that calms disturbances in the surrounding area. These lanterns not only illuminate the streets but also promote a sense of security among residents and visitors alike.

Treatment of Residents: The Harbor Watch takes a community-oriented approach to law enforcement, fostering positive relationships with residents through regular engagement and outreach programs. They prioritize conflict resolution and rehabilitation over punitive measures, striving to maintain harmony within the city.

Interaction with Visitors: Visitors to Stoneharbor are welcomed by members of the Harbor Watch, who guide local laws and customs. While vigilant in their duty to uphold order, the Harbor Watch officers are approachable and understanding, offering assistance and support to visitors navigating the bustling port city.

Adventure Hooks

  • Stolen Armaments: A cache of powerful magical weapons has been stolen from the military armory. The party must track down the thieves and recover the stolen armaments before they are used for nefarious purposes.
  • Espionage: A spy has infiltrated the military ranks, feeding information to enemy forces. The party must identify and capture the spy before crucial secrets are revealed.


Despite its bustling trade and vibrant culture, Stoneharbor maintains a shadowy underworld where illicit activities thrive beneath the surface.

The Undercurrent

At the heart of Stoneharbor’s criminal underworld lies the Undercurrent, a clandestine organization of skilled thieves and rogues who specialize in burglary, espionage, and clandestine operations. Led by the enigmatic figure known only as the Manta, the Undercurrent operates from hidden chambers beneath the city, its operations shrouded in secrecy and intrigue.

The Smuggler’s Cove

Alongside its legitimate commerce, Stoneharbor’s bustling port serves as a hub for illicit trade, with smugglers and black-market merchants exploiting its strategic location for clandestine operations. From contraband goods to dangerous magical components, the Smuggler’s Cove offers a lucrative market for those willing to skirt the law.

Criminal Grottos

Amidst the winding streets, clandestine meeting places serve as havens for criminals seeking refuge from the law. From the notorious Mariner’s Mire tavern to the shadowed alleys of the Whispering Wharf, these criminal haunts offer sanctuary to those operating outside the bounds of society.

Adventure Hooks

  1. Silent Saboteur: Important shipments are being sabotaged, causing significant losses for the city’s trade. The party must identify and stop the saboteur before further damage is done.
  2. Counterfeit Currency: A surge of counterfeit coins has flooded Stoneharbor’s markets, destabilizing the economy. The party must find the source of the counterfeit currency and shut it down.

Economy and Trade

Stoneharbor’s economy thrives on its coastal location and diverse industrial activities, making it a vital trade hub. The Port district serves as the economic heart, with the Grand Wharf facilitating maritime trade and commerce. This district is a hive of activity, with warehouses, shipyards, and markets serving sailors and merchants. Goods passing through The Port include spices, textiles, metals, and enchanted items, ensuring a steady influx of wealth and resources.

Inland, the Spirit Rock district is known for its mining operations and advanced forges. The Shathun dwarves produce high-quality metalwork and enchanted items. The Deepdelve neighborhood, home to the Fossil Pits, is a center for both archeological and magical research. The district’s mining industry supplies raw materials for local craftsmen and exports metals and gems. The Anvil marketplace showcases the city’s craftsmanship, attracting buyers from near and far.

Markets in districts like Cloudmill and Eastgate further bolster commerce. The Trade Winds Market in Cloudmill offers a variety of goods, from essentials to rare artifacts. The East Bazaar in Eastgate caters to travelers and merchants with its wide array of products. These markets drive the local economy and serve as social centers where residents and visitors exchange news and forge connections. Stoneharbor’s economic vitality is a result of its location, skilled labor force, and dynamic marketplaces, making it a cornerstone of regional trade.


Guilds play a pivotal role in Stoneharbor’s economy, ensuring quality and standards across industries. The Blacksmiths’ Guild in Spirit Rock oversees metalwork and enchanted items, maintaining the city’s reputation for craftsmanship. The Artisans’ Guild in Cloudmill supports trades from textiles to pottery, fostering collaboration among its members. The Merchants’ Guild, based in The Port, regulates trade practices and resolves disputes, facilitating smooth transactions within the city and with foreign merchants. These guilds enhance economic stability and provide training and apprenticeships for skilled labor.

Adventure Hooks

  • Guild War: Tensions between two rival guilds have reached a boiling point, threatening to erupt into open conflict. The party must navigate the political landscape and broker peace before the city is engulfed in chaos.
  • Apprentice Gone Missing: A promising apprentice from the Arcanowrights Guild has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The party must find the missing apprentice and uncover the truth behind their disappearance.

Criminal Economy

The shadow economy in Stoneharbor operates alongside legitimate trade, driven by criminal organizations and illicit activities. The Thieves’ Guild, based in Rainsong, orchestrates much of the city’s underground dealings. Smuggling is common in The Port, with contraband goods often hidden among legitimate cargo. The guild’s influence extends to protection rackets and black market trading, ensuring a steady flow of income from these illegal operations.

In Eastgate and Cloudmill, illegal gambling dens and unlicensed taverns thrive, providing entertainment and vices. Corruption within certain city guard factions allows these establishments to operate with relative impunity, entrenching the criminal elements within the economy. Despite their illicit nature, these activities contribute to Stoneharbor’s economic underbelly, providing livelihoods for those who cannot find work within the structured guilds or legitimate businesses. The interplay between legal and illegal economies creates a complex financial ecosystem, making Stoneharbor a city of both opportunity and peril.


Stoneharbor’s religious landscape is as diverse as its population, with temples dedicated to both the Lords of Light and the Twilight Pantheon dotting the cityscape. The Temple of Luminaris, a grand structure in the middle-class district of Spirit Rock, serves as a beacon of truth and justice. Here, clerics advocate for social justice and provide aid to the marginalized, embodying the values of their deity. In Ivy Gate, the opulent Noble’s Row boasts temples dedicated to Eudoxia, where lavish feasts are held to celebrate generosity and abundance. Meanwhile, in Rainsong, the humble Rainsong Chapel offers solace and support to the needy, embodying the compassion of Philosyne.

The Twilight Pantheon also has its presence in Stoneharbor, with temples dedicated to deities like Erimara and Velara catering to desires and greed. These temples, often adorned with opulent decor, stand in stark contrast to the more modest structures of the Lords of Light. Despite their differences, both pantheons play significant roles in the lives of Stoneharbor’s residents, reflecting the city’s complex tapestry of beliefs and values. As festivals and ceremonies unfold throughout the city, the diverse religious practices serve to unite the community, offering solace, guidance, and a sense of belonging to all who seek it.

Adventure Hooks

  • Blessing Gone Awry: A well-intentioned blessing by a cleric has had unexpected negative effects on the community. The party must find a way to reverse the effects and restore balance.
  • Divine Incursion: Celestial beings have appeared in Stoneharbor, claiming to be on a divine mission. The party must determine whether the beings are genuinely divine or impostors with ulterior motives.

City Locations

Spirit Rock

Economic Tier: Middle to Upper Class

Spirit Rock is the heart of Stoneharbor, nestled within the mountain from which the city draws its name. This district retains the traditional architecture and stonework of the Shathun dwarves, with grand halls, intricate carvings, and vast underground chambers. The Deepdelve neighborhood is home to the Fossil Pits, a site of significant archeological and magical research. The district is known for its robust mining operations and advanced forges, producing some of the finest metalwork and enchanted items in the kingdom. Despite its underground location, Spirit Rock is well-lit by a combination of bioluminescent fungi and carefully placed skylights, creating an almost surreal, twilit ambiance.


Deepdelve is an expansive underground neighborhood renowned for its advanced mining operations and rich deposits of precious metals and gems. The streets are wide and lined with meticulously carved stone buildings, each adorned with intricate dwarven runes. The air hums with the sounds of forges and the clinking of metal as artisans work. The Fossil Pits, a significant archeological site, attract scholars and mages interested in the ancient, magic-inhibiting fossils found there.

The Fossil Pits

Location: Spirit Rock, near Deepdelve

Properties: The Fossil Pits contain ancient remains of serpentine creatures that inhibit certain types of magic. Specific fossils disrupt arcane energies, creating anti-magic effects within their vicinity.

Anti-Magic Fossils. While embedded in rock, these fossils emit a field with a 10 ft. radius like the spell Antimagic Field, but each creature’s fossil only cancels a single seemingly random school of magic. Once extracted from the rock in the Fossil Pits, a complete fossilized bone retains its effects for one hour, after which it becomes a normal fossil.

The Anvil

A bustling marketplace known for high-quality metalwork and craftsmanship. Here, master blacksmiths and artisans display their finest works, ranging from ornate weaponry to exquisite jewelry. The air is filled with the sounds of hammers and the glow of forges.

Temple of Luminaris

A grand temple dedicated to Luminaris, the deity of truth and justice. This temple serves as a place of worship and a community hub, offering education and shelter to those in need. Its radiant crystal windows cast a warm, inviting light across the district.

