Reyab’s Potion of Circulation

pink heart-shaped flask with white liquid within

Potion, common

This chalky white potion improves blood circulation and provides a +4 bonus to all Constitution checks against fainting and other traits of poor circulation for 2d4 hours.

Reilly’s Zephyr Mask

A mask with a bullfrog-like air bladder

Wondrous Item, rare

This  face mask, which covers the nose and mouth and resembles a bullfrog, opens a small portal to the Elemental Plane of Air and blows air into your mouth, reducing Shortness of Breath by 2 IEs while worn. Talking, spellcasting with verbal components, or other verbal tasks are impossible while wearing this mask.

Rashida Robinson-Terrell’s Headband of Enemy Detection

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This red and black headband detects hostile creatures within a 30 ft. radius and vibrates in their direction, the frequency increasing as they approach. This reduces your Impact Extent by 2 for rolls to hit and gives you a +2 to hit invisible creatures within range. You must remove it during a long rest or experience Nightmares (IE 2) while wearing it.

Ran’s Gauntlets of Stability

Wondrous Item, common

These gauntlets, when worn, reduce the IE of hand tremors by 2. However, you sometimes overcompensate and paralyze your arms. In any roll related to hand use, roll 1d20. On a 1, your hands grip tightly, making the gauntlets impossible to remove, and the arms become paralyzed to the shoulders until after a long rest.

Potion of Stillness

purple glowing potion in a clear and silver vial

Potion, common

This pink viscous fluid reduces the IE of Diarrhea by 2 for 1 day.

Potion of Euphemistic Ease

Potion, common

This clear effervescent potion smells acidic. When consumed completely, you gain advantage on Strength checks against constipation for one day.

Potion of Assonance

Green potion bottle, twisted like an ear

Potion, common

This red and green swirled potion, when consumed, corrects diplacusis for 4 hours. If consumed by someone who doesn’t have this disability, it causes it for 4 hours and requires a DC 8 Constitution saving throw at the end of the duration, or it becomes permanent.

Platinum Ring Splints of Sure Fingers

Wondrous Item, common

These splints have 4 charges. While wearing them, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus for one of the following properties: 

Skeletal Stability. You reduce the Impact Extent of Skeletal Flexibility by 2 for 1 minute. 

Widget Digits. You have +2 on all tool proficiency checks for 1 hour. 

Spry Spells. You have advantage on one spell attack roll until the next round. While wearing them, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks. The splints regain 1d4 expended charges daily after a long rest. 

Phyllis’s Ear Cuff of Grounding

gold earrings, shaped like plumb-lines running from the lobe up to a cuff and hanging from there

Wondrous Item, common

These gold earrings, shaped like plumblines running from the lobe up to a cuff and hanging from there, reduce the IE of Vertigo by 2 while worn. They must be removed to receive the benefits of a short or long rest and take one round to add or remove. When removed, you must lie prone for (IE) rounds or Faint.

Otikoro’s Mirror of Truth

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This diamond-studded silver mirror has a mithral handle accented with abalone. When you look into it for 1 minute, you see yourself as a true reflection of your values. The image is powerful enough to reduce the effects of Intrusive Thoughts by 2 IEs, but looking into the mirror can be addicting. Each time it’s used, you must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be unable to look away from it for another minute, repeating the saving throw until successful unless someone wrests it away from you by an opposed Strength check or other means, and unless you succeed on the saving throw, you will still look for ways to get it back as it becomes an Alleviation Behavior.