Yandel’s Restorative Salve

Wondrous Item, common

This deep purple jar of 4d6 doses of salve reduces inflammation of a rash for 2d20 hours, lowering the IE by 2. To receive the benefits, you must use (IE) doses each time to cover enough of your skin. This quantity is halved for small creatures and doubled for large creatures.

Xavcraes’s Glove of the Wolf

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This glove, made from wolf hide, enables you to transform a limb into a fully formed limb resembling the arm of the humanoid form of a werewolf, giving normal strength to that arm and an unarmed claw attack of 3 (1d6) + Strength Bonus slashing damage. Every day this is used, you must succeed on a DC 5 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.

Wren’s Ear of Memory

Wondrous Item, common

This ear can record up to one hour of sound and store it until you replace it with another recording. It can only hold one recording, regardless of duration. Recording and playback can be turned on and off with a bonus action and must be worn to function. Playback is only audible to the wearer and can only be played from the beginning of the recording.

Webber’s Water Wheels

Wondrous Item, uncommon

These wooden wheels can be adjusted and installed on nearly any wheelchair by someone with smith’s tools or carpenter’s tools. While sitting in the wheelchair, you can move across the surface of water, mud, or other non-volatile liquids at your normal movement speed. Strong waves on the surface will reduce your movement speed as does difficult terrain.

Waterlow’s Instant Chariot

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This gold-encrusted cedar flagon-sized chariot can be activated with a bonus action up to three times per day for up to 8 hours total per day. While activated, it takes the form of a wooden chariot capable of transporting a medium-sized creature or smaller, including a wheelchair or analogous device, and any gear they would normally be able to carry with a 30′ movement speed or with a 20′ movement speed when carrying a large-sized creature. The chariot otherwise maneuvers and functions as a typical chariot, and if it takes damage that would destroy it, it deactivates and returns to its smaller shape, unable to be activated again until the next sunrise.

Vynlanesh’s Golem Armor

Armor, uncommon

This left half suit of Plate armor (Medium armor, AC 13 + Dexterity modifier (max 1), Stealth disadvantage, 35 lb.) animates your dissociated side, following your mental commands, but because it doesn’t remove the dissociation, all actions taken with this side of the body have the experience of controlling a puppet and thus take a −1 penalty, cannot use proficiency bonuses, and requires a full day of practice using it before receiving the benefits.

Voltaic Breastplate

Armor (breastplate), common

This breastplate has 6 charges. While wearing it, you can use your reaction for one of the following properties.

Neural Stimulation. The breastplate expends 1 charge to run a current through your nervous system, reducing the IE of Anhedonia and Baseless Emotions by two for 1d4 hours.

Voltaic Recharge. When you take lightning damage, for every die of damage you take, the breastplate regains 1 expended charge.

Veralynn’s Soothing Salve

Wondrous Item, common

Typically contained in a white clay jar with red runes and designs with 1d10 applications, this salve soothes pain, reducing the IE by 2 for 1d4 hours.

Veralynn’s Countryside Conveyance

elf with long brown hair, green leaf-motif dress, sitting in wooden wheelchair, 3 potion bottles in side pocket of wheelchair

Wondrous Item, common

This wheelchair has wide wheels that enable it to move through wilderness areas with a 30 foot speed, adjusted for terrain difficulty. While seated in it, you can command it telepathically to propel itself for up to 8 hours per day. The wheelchair regains its charge after a long rest.

Valkeown’s Fidget Focus

fidgets: a spring, a spinner, and beads on strings

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This fidget has 3 charges and functions as both a fidget item for assisting with general focus and as a spell focus. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus action to give you advantage on your next spell attack. The fidget regains all expended charges daily after a long rest.