Adventure Hooks

  • Tunnel Collapse: A portion of the tunnels has collapsed, trapping miners and workers inside. The adventurers must navigate the unstable tunnels, rescue the survivors, and prevent further collapses by reinforcing the structure.
  • Subterranean Fauna: The adventurers encounter a previously unknown species of subterranean creatures. They must decide whether to protect these creatures from exploitation or deal with the threats they pose to the inhabitants of Spirit Rock.


Economic Tier: Middle Class

Eastgate is a smaller district characterized by its role as a bustling entry point into the city. The district features sturdy stone walls and fortified gates that provide security and regulate the flow of people and goods into Stoneharbor. This area is home to various markets and inns, catering to travelers and merchants arriving from the east. The main gate, known as the Watchful Arch, is a marvel of engineering, adorned with intricate reliefs depicting the city’s history and legends.


This neighborhood houses many city guards and their families. The area has a disciplined yet welcoming feel, with neat rows of houses, well-maintained streets, and communal spaces where guards and their families can socialize and relax. The presence of the guards ensures a high level of safety and order, making it one of the more secure areas in Eastgate.

The East Bazaar

A lively market with vendors selling everyday goods. The East Bazaar is a hub of activity, where the sounds of haggling and the scents of various foods fill the air. Stalls line the streets, offering everything from fresh produce and spices to handmade crafts and clothing. This market is not only a place for commerce but also a social center where locals and visitors alike gather to exchange news and stories.

Eastgate Plaza

A central square with a beautiful fountain and communal gathering space. Eastgate Plaza serves as the heart of the district, a place where people come to relax and enjoy the surroundings. The fountain, intricately designed with motifs of sea creatures and ships, is a popular meeting spot. The plaza often hosts public events, performances, and celebrations, making it a vibrant part of community life.

Adventure Hooks

  • Disease Outbreak: A mysterious disease is spreading through Eastgate, causing panic among the residents. The party must find the source of the outbreak and secure a cure.
  • Elemental Rift: A rift to the Elemental Plane of Earth has opened in the side of the mountain facing Eastgate, causing tremors and attacks by earth elementals. The party must find a way to determine the cause and close the rift.

Ivy Gate

Economic Tier: Upper Class

Ivy Gate is the smallest and wealthiest district in Stoneharbor, known for its opulent mansions, manicured gardens, and exclusive clientele. The district is named after the ivy-covered gates that mark its entrance, symbolizing the prosperity and elegance of its residents. The architecture here is a blend of refined dwarven craftsmanship and sophisticated surface styles, featuring polished stone facades and lush greenery.

Noble’s Row

This prestigious neighborhood is lined with opulent estates that boast grand facades, expansive grounds, and private gardens. The homes here are architectural marvels, showcasing the finest in dwarven stonework and surface-style embellishments. Noble’s Row is a symbol of status and power, with each estate more magnificent than the last. The residents are influential figures in Stoneharbor, including council members, wealthy merchants, and prominent Arcanowrights.

The Ivy Tower

A luxurious inn and social club for the city’s elite, the Ivy Tower is a beacon of sophistication and exclusivity. The inn offers lavish suites, gourmet dining, and private meeting rooms where the city’s most powerful individuals conduct business and socialize. The social club within the tower is renowned for its grand galas, intimate soirées, and a membership that reads like a who’s who of Stoneharbor’s upper echelons. It is the place to see and be seen, with its elegant interiors and unparalleled service.

Eldergrove Park

A beautifully landscaped park with rare plants and a tranquil pond, Eldergrove Park is an oasis of calm and natural beauty within Ivy Gate. The park features winding paths through meticulously maintained gardens, groves of ancient trees, and serene water features. It is a favored spot for leisurely strolls, picnics, and quiet reflection. The park is also known for hosting exclusive garden parties and cultural events, adding to the district’s aura of refinement and grace.

Adventure Hooks

  • Secret Society Ball: A clandestine society is holding a masquerade ball in Ivy Gate, where they plan to conduct a dark ritual. The party must infiltrate the ball and stop the ritual.
  • Robbery Rash: A thief is stealing valuable items from the homes of Ivy Gate’s elite. The party must capture this elusive criminal and return the stolen goods.


Economic Tier: Middle Class

Cloudmill is a large, bustling district that forms the east and central part of Stoneharbor. Known for its diverse population and vibrant atmosphere, Cloudmill is a melting pot of cultures and trades. The district gets its name from the windmills that dot the skyline, harnessing the coastal breezes to grind grain and power various mechanical contraptions. These windmills are a testament to the ingenuity of the Thathavay and their contributions to the city’s development.

Trade Winds Market

Trade Winds Market, the largest marketplace in Stoneharbor, is renowned for its vast array of goods. Vendors from across the city and beyond gather here, selling everything from fresh produce and spices to exotic artifacts and magical items. The market’s bustling stalls and vibrant atmosphere make it a central hub for commerce and social interaction. It’s a place where locals and visitors alike come to shop, barter, and catch up on the latest news, creating a dynamic and engaging environment.

Cloudmill Commons

Cloudmill Commons is a residential area characterized by its neatly arranged townhouses and well-kept streets. The homes here are modest but comfortable, reflecting the middle-class status of its residents. The community is close-knit, with neighbors often gathering in communal gardens and shared spaces. The orderly layout and welcoming atmosphere of Cloudmill Commons make it a desirable place to live for families and professionals alike.

The Flowing Spire

The Flowing Spire is an impressive tower dedicated to arcane research and training. Standing tall amidst the bustling district, this structure is a beacon for scholars and mages seeking to expand their knowledge and hone their skills. The Spire’s halls are filled with magical energy and the quiet hum of study, with laboratories and libraries that support a wide range of arcane disciplines. It serves as both an educational institution and a center for innovation, contributing to the city’s reputation as a hub of magical expertise.

The Flowing Spire is also known for pioneering individualized education methods for disabled and neurodivergent casters and offers classes on adapting verbal and somatic components to individual needs.

Adventure Hooks

  • Arcane Malfunction: The Flowing Spire has experienced a magical malfunction, causing arcane anomalies throughout Cloudmill. Nobody in the Spire knows about the malfunction. The party must investigate the source of the disturbance and restore order.
  • Cultural Festival: A cultural festival in Cloudmill is threatened by a series of mysterious accidents. The party must protect the festival and uncover the culprit behind the disruptions.


Economic Tier: Lower Class

Rainsong is a small district outside the city wall, located southeast of Stoneharbor. It is characterized by its humble homes, muddy streets, and the constant patter of rain, which gives the district its name. The main coastal highway passes through here, leading to The Port’s and Cloudmill’s gates. The district has a somber, downtrodden feel, with many residents struggling to make ends meet.

Waterside Shanties

A neighborhood of makeshift homes and shanties. Waterside Shanties is the poorest area in Stoneharbor, where the city’s most destitute residents live. The homes are constructed from scavenged materials, and the streets are often flooded and muddy. Despite the harsh conditions, there is a strong sense of community among the residents, who band together to support each other.

Rainsong Chapel

A small, weathered chapel dedicated to Eudoxia, goddess of generosity, offering solace to the needy. Rainsong Chapel is a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak district. The chapel provides food, shelter, and spiritual guidance to the residents of Rainsong. The building is old and weathered, but it is well-maintained and cared for by the community. The chapel is a place of refuge and comfort, offering support to those in need.

The Cerulean Tree

Location: Rainsong, near the Rainsong Chapel

The Cerulean Tree has vibrant blue leaves that shimmer in the sunlight. Its sap transforms into a cloud-like vapor when exposed to air. On the equinoxes, local alchemists capture the sap and brew it into a Potion of Gaseous Form.

The Old Wharf Road

The main coastal highway passing through, lined with inns and taverns.

Adventure Hooks

  • Mysterious Benefactor: A wealthy benefactor is offering to fund the restoration of Rainsong, but their motives are unclear. The party must uncover the benefactor’s true intentions and decide whether to accept their aid.
  • Disappearing Townsfolk: Residents of Rainsong have been vanishing during thunderstorms. The party must uncover the connection between the rain and the disappearances, and rescue the missing townsfolk.

The Port

Economic Tier: Varied

The Port is the southwest district of Stoneharbor, encompassing the massive wharf and the adjacent land. This district is the city’s gateway to the sea, bustling with maritime activities and commerce. The Grand Wharf is an impressive structure extending over the ocean, supported by sturdy stone pillars and lined with docks for ships of all sizes. The district is a hub for trade, with warehouses, shipyards, and markets catering to the needs of sailors and merchants.

The Harbor Accessibility System

Location: The Port, extending through much of the city

Stoneharbor has developed an innovative accessibility system for merfolk, enabling them to navigate the city comfortably in both air and water environments.

Water Tubes

Large aqueducts that gather and filter snowmelt runoff, allowing merfolk to travel freely. These troughs, elevated about 10 to 15 feet above street level, connect key locations such as markets, administrative buildings, and residential areas. The aqueducts are wide enough to accommodate multiple merfolk swimming side by side, typically around 10 feet in width.

