
Limitless Heroics Cover: As our heroes fight the hydra, we see just some of the variety of symptoms represented in this book. The paladin has a prosthetic arm to assist with their amputation. The barbarian rages from their wheelchair, providing mobility for their paralyzed legs. The ranger, whose body is more accustomed to an aquatic environment just as someone in the real world may be more comfortable in a quieter or darker sensory environment, finds ways to compensate and keep fighting. The wizard’s vitiligo may not be thought of as a disability, nor should it be, yet many in the real world experience severe discrimination due to unusual skin pigment — how many celebrities, corporate executives, or politicians do you know with visibly irregular skin?

You have a persistent, excessive fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation. Choose or roll on the following table, or choose a different stimulus. When within (IE) × 10 feet of the phobic stimulus, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Wisdom saving throw each round. On failure, you must move away from the stimulus or have a −(IE) penalty on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks due to distraction, and you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on an applicable spell each round. This trait always has a Triggered Frequency, and you may choose or roll more than one Phobia.

Note that the labels can be broad, so when you roll or choose a Phobia, discuss with your GM what exactly it encompasses and what may have caused it. A fear of rats may relate more to their size than their shape. It also doesn’t give you additional awareness and is based on your perceptions, so if you’re afraid of spiders, a fiend that looks like one would probably also be included, or a fear of a gender would be based on your perception of gender, not the object’s own gender experience.

document.getElementById("generate-phobia").addEventListener("click", function() { var phobias = [ "Biomophobia: a specific biome", "Topophobia: a specific location or places like it", "Numerophobia: a specific number", "Ektropophobia: aberrations", "Batrachophobia: amphibians and frog-like creatures", "Thymomenophobia: angry people", "Kallitechnophobia: aristocrats and royalty", "Panoplophobia: armor", "Anthropozoophobia: beast-like humanoids", "Zoophobia: beasts", "Autophobia: being alone", "Catagelophobia: being ridiculed", "Scoptophobia: being stared at", "Aphenphosmphobia: being touched", "Ornithophobia: birds", "Hemophobia: blood", "Bibliophobia: books and scrolls", "Toxophobia: bows and other stringed weapons", "Gephyrophobia: bridges", "Zootryponophobia: burrowing creatures", "Koumpounophobia: buttons", "Wiccaphobia: casters", "Ailurophobia: cats", "Angelophobia: celestials", "Pedophobia: children", "Politophobia: cities", "Ierotikophobia: clerics and clergy", "Kibotophobia: closed containers", "Coulrophobia: clowns", "Trypophobia: clusters of small holes", "Claustrophobia: confined spaces", "Kataskeniphobia: constructs", "Chromozoophobia: creatures of a certain color", "Cornophobia: creatures with horns or antlers", "Pterophobia: creatures with quills and spikes", "Plokamophobia: creatures with tentacles", "Pterugophobia: creatures with wings", "Achluophobia: darkness", "Necrophobia: death or dead things", "Dinosaurophobia: dinosaurs", "Cynophobia: dogs", "Draconophobia: dragons", "Pogonophobia: dwarves", "Stoicheiodiphobia: elementals", "Xotikophobia: elves", "Basophobia: falling", "Neraidophobia: fey creatures", "Daemonophobia: fiends", "Pyrophobia: fire", "Anthophobia: flowers", "Pteromerhanophobia: flying", "Megalophobia: giants", "Nanophobia: gnomes", "Misophobia: halflings", "Acrophobia: heights", "Domatophobia: houses", "Automatonophobia: human-like figures", "Entomophobia: insects", "Astynomiophobia: law enforcement officers", "Technourgimophobia: magic items", "Stratiotophobia: martial classes", "Androphobia: men", "Catoptrophobia: mirrors", "Pithikophobia: monkeys and ape-like creatures", "Teratourgimophobia: monstrosities", "Aichmophobia: needles or pointed objects", "Trypanophobia: needles/injections", "Arithmophobia: numbers", "Chromophobia: one or more colors", "Kalikantzarophobia: one or more monstrous humanoid races such as orcs or goblinoids", "Laspophobia: oozes", "Agoraphobia: open spaces or crowds", "Algophobia: pain", "Anthropophobia: people or society", "Botanophobia: plants", "Herpetophobia: reptiles", "Amaxophobia: riding in a cart or carriage", "Pontikiphobia: rodents", "Katergarophobia: rogues", "Metamorphophobia: shapeshifters", "Microphobia: small animals", "Ophidiophobia: snakes", "Chionophobia: snow and ice", "Glossophobia: speaking in public", "Arachnophobia: spiders", "Bathmophobia: stairs or steep slopes", "Xenophobia: strangers or foreigners", "Sminophobia: swarms", "Noctiphobia: the night", "Tonitrophobia: thunder", "Astraphobia: thunder and lightning", "Chronophobia: time (deadlines and schedules)", "Lilapsophobia: tornadoes and hurricanes", "Haphephobia: touch", "Dendrophobia: trees", "Cacophobia: ugliness", "Apethanatophobia: undead", "Hydrophobia: water", "Aerophobia: wind", "Gynophobia: women" ]; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1; var result = phobias[randomNumber - 1]; document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = result; });

