Assistive Equipment

Name Cost Weight Description
Bandage (Compression) 1 sp A compression bandage can reduce arm or hand pain by 1 IE for 10d6 minutes per day.
Brace (Back) 200 gp 5 lb A back brace gives a +2 bonus to the Constitution saving throw from jarring pain. Takes 1 minute to put on.
Brace (Limb) 150 gp 2 lb Reduces the associated IE penalty by 1 for Dexterity checks and saving throws. Takes 1 minute to put on.
Cane 1 gp 2 lb Reduces the associated IE penalty by 1 for Dexterity checks and saving throws. Requires at least one hand to be used for balance.
Crutches (Axillary, Metal) 10 gp 15 lb Reduces the associated IE penalty by 1 for Dexterity checks and saving throws. Requires at least one hand to be used for balance.
Crutches (Axillary, Wood) 2 gp 10 lb Reduces the associated IE penalty by 1 for Dexterity checks and saving throws. Requires at least one hand to be used for balance.
Crutches (Elbow, Metal) 5 gp 5 lb Reduces the associated IE penalty by 1 for Dexterity checks and saving throws. Requires at least one hand to be used for balance.
Dentures 1 gp per tooth A doctor can make a set or partial set of ivory or bone dentures for 1 gp per tooth and 2 teeth per day of work, requiring a successful DC 8 Wisdom (Medicine) check. They’re prone to falling out while eating or during a barbarian Rage, requiring a successful DC 8 Dexterity saving throw to keep them in, and they must be replaced annually.
Ear Horn 1 gp 1 lb An ear horn can reduce the IE by 1 for listening to a single target for all but those with Acute deafness, but the horn must be held in place with 1 hand and aimed at the target.
Earplugs 5 sp Aids with various hearing differences. Consult individual trait descriptions for details.
Fidget 1 sp Taking many forms, a fidget is typically a small device with moving parts that helps those with Attention Difference and other traits focus, giving you a +1 on all saving throws associated with concentration or attention while using it.
Filter Mask 1 cp This mask gives a +1 to all Constitution saving throws against airborne disease spread for the wearer, +2 if the wearer has the disease and seeks to prevent its spread. It can also be seasoned with oils and herbs for those with Hypersensitive Smell.
Hot Bag 4 cp 10 lb This canvas bag filled with rice can be heated and applied to give relief in some circumstances.
Neti Pot 5 cp 1 lb For those with nasal discharge, rinsing out the nose with a spray or neti pot can reduce the IE by 1 for an hour on a successful DC 10 Constitution check. Failure to use sterilized water requires a DC 8 Constitution saving throw to avoid Infection.
Prosthetic Arm/Hand 5 + (IE) × 50 gp IE × 1.5 lb An artisan can make prosthetic hands and arms for various purposes, with differing durability, function, and price. The base cost of a cosmetic wooden replacement is (5 + (IE)) × 50 gp, with costs increasing significantly for specialized uses. It must also be adjusted or replaced annually or when you experience any major physical changes. A prosthesis designed to hold a weapon will still have a penalty of −(IE) on attack rolls with that hand due to the prosthesis’s lack of feeling and fine motor control.
Prosthetic Leg/Foot 10 + (IE) × 50 gp IE × 3 lb A prosthetic leg or foot can eliminate the disadvantage on one missing limb except Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, but multiple prostheses may be necessary for different uses, such as distance walking vs. running. It must also be adjusted or replaced annually or when you experience any major physical changes or it gets damaged, costing (10 + (IE)) × 50 gp.
Rollator 13 gp 20 lb Reduces the associated IE penalty by 1 for Dexterity checks and saving throws. Requires at least one hand to be used for balance.
Salve 1 sp 1 lb A jar of salve costs 1 sp for seven days’ worth and must be applied every 2 hours to receive the benefits. One hour after application, the IE reduces by 1 for 2 hours, continuing as long as applications continue. The benefits wear off after 2.5 hours if not reapplied.
Spectacles (Vision Correcting) 200 gp + (IE) × 100 gp Spectacles can be made by an artisan with a Wisdom (Medicine) roll to reduce the IE by 1 (DC 10) or 2 (DC 15) for 200 gp + (IE) × 100 gp and seven days of work. If the artisan fails the roll, it can be attempted again, each time requiring the same amount of time and cost for each attempt.
Stylus 2 sp A metal stylus can be made by any smith to inscribe texture codes into parchment, including spellbooks.
Sunglasses 200 gp A specialized artisan can craft a pair of sunglasses costing 200 gp to conceal your eyes or aid visual Sensory Over-Responsivity.
Support Hose 2 gp Support hose can reduce the IE of leg pain by 1.
Walker 10 gp 10 lb Reduces the associated IE penalty by 1 for Dexterity checks and saving throws. Requires at least one hand to be used for balance.
Weighted Blanket 20 gp 10% of owner’s body weight At the end of a short rest under it, you receive a +1 on all saving throws related to your associated trait for 1d4 hours. If you take a long rest under the weighted blanket, then you must succeed on a DC 8 Constitution saving throw or wake up with Stiffness (Roll for Impact Extent) from the added weight during your sleep for 1d4 hours. Such a blanket can be made from two large animal pelts for a medium humanoid or two medium animal pelts for a small humanoid plus enough sand to make the total weight 10 percent of your body weight.
Wheelchair 50 gp 50 lb Wheelchairs eliminate the movement penalty and add 50 percent to your dash movement unless on rough terrain, but many actions such as jumping are impossible while sitting in a typical wheelchair.