Accessibility Points

Numerous cylindrical access points throughout the city where the aqueduct opens into a 5-foot tank that allows swimmers to swim down to ground level and open the tank to exit into a pool or enter the tank as it refills to swim from ground-level into the aqueducts. When the bottom door opens, the top closes to protect anyone swimming over the top. Each access point leads to a 10-foot deep zero-entry pool, approximately 20 feet in diameter, providing ample space for merfolk to maneuver and transition between wet and dry environments. These pools are equipped with waterproof wheelchairs designed for merfolk anatomy, ensuring seamless mobility throughout the city.

Merfolk Wheelchair Design

Locally called “Cobra Chairs” for the position of the rider, designed by Gu’atu, a merfolk engineer, these wheelchairs feature:

  • Forward-Leaning Design. Merfolk lean forward with their hips and abdomen resting on the chair, and their tails supported horizontally behind them.
  • Flexible Tail Support. The tail support mechanism is flexible, allowing it to curve upward or sideways to navigate corners. A lever controls the movement for comfort and maneuverability.
  • Self-Propulsion. Two large front wheels enable self-propulsion, while two smaller pivoting wheels at the back provide stability and easy turning.
  • Seamless Transition. The design allows for easy transitioning between swimming and using the chair, promoting independence and ease of movement.


A neighborhood of warehouses and shipping offices. Dockside is the heart of The Port, where goods are stored and managed. The streets are lined with warehouses, shipping offices, and the homes of dockworkers. The area is always busy, with carts and wagons transporting goods to and from the docks. The air is filled with the sounds of shouting dockworkers and the creak of heavy loads.

The docks have retractable gangplanks with rope railings readily available for sailors and passengers with mobility needs.

Sailor’s Rest

An area with inns and taverns catering to sailors. Sailor’s Rest is a lively part of The Port, filled with inns, taverns, and boarding houses catering to the sailors who come and go with the tides. The streets are lively and noisy, with sailors swapping stories and spending their hard-earned coin. It is a place of camaraderie and revelry, where sailors can relax and enjoy themselves.

The Fishmarket

A bustling market selling fresh seafood. The Fishmarket is a vibrant, chaotic place, with stalls selling the freshest catch of the day. The air is filled with the smell of saltwater and fish, and the sounds of haggling and shouting. The market is a vital part of The Port’s economy, providing fresh seafood to the city and beyond.

Adventure Hooks

  • Portside Fire: A massive fire breaks out in the port, endangering lives and property. The party must help contain the blaze and investigate whether it was an accident or arson.
  • The Phantom Ship: A ghost ship has been sighted off the coast, causing fear among the sailors. The party must investigate the origins of the ship and lay the spirits to rest.


Economic Tier: Lower to Middle Class

Ashgate is a medium-sized district that straddles the boundary between the city proper and the surrounding countryside. Partly inside the city walls and extending to the west, Ashgate is a blend of urban and rural elements. The district is named for the ash trees that line its streets and the old gate that marks its entrance. It serves as a vital link between Stoneharbor and the western regions, including the Thathavay and Quenians.

Outer Ashgate

A neighborhood extending beyond the city walls. Outer Ashgate is a bustling area where travelers and traders pass through on their way to and from the city. The streets are lined with inns, stables, and trading posts, catering to the needs of those on the road. The area has a lively, transient feel, with a constant flow of people and goods.

The Glimmering Mire

Location: Ashgate, near Forge Alley The Glimmering Mire contains a unique, shimmering mud with potent alchemical properties. When processed, it can create potions, healing salves, and temporary enchantments.

The mire is guarded and regulated by the Stoneguard, and harvesting mire requires a permit and a 30 gp fee per application harvested with a maximum of ten applications per day.

  • Illuminating Powder. Characters with alchemist’s supplies can harvest Glimmering Mire during a long rest. With a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check, they can refine the mire into up to three applications. On failure, the mire is destroyed. When stored in a sealed container, the powder retains the mire’s luminescence for three days or until used. Sprinkling it on a surface creates dim light in a 10-foot radius for eight hours. You can use the powder to craft non-magical torches or reveal invisible creatures by throwing it at them.
  • Mire Salve. Characters with alchemist’s supplies can transform Glimmering Mire into Mire Salve during a long rest with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On failure, the mire is destroyed. This salve grants resistance to necrotic damage for 8 hours when applied to the skin. It remains potent for 7 days when stored in a sealed container.

Alchemists continue to study the mire for other properties.

Forge Alley

An area with numerous workshops and artisans. Forge Alley is the heart of Ashgate’s industrious side, where skilled artisans and craftsmen ply their trade. The streets are filled with the sounds of hammers, saws, and other tools, and the air is thick with the smells of wood, metal, and leather. The Alley is known for its high-quality goods and innovative designs.

Ashgate Commons

A central square with shops and cafes. Ashgate Commons is a vibrant, bustling area where residents and visitors gather to shop, eat, and socialize. The square is lined with shops, cafes, and street vendors, offering a wide variety of goods and services. It is a lively, energetic part of the district, reflecting the industrious spirit of Ashgate.

Adventure Hooks

  • The Vanished Sculptor: A famous sculptor from Ashgate has gone missing. The party must track down the artist, who was last seen working on a mysterious new commission.
  • Sinking Mud: The Glimmering Mire is mysteriously receding despite normal harvest levels. The party must investigate the cause and prevent the mire’s depletion.

North Town

Economic Tier: Middle to Lower Class

North Town is a large district situated between Spirit Rock and Cloudmill. The district is characterized by its working-class neighborhoods, narrow streets, and a strong sense of community. The buildings are modest but sturdy, and the area has a gritty, down-to-earth feel.


Stoneview is a neighborhood in North Town distinguished by its homes that offer a clear view of Spirit Rock. The modest yet sturdy houses are built with a practicality that reflects the working-class ethos of its residents. The streets are narrow but well-maintained, lined with small gardens and communal spaces where neighbors frequently gather. The proximity to Spirit Rock not only provides a scenic backdrop but also instills a sense of pride and connection to the city’s dwarven heritage. The community here is tightly knit, with a culture of mutual support and shared traditions.

Northfield Park

Northfield Park is a vibrant and expansive green space in North Town, offering a welcome respite from the district’s densely packed residential areas. The park features well-equipped playgrounds where children can be seen laughing and playing, sports fields bustling with local leagues and informal games, and shaded picnic areas perfect for family gatherings and community events. The park serves as the heart of recreational life in North Town, fostering a strong sense of community and providing a natural setting for relaxation and social interaction. Its well-maintained paths and facilities reflect the pride the residents take in their communal space.

The North Market

The North Market is the bustling commercial hub of North Town, renowned for its fresh produce and handcrafted goods. Vendors line the streets with colorful stalls brimming with fruits, vegetables, and artisan products, creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere. The market is a focal point for the community, where locals gather not only to shop but to socialize and exchange news. The air is filled with the vibrant sounds of haggling and friendly banter, while the scent of fresh baked goods and savory street food wafts through the market. The North Market embodies the hardworking spirit and close-knit nature of North Town, offering a slice of local culture and craftsmanship.

Adventure Hooks

  • The Missing Heirloom: A valuable family heirloom has been stolen from a noble household in North Town. The party are tasked with recovering the heirloom and discovering who took it and why.
  • Beneath the Streets: Strange noises and tremors have been reported from beneath North Town. The party must explore the underground tunnels and sewers to find the source of the disturbances and put an end to it.

Beyond Stoneharbor

Beyond the city limits of Stoneharbor, the surrounding regions offer a diverse array of landscapes and cultures. From the coastline to the bustling underwater metropolis, each area holds its own unique allure and challenges.

The Bearmaw Coast

The Bearmaw Coast stretches dramatically, its rugged contours mimicking the profile of a bear’s open mouth. The lower jaw is a verdant tapestry of dense forests and lush vegetation, interspersed with patches of open meadows. Moving northward, the greenery deepens and thickens, towering trees forming a canopy that casts dappled shadows on the ground below. At the coastline’s center, a formidable mountain range rises abruptly, its sheer cliffs plunging into the sea, creating a stark contrast to the surrounding greenery. The mountains, cloaked in mist, add a sense of grandeur and mystery to the Bearmaw Coast, where land and sea meet in a breathtaking blend of natural beauty.

The Gullet Road

The Gullet Road winds its way along the Bearmaw Coast, a vital artery connecting the bustling coastal settlements. Carved through dense forests and rugged terrain, the road follows the natural contours of the land, dipping and rising with the undulating landscape. Travelers along the Gullet Road are treated to panoramic views of the sparkling ocean to the west and the towering peaks of the nearby mountains to the east. Along the way, wayfarers pass through quaint villages and bustling market towns, where the sights and sounds of trade and commerce fill the air.