d100 Phobia Stimulus
1 Biomophobia a specific biome
2 Topophobia a specific location or places like it
3 Numerophobia a specific number
4 Ektropophobia aberrations
5 Batrachophobia amphibians and frog-like creatures
6 Thymomenophobia angry people
7 Kallitechnophobia aristocrats and royalty
8 Panoplophobia armor
9 Anthropozoophobia beast-like humanoids
10 Zoophobia beasts
11 Autophobia being alone
12 Catagelophobia being ridiculed
13 Scoptophobia being stared at
14 Aphenphosmphobia being touched
15 Ornithophobia birds
16 Hemophobia blood
17 Bibliophobia books and scrolls
18 Toxophobia bows and other stringed weapons
19 Gephyrophobia bridges
20 Zootrypono burrowing creatures
21 Koumpounophobia buttons
22 Wiccaphobia casters
23 Ailurophobia cats
24 Angelophobia celestials
25 Pedophobia children
26 Politophobia cities
27 Ierotikophobia clerics and clergy
28 Kibotophobia closed containers
29 Coulrophobia clowns
30 Trypophobia clusters of small holes
31 Claustrophobia confined spaces
32 Kataskeniphobia constructs
33 Chromozoophobia creatures of a certain color
34 Cornophobia creatures with horns or antlers
35 Pterophobia creatures with quills and spikes
36 Plokamophobia creatures with tentacles
37 Pterugophobia creatures with wings
38 Achluophobia darkness
39 Necrophobia death or dead things
40 Dinosaurophobia dinosaurs
41 Cynophobia dogs
42 Draconophobia dragons
43 Pogonophobia dwarves
44 Stoicheiodiphobia elementals
45 Xotikophobia elves
46 Basophobia falling
47 Neraidophobia fey creatures
48 Daemonophobia fiends
49 Pyrophobia fire
50 Anthophobia flowers
51 Pteromerhanophobia flying
52 Megalophobia giants
53 Nanophobia gnomes
54 Misophobia halflings
55 Acrophobia heights
56 Domatophobia houses
57 Automatonophobia human-like figures
58 Entomophobia insects
59 Astynomiophobia law enforcement officers
60 Technourgimophobia magic items
61 Stratiotophobia martial classes
62 Androphobia men
63 Catoptrophobia mirrors
64 Pithikophobia monkeys and ape-like creatures
65 Teratourgimophobia monstrosities
66 Aichmophobia needles or pointed objects
67 Trypanophobia needles/injections
68 Arithmophobia numbers
69 Chromophobia one or more colors
70 Kalikantzarophobia one or more monstrous humanoid races such as orcs or goblinoids
71 Laspophobia oozes
72 Agoraphobia open spaces or crowds
73 Algophobia pain
74 Anthropophobia people or society
75 Botanophobia plants
76 Herpetophobia reptiles
77 Amaxophobia riding in a cart or carriage
78 Pontikiphobia rodents
79 Katergarophobia rogues
80 Metamorphophobia shapeshifters
81 Microphobia small animals
82 Ophidiophobia snakes
83 Chionophobia snow and ice
84 Glossophobia speaking in public
85 Arachnophobia spiders
86 Bathmophobia stairs or steep slopes
87 Xenophobia strangers or foreigners
88 Sminophobia swarms
89 Noctiphobia the night
90 Tonitrophobia thunder
91 Astraphobia thunder and lightning
92 Chronophobia time (deadlines and schedules)
93 Lilapsophobia tornadoes and hurricanes
94 Haphephobia touch
95 Dendrophobia trees
96 Cacophobia ugliness
97 Apethanatophobia undead
98 Hydrophobia water
99 Aerophobia wind
100 Gynophobia women
Real-world Examples

Phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Assistive Options

With professional assistance, gradual increased exposure and proximity to the phobic stimulus can help reduce the phobic reaction over time. The assisting cleric, druid, or physician must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check to offer proper assistance. If the assistant fails this check or it’s made without an assistant, you make your Wisdom saving throws with disadvantage. You (the character) will not know that the assistance succeeded, but if they fail, you may notice over time that it’s not helping and seek a different assistant.

When attempting to reduce your phobic reaction, begin with a representation such as a painting or imagining the stimulus and work up from there to maximum exposure with the real version. The player and GM should develop a strategy of eight to ten steps and may attempt this once per day. For the first step, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Wisdom saving throw for three consecutive attempts. The days need not be consecutive. Once accomplishing that step, the DC increases by 1 and requires three consecutive successful attempts, repeating the process until every step is successfully completed. If you have a traumatic or dangerous experience related to the stimulus, you must succeed on an additional Wisdom saving throw equal to your current step roll or lose one step, even if you’ve completed all steps.

Magical Assistance

The Heroism spell will negate Phobias in the target creature for the duration.