
Limitless Heroics Cover: As our heroes fight the hydra, we see just some of the variety of symptoms represented in this book. The paladin has a prosthetic arm to assist with their amputation. The barbarian rages from their wheelchair, providing mobility for their paralyzed legs. The ranger, whose body is more accustomed to an aquatic environment just as someone in the real world may be more comfortable in a quieter or darker sensory environment, finds ways to compensate and keep fighting. The wizard’s vitiligo may not be thought of as a disability, nor should it be, yet many in the real world experience severe discrimination due to unusual skin pigment — how many celebrities, corporate executives, or politicians do you know with visibly irregular skin?

You possess ambiguous reproductive organs for those associated with your ancestry. This may be expressed as genital underdevelopment or variation, diverse secondary sex characteristics, or presentation of genitalia of multiple sexes. The IE determines how noticeable your ambiguity is in daily interaction as it affects your visible characteristics, and players and GMs should carefully discuss how best to represent this diversity, which may include bonuses or penalties to Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) checks depending on the situation and cultural acceptance. If you have this trait, you may choose Infertility as one of your other traits.

Real-world Examples

Hyperplasia, Agenesis, Gonadal Dysgenesis, Ovotesticular Disorder of Sex Development, Anorchia, Klinefelter Syndrome, Turner Syndrome

Assistive Options

This trait requires no assistance except acceptance of diversity.

Magical Assistance

Magic that affects a person’s appearance, such as a Seeming spell, can affect how you present for the duration.