Adventure Hooks

  1. The Merchant’s Plea: A desperate merchant offers the party a large sum to retrieve a precious family heirloom stolen by highwaymen along The Gullet Road. The party must track down the thieves and recover the heirloom.
  1. Wildlife Menace: Dangerous creatures have been attacking travelers along The Gullet Road. The party must hunt down these creatures and ensure the safety of the road.

The Roar

The Roaring Route, known simply as The Roar, is a perilous sea lane along the Bearmaw Coast, shrouded in mist and legend. Tumultuous waters churn with the wrath of ancient sea serpents and dragon turtles, challenging even the bravest sailors. Yet, amidst the danger, Merfolk and Abilini residents may meet a passing ship with offers of trade or sport.

Adventure Hooks

  1. Dragon Turtle: A dragon turtle has made its home in The Roar, attacking passing ships and demanding tribute. The adventurers must confront the dragon turtle and either drive it away or negotiate a truce.
  2. The Storm’s Secret: A mysterious storm has been raging over The Roar for weeks, making navigation perilous. The adventurers are tasked with discovering the cause of the storm and stopping it to restore safe passage.


J’uviti, a bustling underwater metropolis, lies 270 miles offshore from Stoneharbor, concealed beneath the waves at a depth of 250 feet. Home to a diverse population of Merfolk, Abilini, and Sea Elves, the city thrives as a hub of trade and diplomacy. Its shimmering spires and coral-lined streets flicker with its diverse cultures and advanced arcane technology. Despite its subaquatic location, J’uviti maintains a strong presence on the surface, engaging in extensive trade and cultural exchange with coastal settlements.

Adventure Hooks

  • Missing Ambassador: An ambassador from Stoneharbor has gone missing during a diplomatic visit to J’uviti. The party must travel there in an Immersive to find and rescue the ambassador before political tensions escalate.
  • Eldritch Threat: A creature from the depths of the ocean threatens J’uviti. The party must join forces with the city’s defenders to repel the creature and protect the city.

Sahuagin Nomads

The Hwintay are a fierce and nomadic tribe of Sahuagin, feared throughout the Bearmaw Coast for their relentless raids on coastal settlements and passing ships. Known for their cunning tactics and mastery of aquatic combat, the Hwintay strike swiftly and mercilessly, disappearing back into the depths with their plunder before retaliation can be mustered. Their nomadic lifestyle allows them to roam vast stretches of ocean, making them elusive and difficult to track. Legends speak of their ability to summon powerful sea creatures to aid them in battle. To the coastal dwellers, the Hwintay are a constant threat, a shadow lurking beneath the waves, ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

Adventure Hooks

  1. Allies or Enemies?: A faction within the Hwintay seeks to form an alliance with Stoneharbor against a common threat. The adventurers must negotiate the terms of this uneasy alliance while dealing with distrust on both sides.
  2. Hostage Rescue: The Hwintay have captured several important figures from Stoneharbor during a raid. The adventurers must infiltrate the nomads’ camp and rescue the hostages before they are executed or sold into slavery.

Stoneharbor Character Builder

Create player characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs) for adventures set in and around Stoneharbor. This section offers suggestions for ancestries, heritages, backgrounds, and roles tailored to fit seamlessly into the rich tapestry of life within this coastal metropolis.

Common Ancestries


Dwarves in Stoneharbor are renowned for their skill in mining and metalwork, often found crafting intricate works of art or engineering marvels in their hillside forges. Many dwarves also serve as shipwrights and navigators, applying their precision and craftsmanship to the city’s thriving shipbuilding industry.


Humans in Stoneharbor often thrive as merchants, scholars, and artisans. They are pivotal in roles such as ship captains, cartographers, and traders, leveraging their keen business acumen to navigate the complexities of maritime trade and exploration.


Orcs in Stoneharbor are respected for their strength, honor, and craftsmanship, often excelling as skilled artisans, fierce warriors, and dedicated protectors of their communities. Many orcs also serve as formidable mariners and naval tacticians, their robust presence a cornerstone of the city’s maritime defense.


The Therigen are an adaptable and resilient people whose forms have evolved to reflect the diverse fauna of Andovir. Originally hailing from the Astral Plane, their physical traits now mirror the environments they inhabit, taking on characteristics of various animals such as minotaurs, gnolls, lizardfolk, and more. They thrive in their various forms throughout the surface of Andovir and find homes in nearly every environment.

All Therigen share the following traits regardless of their specific variant:


Therigen reach maturity at a similar rate to humans and typically live around 60-80 years, though some variants may live longer.


Therigen can vary greatly in size, from Small to Medium, depending on their variant.


Base walking speed is 30 feet, though some variants may have different movement capabilities.


You can speak, read, and write Common, a Kisashi dialect, and one additional language of your choice, usually Shathun in Stoneharbor.

Anurian (Amphibian)

Anurians, with their amphibious nature, thrive both in water and on land, making them adept navigators, scouts, and healers. Their unique perspective and abilities make them exceptional marine biologists and environmental stewards, crucial for the sustainable management of coastal and marine ecosystems.




You can breathe air and water. Additionally, you have a swim speed equal to your walking speed.

Standing Leap

Your long jump is up to 20 feet and your high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start. This distance increases by a number of feet equal to your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Poisonous Skin (Frog/Toad)

When a creature grapples you or otherwise comes into direct contact with your skin, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or take 1d4 poison damage.

Regeneration (Axolotl)

You regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier if you have at least 1 hit point at the start of your turn. You can use this trait once per long rest.

Sticky Grip (Salamander)

You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to maintain your grip on surfaces and objects.


Minotaurs in Stoneharbor are known for their physical prowess and keen intellect, often serving as architects, scholars, or guardians. Their strategic minds and strong physiques also make them excellent shipboard officers and maritime enforcers, contributing significantly to the city’s infrastructure and defense.




You can use your horns to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.

Environmental Awareness

You have heightened senses that allow you to detect air pressure differences, currents, and echoes. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to find paths to exits or determine the layout of your surroundings.

Goring Rush

If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 piercing damage.


Tinkerlings are ingenious inventors and master crafters. Their creations, from clockwork devices to arcane contraptions, are integral to the city’s daily life and innovation. On the seas, their technological prowess is invaluable, often serving as ship engineers and inventors of advanced nautical equipment.

Tinkerlings are sentient clockwork humanoids, crafted with intricate gears, springs, and other mechanical components. They are products of masterful engineering and arcane ingenuity, brought to life by a combination of magic and science. Each Tinkerling is unique, reflecting the creativity and purpose of its creator. Despite their mechanical nature, Tinkerlings possess self-awareness, emotions, and the ability to learn and grow.

Common Traits

All Tinkerlings share the following traits, regardless of their specific variant:


Tinkerlings are built fully mature and do not age as organic beings do. They can function indefinitely with proper maintenance.


Tinkerlings tend towards neutral alignments, focusing on logic and efficiency, but can be of any alignment based on their experiences and creators’ intentions.


Tinkerlings are Medium, standing between 5 and 6 feet tall and weighing around 200 to 300 pounds.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You can speak, read, and write Common, Fstuuian, and one other language of your choice.

Mechanical Nature

You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. You cannot use potions or benefit from any ingested magical effects.


Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 6 hours to recharge. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Integrated Protection

Your body has built-in defensive mechanisms. You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.


Each Tinkerling variant reflects a different design philosophy and purpose. Choose one of the following variants:

Erratic Tinkerling

Erratic Tinkerlings possess chaotic circuitry that grants them unpredictable benefits, adding an element of randomness to their capabilities.


Once per long rest, when you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can choose to roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the result. After doing so, roll another d4. On a roll of 1, you suffer 1d4 lightning damage per your proficiency bonus.

Random Functionality

When you finish a long rest, roll on the following table to determine a random benefit you gain for the next 24 hours:

d10 Benefit
1 You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
2 Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
3 You can add your proficiency bonus to one type of saving throw (choose at the end of your rest).
4 You gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
5 You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
6 Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
7 You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
8 You have resistance to one damage type of your choice (choose at the end of your rest).
9 You can speak one additional language of your choice.
10 You can cast detect magic once without expending a spell slot.

Guardian Tinkerling

Guardian Tinkerlings serve as protectors, boasting enhanced defensive capabilities and resilience in battle.


When you hit with a melee attack, you can expend a hit die to deal extra lightning damage equal to the roll of the hit die + your Constitution modifier.

Defensive Maneuver

When you take damage from a melee attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to 1d6 + your Constitution modifier. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Projectile Launcher

You have a built-in launcher that can fire an arrow, sling bullet, or crossbow bolt without needing to hold a weapon. This ranged attack has a range of 30/120 feet and deals 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage. The launcher has the ammunition property and must be loaded as a bonus action.

Scout Tinkerling

Scout Tinkerlings excel in reconnaissance, with superior agility, darkvision, and the ability to become invisible.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Stealth Mode

You can cast the invisibility spell on yourself once with this trait, requiring no material components. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Dexterity is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Adaptive Systems

When you take the Dodge action, you can choose one of the following effects to apply to yourself until the start of your next turn:

  • Increase your movement speed by 10 feet.
  • Gain resistance to one damage type of your choice.
  • Gain advantage on the next saving throw you make before the start of your next turn.

Other Ancestries

These ancestries are less common in Stoneharbor but often visit or trade there. Their presence can add depth and diversity to your interactions.


The Abilini, with their iridescent shells and mastery of underwater navigation, often arrive in Stoneharbor’s ports to exchange rare marine treasures. Their deep connection to the sea grants them unique insights, making them sought-after allies and merchants.

Abilini Merchant

Medium Humanoid (Abilini), lawful neutral

Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)

Skills Insight +3, Persuasion +4, Perception +3
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Mer, Aquan
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Amphibious. The abilini can breathe air and water.

Camouflage. The abilini can change the color of their shells to blend in with their surroundings. When underwater, they have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.

Merchant’s Insight. The abilini has advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to determine the motives and value of goods from other creatures.


Multiattack. The abilini makes two attacks with its coral blade.

Coral Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Iridescent Shell. Once per day, the abilini can cause their shell to shimmer with iridescent colors, casting Hypnotic Pattern (save DC 12, Charisma is the spellcasting ability). This effect lasts for 1 minute or until the abilini loses concentration (as if concentrating on a spell).


The abilini carries a coral blade, a collection of small seashells and corals (worth 10 gp), and a pouch containing 15 gp. They also have a set of common clothes and a coral pendant.

Avanari (Birdfolk Therigen)

Avanari often visit Stoneharbor from the nearby mountains. Their affinity for high altitudes and aerial navigation makes them excellent scouts and messengers.

Avanari Therigen (Hawk) Messenger

Medium Humanoid (Therigen), neutral good

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4
Skills Perception +6, Survival +4
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Kîsashi
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Flight. The avanari has a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, the Therigen can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.

Keen Sight. The avanari has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The avanari makes two attacks with its Talons.

Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.


Dive and Strike. When the avanari makes a melee attack while flying, it can use its reaction to gain advantage on the attack roll.

An Avanari Messenger is a swift and observant traveler, renowned for their keen sight and agility. Adorned with feathers and possessing powerful talons, these messengers excel in delivering crucial information with endurance, speed, and grace between Stoneharbor and the perches of their village in the towering mountain peaks.

Loftun (Giantkin)

Loftun (Stone Giant) Merchant

Medium Humanoid, neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5
Skills Athletics +6, Insight +3, Persuasion +2
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Stone’s Endurance (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). When the loftun takes damage, it can use its reaction to roll a d12. Add its Constitution modifier to the number rolled and reduce the damage by that total.

Mountain Born. The loftun is acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. It is also naturally adapted to cold climates.


Multiattack. The loftun makes two attacks with its greataxe.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage.

Rock Throwing. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.


Stone’s Endurance. When the loftun takes damage, it can use its reaction to roll a d12. Add its Constitution modifier to the number rolled and reduce the damage by that total.

The Loftun, towering and strong, come to Stoneharbor to trade raw materials and artisanal goods crafted in their mountainous homes. Their imposing presence and strength are matched by a reputation for fair trading.The Loftun merchant carries a variety of goods for trade, including basic adventuring supplies, foodstuffs, and valuable gemstones. It wears simple but sturdy clothing and carries a greataxe.

Stone Loftun merchants are often found traversing mountainous regions, trading goods and sharing tales of their journeys. Their deep connection to the earth and natural endurance make them resilient travelers and shrewd negotiators. With their imposing stature and natural strength, they are more than capable of defending themselves and their wares from threats.


Merfolk, with their rich cultural heritage and affinity for the ocean, play crucial roles in maritime trade and diplomacy. Their knowledge of the sea’s mysteries and their connection to aquatic magic make them invaluable allies and formidable foes.


The Thathavay, a people of mostly Halflings, Gnomes,Tiggywinkle Therigen, and Kobolds, who are known for their resourcefulness and strong communal ties, frequently visit Stoneharbor to trade their handcrafted goods and agricultural products. Their knowledge of natural remedies and traditional crafts makes them valued partners in the marketplace.

Character Heritages

In Stoneharbor, the diverse cultures shape the identities of its residents. Heritages in this guide reflect the shared traditions, values, and lifestyles of various communities. These heritages provide a rich tapestry of backgrounds, offering characters unique abilities and perspectives rooted in their cultural upbringing.

Communal Heritage

Origin and Society

Communal heritage characters come from a background where cooperation and collective effort are central to daily life. These communities thrive on mutual support, shared resources, and collaborative problem-solving. They are often found in tightly knit villages, cooperative societies, or even urban neighborhoods that function as extended families.

Core Values

Members of communal heritage value teamwork, trust, and the well-being of the group over individual pursuits. They are taught from a young age to work together, support one another, and contribute to the community’s success.


Collective Mindset

You have proficiency in the Insight skill.

Resource Sharing

Once per long rest, you can spend 10 minutes to share resources and grant temporary hit points to yourself and up to six allies within 30 feet. Each creature gains temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. This represents the community’s ability to rally and support each other in times of need.

Communal Knowledge

You have proficiency with one tool or instrument of your choice. When you use this proficiency to help another character, they gain an expertise die (roll an additional d6) on their check. This ability symbolizes the communal sharing of skills and knowledge.


You know Common and two additional languages of your choice. Typical communal heritage characters choose languages spoken by neighboring communities or trade partners.

Roleplaying Tips

  • Emphasize your character’s reliance on and trust in their allies.
  • Seek opportunities to collaborate and support your party members.
  • Draw on your background to offer unique solutions based on collective problem-solving and resourcefulness.

Maritime Heritage

Origin and Society

Characters of the Maritime Heritage come from backgrounds deeply connected to the sea and maritime activities. Whether born to sailors, fishermen, dock workers, or traders, these individuals have spent much of their lives near or on the water. Their upbringing has imparted skills and knowledge essential for surviving and thriving in coastal and nautical environments.

Core Values

Maritime heritage characters value adaptability, resilience, and a strong connection to the sea. They understand the importance of teamwork and trust among those who venture into the unpredictable waters. The sea is both a provider and a challenger, shaping their worldview and abilities.


Seafarer’s Endurance

You have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion caused by long periods of strenuous activity, such as rowing or swimming. This ability reflects your resilience and stamina developed through your maritime lifestyle.

Navigator’s Intuition

You have proficiency in the Survival skill. Additionally, when you are navigating or plotting a course at sea, you can double your proficiency bonus for Survival checks. This ability represents your deep understanding of maritime navigation.

Ocean’s Bounty

Once per long rest, you can spend an hour fishing, foraging, or scavenging along a coastline or from a boat to provide food and fresh water for up to six people. This reflects your ability to find sustenance from the sea and coastal environments.


You know Common and one additional language of your choice. Typical maritime heritage characters choose languages useful for trade or communication with coastal and seafaring communities, such as Mer or Shathun.

Roleplaying Tips

  • Highlight your character’s deep connection to the sea and their comfort in maritime environments.
  • Seek out opportunities to use your nautical skills and knowledge to aid your party.
  • Draw on your background to offer solutions related to navigation, foraging, and endurance.

Merchant Heritage

Origin and Society

Characters of the Merchant Heritage come from families or communities deeply involved in trade, commerce, and market life. Raised in the bustling marketplaces and trading hubs of Stoneharbor, they have a keen sense for business, negotiation, and the intricate dance of supply and demand.

Core Values

Merchant heritage characters value shrewdness, resourcefulness, and the art of the deal. They understand the power of wealth and influence and are adept at navigating social and economic networks. For them, every interaction is an opportunity for negotiation and profit.


Silver Tongue

You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill. Additionally, when you are negotiating prices, making deals, or engaging in any form of commercial transaction, you can double your proficiency bonus for Persuasion checks. This ability reflects your natural talent for negotiation and haggling.

Market Savvy

You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to find specific items or information within a marketplace or trade hub. This represents your knowledge of where to find what you need and how to navigate complex markets efficiently.

Keen Appraiser

You can identify the approximate value and authenticity of a mundane item with a quick glance. For magical items, you can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check with advantage to identify its properties, reflecting your experience in dealing with various goods.


You know Common and one additional language of your choice. Merchant heritage characters often choose languages that facilitate trade and communication with diverse communities.

Roleplaying Tips

  • Emphasize your character’s savvy in business and their knack for turning situations to their advantage.
  • Seek opportunities to leverage your negotiation skills to benefit your party, whether in trade, diplomacy, or conflict resolution.
  • Draw on your background to offer insights into economic and social dynamics within Stoneharbor and beyond.

Character Backgrounds

In Stoneharbor, every character has a unique story that shapes their skills, values, and outlook on life. These backgrounds provide a glimpse into the diverse experiences that mold the people of this vibrant city. From sailors who navigate the Stream Silks to researchers uncovering the secrets of ancient fossils, each character brings their own history and expertise to the adventures that await.

Anti-Magic Fossil Research Assistant

Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: Cartographer’s tools, Mason’s tools
Languages: Common, one additional language of your choice
Equipment: A set of sturdy clothes, a set of cartographer’s tools, a small chisel and hammer, a small fossil, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.

Feature: Anti-Magic Insight
You have specialized knowledge of anti-magic fossils, which have the unique property of nullifying magical effects. You can identify areas rich in these fossils and have advantage on checks to analyze their properties. Your expertise allows you to assist in research efforts to understand and utilize these fossils, making you a valuable asset to scholars and adventurers dealing with magic.

Suggested Characteristics

Anti-Magic Fossil Research Assistants are curious and methodical, driven by a fascination with the interplay between magic and its nullification. They combine scientific inquiry with practical skills, often working in harsh environments to uncover and study these rare fossils.

Arcane Artisan

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist’s supplies, Tinker’s tools
Languages: Common, one additional language of your choice
Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools (one of your choice), a memento of your most significant creation, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.

Feature: Magical Tinkerer
You have access to a workshop in Stoneharbor where you can create and repair minor magical items. You can identify magical properties of items by spending a short rest examining them and can create common magical items (such as potions or scrolls) at half the normal cost.

Suggested Characteristics

Arcane Artisans are creative and meticulous, driven by a passion for invention and discovery. They are knowledgeable about magical and mechanical systems and take pride in their craft.

Dockside Urchin

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools, disguise kit
Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a token from your childhood, thieves’ tools, and a pouch containing 5 gp.

Feature: Streetwise
You know the ins and outs of Stoneharbor’s streets and docks. You can find food and shelter for yourself and your companions in the city, and you have contacts among the local underworld and street gangs who can provide information and assistance.

Suggested Characteristics

Dockside Urchins are resourceful and street-smart, having learned to survive through wit and agility. They often have a rough exterior but are fiercely loyal to their friends and allies.

Former Harbor Watch Sentinel

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Insight
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (water), Carpenter’s tools
Languages: Common, Shathun
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a whistle, an old Harbor Watch badge, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.

Feature: Streetwise
Your experience as a Harbor Watch Sentinel has given you an intimate knowledge of the streets and alleys of Stoneharbor. You know the best routes to avoid trouble, the locations of safe havens, and the habits of the city’s underworld. You can gain reliable information about local threats and criminal activities from your contacts within the city guard and the local populace.

Suggested Characteristics

Former Harbor Watch Sentinels are vigilant and resourceful, with a strong sense of duty and justice. Even after leaving the Harbor Watch, they often remain committed to protecting their community and upholding the law.

Merchant Royalty

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, forgery kit
Languages: Common, one additional language of your choice
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a signet ring or emblem of your merchant house, a ledger, and a purse containing 25 gp.

Feature: Trade Connections
You have extensive connections in Stoneharbor’s trade networks. You can arrange meetings with influential merchants, secure favorable prices for goods and services, and gain access to exclusive markets and trade deals.

Suggested Characteristics

Merchant Royalty are charismatic and shrewd, adept at navigating the complexities of commerce and diplomacy. They are ambitious and often have a keen sense of style and presentation.

Immersive Specialist

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (water), Smith’s tools
Languages: Common, Mer
Equipment: A set of working clothes, a repair kit for Immersive mechanisms, a waterproof journal, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.

Feature: Elemental Gateway Expertise
You are trained in maintaining and troubleshooting the Elemental Air Gateways used in Immersives. You can perform emergency repairs and have advantage on checks to stabilize malfunctioning Gateways. Additionally, your presence on an Immersive grants the vessel a +2 bonus to Constitution saving throws made to avoid Gateway Risks.

Suggested Characteristics

Immersive Specialists are meticulous and technically skilled, with a deep understanding of elemental mechanics. They are often seen as problem-solvers, able to keep their cool in high-pressure situations and ensure the safety of their crew.

Stream Silk Sailor

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival

Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (water), Weaver’s tools
Languages: Common, one additional language of your choice
Equipment: A set of sailor’s clothes, a coil of silk rope, a small weaving kit, and a pouch containing 10 gp.

Feature: Stream Silk Mastery
You are adept at working with the unique Stream Silks that power many ships in Stoneharbor. You can quickly repair damaged sails and rigging, and you have advantage on checks to navigate ships using Stream Silks. Additionally, you can identify the quality and condition of Stream Silk materials on sight.

Suggested Characteristics

Stream Silk Sailors are hardy and resourceful, accustomed to the rigors of life at sea. They have a deep understanding of the unique properties of Stream Silks and take pride in their ability to keep their ships running smoothly.

People of Stoneharbor

Harbor Watch

Medium Humanoid (any ancestry), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7)
Speed 30 ft.

13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +5
Skills Insight +4, Perception +4, Persuasion +7
Senses Passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Shathun
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2


Multiattack. The Harbor Watch makes two melee attacks.

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Lantern of Abatement. The Harbor Watch carries a special lantern that emits bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. This lantern has 3 charges. As an action, the Harbor Watch can expend 1 charge to cast Calm Emotions (save DC 13) from the lantern, targeting creatures within a 20-foot radius. The lantern regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Net. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 5/15 ft., one target. Hit: The target is restrained. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net.

The Harbor Watch are dedicated protectors of Stoneharbor’s docks and coastal areas, maintaining peace and order with their calming lanterns and negotiation skills. They are often seen patrolling the waterfront, ready to resolve conflicts and ensure the safety of all who pass through the bustling harbor.


Medium Humanoid (any ancestry), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 17 (chain mail, shield)

Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)

Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +5, Con +5, Wis +3

Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3, Intimidation +3

Senses Passive Perception 13

Languages Common, Shathun

Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Proficiency Bonus +2


Multiattack. The Stoneguard makes two melee attacks.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions

Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The Stoneguard can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 6 hit points.


Stone’s Endurance (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The Stoneguard can use a reaction to reduce damage dealt to them by 1d12 + 3.

The Stoneguard are elite soldiers tasked with protecting Stoneharbor from external threats and maintaining order within the city. Clad in sturdy chain mail and armed with longswords and javelins, they are a formidable presence on the streets. Trained in both combat and intimidation, the Stoneguard are prepared to handle everything from minor disputes to major incursions. They are respected and sometimes feared by the citizens, known for their unwavering commitment to the safety and security of Stoneharbor.

The Manta

Medium Humanoid (ancestry unknown), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +7
Skills Acrobatics +8, Deception +6, Insight +6, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Shathun, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Evasion. If The Manta is subjected to an effect that allows them to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, they instead take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if they fail.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The Manta deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage when they hit a target with a weapon attack and have advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of The Manta that isn’t incapacitated and The Manta doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that The Manta can see hits them with an attack, they can use their reaction to halve the attack’s damage against them.


Multiattack. The Manta makes three melee attacks or two ranged attacks.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions

Cunning Action. The Manta can take a bonus action on each of their turns to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Legendary Actions

The Manta can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Manta regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.

Detect. The Manta makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.

Move. The Manta moves up to their speed without provoking opportunity attacks.

Attack. The Manta makes one weapon attack.

The Manta is the enigmatic and feared leader of the Stoneharbor Thieves’ Guild. They command a network of spies, thieves, and informants throughout the city. They are a master of deception and strategy, always staying one step ahead of their adversaries and the law.

Erratic Tinkerling Sage

Medium Humanoid (Tinkerling), Neutral

Armor Class 14 (Integrated Protection)
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +2
Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +5, Perception +2
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Fstuuian, Shathun
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Mechanical Nature. The tinkerling does not need to eat, drink, or breathe. It cannot benefit from potions or any ingested magical effects.

Recharge. Instead of sleeping, the tinkerling enters an inactive state for 6 hours to recharge. It is fully aware of its surroundings and can notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Overclock. Once per day, when the tinkerling makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can choose to roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the result. After doing so, it rolls another d4. On a roll of 1, it suffers 1d4 lightning damage.

Random Functionality. When the tinkerling finishes a long rest, it rolls on the following table to determine a random benefit it gains for the next 24 hours:

D10 Benefit
1 Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
2 Walking speed increases by 10 feet.
3 Adds its proficiency bonus to one type of saving throw (chosen at the end of its rest).
4 Gains temporary hit points equal to its level.
5 Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
6 Unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
7 Advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
8 Resistance to one damage type (chosen at the end of its rest).
9 Can speak one additional language.
10 Can cast detect magic once without expending a spell slot.


Multiattack. The tinkerling makes two melee attacks.

Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Arcane Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) force damage.

Overclock (Recharge 6). The tinkerling can overclock its circuits to gain advantage on its next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. After doing so, it rolls a d4. On a roll of 1, it suffers 1d4 lightning damage.



An Immersive is a submersible vessel designed for underwater exploration and travel, utilizing a tiny gateway to the Elemental Plane of Air for breathing, pressure regulation, buoyancy, and propulsion. Its sleek hull and shimmering arcane runes enable it to navigate the depths with ease, while its advanced systems ensure the safety and comfort of its crew and passengers.


Gargantuan vehicle (60 ft. by 20 ft.)

Creature Capacity 8 crew, 20 passengers

Cargo Capacity 10 tons

Travel Pace 6 miles per hour (144 miles per day)

22 (+6) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 0 0 0

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious


On its turn, the Immersive can take 3 actions, choosing from the options below. It can take only 2 actions if it has fewer than eight crew and only 1 action if it has fewer than four. It can’t take these actions if it has fewer than three crew.

Move. The Immersive can use its Elemental Jet to move up to its speed.

Dash. The Immersive can use its Elemental Jet to move up to twice its speed.

Turn. The Immersive can turn up to 90 degrees.

Depth Dive. The Immersive can dive or ascend up to 60 feet vertically.

Elemental Burst (Recharge 5–6). The Immersive can release a burst of air from the gateway, propelling it forward 120 feet in a straight line. If used when not recharged or if using a double burst (240 feet), the operator must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, roll on the Gateway Risks Table.

Propeller Cannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 200/800 ft., one target. Hit: 6d10 piercing damage. The cannon can fire twice per round.


Armor Class 18
Hit Points 300 (damage threshold 20)

Control: Helm

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 50
Move up to the speed of one of the ship’s movement components, with one 90-degree turn. If the helm is destroyed, the Immersive can’t turn.

Movement: Elemental Air Gateway

Armor Class 18
Hit Points 100
Speed (water) 60 ft.
Provides air, regulates pressure, controls buoyancy, and propels the Immersive. If damaged, use the Gateway Risks Table.

Gateway Risks Table

Roll 1d10 when the Elemental Air Gateway is damaged, disrupted, or manipulated improperly. Use this table when:

  • The gateway takes damage. Roll a DC 10 Consitution saving throw for every 10 hit points lost. When the gateway’s hit points reach 30 or less, make the saving throws with disadvantage.
  • A critical failure occurs while operating the gateway.
  • A saving throw is failed when using the Elemental Burst without recharge or when using a double burst.
  • Make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw every day during extended travel or every 10 minutes when navigating through hazardous conditions.
d10 Risk Effect
1 Air Surge Blast of air propels the ship 60 feet in a random (1d8) direction.
2 Pressure Fluctuation Internal pressure fluctuates. All creatures inside take 1d10 force damage.
3 Buoyancy Loss Ship sinks 30 feet per round for 1 minute unless corrected (DC 20 Strength).
4 Air Depletion Crew must make DC 15 Constitution saving throws every hour or suffer exhaustion.
5 Elemental Disturbance 2d4 Air Mephits emerge from the gateway and attack the crew.
6 Propulsion Failure Ship’s speed is halved for 1 hour.
7 Structural Stress The hull takes 4d10 damage.
8 Minor Leak Water begins to fill the hull, requiring a DC 20 check to repair or fills in 10 minutes.
9 Gateway Flux Random elemental effects (GM’s discretion, e.g., gusts, temperature).
10 Major Breach The gateway partially collapses. The hull takes 8d10 damage. DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check to stabilize the gateway.

Stream Silks

Stream Silks are an innovation of Andovir’s Arcanowrights, designed to catch both wind and the Flow. These enchanted sails, woven with arcane threads, enable ships to traverse the sea with unmatched speed and agility. Their intricate, shimmering patterns reflect the currents of the Flow, making them highly valued by skilled sailors.

A ship can have one Stream Silk installed at a time. A set of Stream Silks costs 10,000 gp and takes 1d4 weeks to manufacture. Each set of Stream Silks fits a specific type of ship.

Installing Stream Silks onto a ship requires a skilled crew and specialized tools, taking 3d6 days of work while docked with a cost of 5000 gp.

To activate the Stream Silks, a spellcaster can cast Channel Flow, or the ship can use an Arcane Flow Conduit as an action.

The range of an effect such as an attack originates from any point on the mainsail at the operator’s discretion.

Channel Flow

1st-level transmutation (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You touch the mainsail of the ship’s Stream Silks and channel arcane energy into them, activating a specific effect based on the level of the spell slot expended.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the effect is enhanced as described in the Stream Silks Effects section.

Classes: Arcanowright, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard

Arcane Flow Conduit

Wondrous Item, rare (requires installation)

The Arcane Flow Conduit is a crystalline device about the size of a large lantern, embedded with intricate arcane runes. It is designed to store and channel arcane energy, allowing a ship’s Stream Silks to be activated without the need for a spellcaster.

Construction and Installation. The conduit costs 5,000 gp to construct and takes 1d4 weeks. Installing the conduit requires a skilled crew and specialized tools, taking 3d6 days while the ship is docked, with an additional cost of 1,000 gp.

Charges: The conduit can store up to 10 charges. To activate the Stream Silks, a crew member uses the controls at the ship’s helm, consuming charges based on the level of the effect: 1 charge for a 1st-level effect, 2 charges for a 2nd-level effect, and so on up to 5 charges for a 5th-level effect. Each activation lasts for 10 minutes.

Activation. To activate the Stream Silks, a crew member operates the conduit by manipulating the controls integrated into the ship’s helm. The corresponding number of charges are consumed, and the Stream Silks activate, displaying their magical aura and effect for 10 minutes.

Recharging: The conduit can be recharged by an onboard spellcaster casting Channel Flow, or at a port with an available caster for 50 gp per charge. A spellcaster can restore charges using spell slots: a 1st-level slot restores 1 charge, and so on up to a 5th-level slot restores 5 charges.

The conduit can be recharged at a port with an available caster for a typical fee of 50 gp per charge.

Specificity. Each Arcane Flow Conduit is designed to work with a specific type of Stream Silk. For instance, a conduit designed for Speed Boost Stream Silks cannot be used to activate Silent Running Stream Silks.

Performance Enhancements

Speed Boost

This sail shimmers with an iridescent sheen, changing colors subtly as the light shifts. When activated, it radiates a vibrant blue aura, creating a trail of glowing, translucent streaks in the air as the ship speeds up. This effect grants the ship an extra 10 feet of movement per turn for 10 minutes.

Higher Levels/Charges: Using a higher-level spell slot or more conduit charges increases the movement bonus by +10 feet per turn up to +50.

Silent Running

This sail typically has a faint, flowing script in an ancient, arcane language that constantly moves and rearranges itself. When activated, it darkens to a deep, matte black, absorbing light and sound, making the ship nearly undetectable, giving it advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for 10 minutes.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the duration by 10 minutes, up to a maximum of 50 minutes.

Defensive Capabilities

Flow Shield

In its default state, this sail features thin, glowing veins of energy running through it, creating a web-like pattern. When activated, the sail sparkles with tiny, hexagonal patterns of light, forming a semi-transparent shield around the ship, granting a +2 bonus to AC for 10 minutes.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the AC bonus by +1 up to +6.

Wind Ward

Normally, the sail displays a gradient color scheme transitioning from deep blue at the bottom to pale lavender at the top. When the Wind Ward is active, whirling, glowing runes appear on the sail, creating a faintly visible barrier of swirling wind currents that deflect projectiles, giving the ship resistance to ranged weapon damage for 10 minutes.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the duration by 10 minutes, up to a maximum of 50 minutes.

Flow Cloak

In its inactive state, this sail has a lifelike fabric texture, gently rippling and undulating as if breathing. When activated, the sail takes on a mirror-like quality, reflecting its surroundings perfectly and rendering the ship invisible for up to 10 minutes.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the duration by 10 minutes, up to a maximum of 50 minutes.

Offensive Capabilities

Arcane Burst

Typically, this sail displays a starfield pattern with tiny points of light resembling a starry night sky. When activated, it glows with a pulsating purple light, building up energy before releasing it in a burst of forceful arcane energy, dealing 2d6 force damage to each creature and object within 30 feet of the ship. This effect can be activated once per day.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the damage by 2d6 up to 10d6.

Lightning Sails

This amber sail is transparent. When the Lightning Sails effect activates, blue-white lightning crackles across the surface, allowing the ship to discharge a lightning bolt in any direction in a line 120 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature and object in the line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The sail can use this effect once per hour.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the damage by 2d6 up to 16d6.

Blade Winds

This sail typically appears as if made from hammered silver. When activated, the edges glint razor-sharp and spiral outward, dealing 2d8 slashing damage to creatures within 10 feet of the ship.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the damage by 1d8 up to 6d8.

Utility Functions

Flow Compass

Normally, this sail features glowing constellations and compass roses. When activated, it displays intricate patterns of glowing lines that shift and move to point towards a predetermined direction, enhancing navigation and granting advantage on Survival checks for navigation for 1 day.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the duration by 1 day, up to a maximum of 5 days.

Flow Communicator

The default appearance of this sail is an iridescent sheen, changing colors subtly as the light shifts. When the Flow Communicator is active, it shimmers with a soft, multi-colored light, producing gentle pulses that sync with incoming and outgoing messages, similar to the Sending spell, for up to 1 hour.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the duration by 1 hour, up to a maximum of 5 hours.

Environmental Adaptation

This sail typically emits a soft, ambient glow similar to a magnetic aurora. When activated, it changes color and texture to match the desired environmental conditions, providing a comfortable environment for the crew regardless of external conditions, lasting up to one day.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the duration by one day, up to a maximum of 5 days.

Miscellaneous Effects

Flow Restoration

Inactive, this sail has thin, glowing veins of arcane energy running through it, creating a web-like pattern. When activated, it emits a soft, green glow, with faint images of leaves and vines appearing as it works to repair the ship, restoring 1d8 hit points per hour, up to a maximum of 8 hours per day.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the healing by 1d8 per hour up to 5d8 per hour.

Flow Net

Normally, this sail features intricate, ever-changing patterns resembling gentle waves or currents of wind. When activated, it transforms into a shimmering net-like pattern, extending into the water to catch fish and other sea creatures, providing a steady food supply for up to 30 crew and passengers for one day.

Higher Levels/Charges: Each higher level or additional charge increases the food supply for 30 crew and passengers, up to a maximum of 150 per day.

Secrets of the Shore

Beneath Stoneharbor lie secrets whispered in hushed tones and hidden from prying eyes.

Crime in the Council

Despite their public role as the Head of Trade and Commerce, Councilor Nlook is whispered to have ties to the Undercurrent. Nlook’s position as the head of trade grants them access to valuable information about incoming shipments and lucrative deals, which they may discreetly share with the Thieves Guild in exchange for a share of the spoils. Additionally, rumors suggest that Nlook may have personal debts or obligations to certain members of the Undercurrent, compelling them to maintain these covert alliances.

The Shoal

A hidden network of tunnels beneath Stoneharbor connects to ancient sea caves, rumored to be home to a reclusive clan of aquatic elves who guard powerful arcane relics. These relics, said to be remnants of a lost civilization, possess untold magical properties coveted by scholars and adventurers alike.

The Lost Ship of Ronan Stormrage

Rumors persist of a legendary pirate ship, the Black Kraken, lost to the depths centuries ago off the coast of Stoneharbor. Said to be laden with riches beyond imagination, the wreck of the Black Kraken remains undiscovered, its exact whereabouts shrouded in mystery. Adventurers and treasure hunters alike scour the shores and the ocean floor in search of clues that may lead them to the fabled ship’s final resting place.

Appendix A: Example Names

Shathun Names

  • Bleea
  • Dãnnii
  • Brez
  • Ghrok
  • Fyolmot
  • Skeet
  • Draizwook
  • Eetdoodwuugh
  • Nloktif
  • Krad
  • Brooz
  • Fkõõm
  • Nyyuuw
  • Ryõn
  • Whĩngke
  • Whuu
  • Sneeeynu
  • Nlook
  • Ihlĩng
  • Nnũm
  • Ier
  • Skeef
  • Toogh
  • Dreeaal
  • Sdẽẽng
  • Ãnnoorbiiz
  • Net
  • Bruuk
  • Ryogh
  • Dio
  • Froydĩm
  • Fkẽẽntor
  • Tuuhkoo
  • Srew
  • Nyyeef
  • Breeoow
  • Truugh
  • Fkĩĩm
  • Laz
  • Dau
  • Nluubdar
  • Nriib
  • Uukta
  • Lek
  • Kooktid
  • Fkafkie
  • Niiz
  • Waalmar
  • Õõn

Tinkerling Names

  • Adza
  • Afyiit
  • Apa
  • Emfuuz
  • Fkheshu
  • Fruurvu
  • Fruuts
  • Fshaw
  • Fskiik
  • Fspaltyuu
  • Ghil
  • Iikhralru
  • Iilsta
  • Iiye
  • Imshuu
  • Irtap
  • Klav
  • Klur
  • Kshiing
  • Kstangli
  • Ktuw
  • Luu
  • Lyuumul
  • Mlikhu
  • Plertiitstvuts
  • Prepshuuk
  • Psezh
  • Psuung
  • Sfiighu
  • Shats
  • Skhresh
  • Smiik
  • Smiisa
  • Smu
  • Tsvalshu
  • Tsvis
  • Tsvuut
  • Uuhriiuu
  • Uukhuuts
  • Uul
  • Uumter
  • Uup
  • Uuwuszuuzh
  • Vruutkra
  • Vzrudz
  • Whuuzh
  • Zvluush
  • Zvluv

Anurian Names

  • Degsho
  • Desze
  • Dob
  • Getdi
  • Gligb
  • Hozh
  • Hwaz
  • Izh
  • Klikse
  • Knelshabni
  • Kninhopni
  • Kotto
  • Kpi
  • Kpowil
  • Kpup
  • Kuksu
  • Ndibduwwi
  • Ndinobug
  • Ndokzi
  • Ndug
  • Ngosnetne
  • Nlelizhoz
  • Nliksan
  • Nlinhe
  • Nlog
  • Od
  • Odwi
  • Ogho
  • Okp
  • Ozwe
  • Pesh
  • Petkod
  • Shtet
  • Shtetighiz
  • Shwotdikp
  • Slashli
  • Sle
  • Slil
  • So
  • Spehkin
  • Stez
  • Upiwwe
  • Zhwez
  • Zhwosh
  • Zlap
  • Zoz
  • Zukneg

Credits & Copyright

  • Writer: Dale Critchley
  • Cartographer: Dale Critchley
  • Artwork by Dale Critchley, public domain illustrations, and Adobe Stock Art
  • Ship wheel in footer from vecteezy.com


This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.

All content unless otherwise noted ©2024 Wyrmworks Publishing


a robotic dragonborn with a sword on a battlefield

Tinkerlings are sentient clockwork humanoids, crafted with intricate gears, springs, and other mechanical components. They are products of masterful engineering and arcane ingenuity, brought to life by a combination of magic and science. Each Tinkerling is unique, reflecting the creativity and purpose of its creator. Despite their mechanical nature, Tinkerlings possess self-awareness, emotions, and the ability to learn and grow.

Common Traits

All Tinkerlings share the following traits, regardless of their specific variant:


Tinkerlings are built fully mature and do not age as organic beings do. They can function indefinitely with proper maintenance.


Tinkerlings tend towards neutral alignments, focusing on logic and efficiency, but can be of any alignment based on their experiences and creators’ intentions.


Tinkerlings are Medium, standing between 5 and 6 feet tall and weighing around 200 to 300 pounds.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You can speak, read, and write Common, Fstuuian, and one other language of your choice.

Mechanical Nature

You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. You cannot use potions or benefit from any ingested magical effects.


Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 6 hours to recharge. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Integrated Protection

Your body has built-in defensive mechanisms. You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.


Each Tinkerling variant reflects a different design philosophy and purpose. Choose one of the following variants:

Erratic Tinkerling

Erratic Tinkerlings possess chaotic circuitry that grants them unpredictable benefits, adding an element of randomness to their capabilities.


Once per long rest, when you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can choose to roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the result. After doing so, roll another d4. On a roll of 1, you suffer 1d4 lightning damage per your proficiency bonus.

Random Functionality

When you finish a long rest, roll on the following table to determine a random benefit you gain for the next 24 hours:

d10 Benefit
1 You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
2 Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
3 You can add your proficiency bonus to one type of saving throw (choose at the end of your rest).
4 You gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
5 You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
6 Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
7 You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
8 You have resistance to one damage type of your choice (choose at the end of your rest).
9 You can speak one additional language of your choice.
10 You can cast detect magic once without expending a spell slot.

Guardian Tinkerling

Guardian Tinkerlings serve as protectors, boasting enhanced defensive capabilities and resilience in battle.


When you hit with a melee attack, you can expend a hit die to deal extra lightning damage equal to the roll of the hit die + your Constitution modifier.

Defensive Maneuver

When you take damage from a melee attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to 1d6 + your Constitution modifier. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Projectile Launcher

You have a built-in launcher that can fire an arrow, sling bullet, or crossbow bolt without needing to hold a weapon. This ranged attack has a range of 30/120 feet and deals 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage. The launcher has the ammunition property and must be loaded as a bonus action.

Scout Tinkerling

Scout Tinkerlings excel in reconnaissance, with superior agility, darkvision, and the ability to become invisible.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Stealth Mode

You can cast the invisibility spell on yourself once with this trait, requiring no material components. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Dexterity is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Adaptive Systems

When you take the Dodge action, you can choose one of the following effects to apply to yourself until the start of your next turn:

  • Increase your movement speed by 10 feet.
  • Gain resistance to one damage type of your choice.
  • Gain advantage on the next saving throw you make before the start of your next turn.