Ikaika’s Teeth of the Parrot

Wondrous Item, common

These sky blue and white teeth have 3d6 charges and recharge after a long rest. When expending a charge, you can mimic any sound you have heard and remember, including voices speaking specific words, for up to a minute. If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

Ianosuke’s Ring of Stillness

Ring, uncommon

This silver ring set with a light blue sapphire has 1d4 charges. While wearing it, you can expend 1 charge as a reaction for one of the following properties:

Internal Dampening. You counteract a seizure with muscle spasms or other episodes of tremors. For multiple seizures with breaks in between, each seizure requires the use of a charge to prevent it.

External Dampening. You have resistance to lightning damage for one attack.

The ring regains all expended charges daily after a long rest.

Husevåg’s Lenses of Land

leather goggles filled with water, adorned with barnacles

Wondrous Item, common

These goggles enable you to see in air environments and keep your eyes moist. They fit more securely than non-magical goggles and need not be refilled, but anytime you take damage or make a roll based on Strength or Dexterity, you must succeed on a DC 8 Dexterity saving throw to keep the goggles on.

Husevåg’s Lenses of Fortitude Finding

Wondrous Item, uncommon

These sunglasses with craquelure obsidian frames, have 6 charges. While wearing them, you can expend 1 charge as an action for one of the following properties.

Glare Concealer. The glasses darken to reduce your Photosensitivity by 2 IE (minimum 0) for one hour, until you use a bonus action to deactivate them, or until you expend another charge.

Power Revealer. You can choose one creature within 30 ft. and learn its damage vulnerabilities, damage resistances, damage immunities, and condition immunities.

The sunglasses regain 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn.

Howard’s Handy Howdah

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This single-person howdah has 1 charge. While sitting in it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the Find Steed spell. The resulting steed appears under the howdah and lifts the howdah as it appears, and the howdah attaches itself to the steed and changes size to fit. The howdah regains its expended charge daily after a long rest.

Houlroyd’s Ear of Focus

Wondrous Item, common

This ear helps you filter background noise and focus on a single voice or other source as if it were the only audible sound and removes any penalties to Wisdom (Perception) checks due to background noise. It does not amplify the noise. If only worn in one ear, you must cover the other ear to get the benefits. While focusing on that sound, you have disadvantage on all passive Wisdom (Perception) checks. You can turn this function on or off with a bonus action.

Hieronymous Ziegfield III’s Frost Gum

Wondrous Item, common

When a user chews this gum, it numbs the mouth, eliminating tooth and mouth pain, but the numbness makes talking difficult, causing disadvantage on social Charisma checks, and spells with a verbal component require a successful DC 8 Dexterity check to cast successfully. The effect wears off 1d4 minutes after removal from the mouth.

Heirloom Blade

Weapon (longsword), uncommon

While holding this sword, you gain tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet, but due to the sensitivity that it grants to vibrations, you have disadvantage on saving throws against thunder damage while holding it. Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Herne’s Handy Hookah

Wondrous Item, common

Medicinal Herbal Treatments

While most fantasy settings use herbal medicine implicitly, it has more of a stigma in much of the real world, especially cannabis. We chose to include the suggested magic hookah as an opportunity to address the stigma associated with the medicinal use of cannabis.

Often more commonly known as medical marijuana, when used responsibly, it can often help relieve chronic pain, insomnia, depression, anxiety, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions more effectively and with less side effects and addictive potential than prescription opioids and other modern pharmaceuticals. But like modern pharmaceuticals, it has side effects which users need to consider before driving or performing other activities requiring concentration, just as a PC needs to plan accordingly, and an unexpected need for mental clarity may be problematic in both real and fantasy worlds.

The stigma prevents many people from benefiting from cannabis’s medicinal effects, so we encourage those with concerns to research the topic and communicate with their health care providers. Note also that this stigma can lead to people not being able to access medical marijuana whether it be lack of funds to pay or providers who don’t believe in its use.

We recognize that some wish to use this book in educational settings with specific policies regarding depictions of drug use, so we emphasize responsible lawful use of all substances, and where policies or discretion requires omission of certain sections of this book, we trust those responsible to manage this content in your setting. We also provide a Players Edition that does not include the magic item lists, which alleviates this tension in those settings and makes the purchase of multiple copies for students or clients more affordable.

This item includes a hookah, a serving tray, and the hookah’s associated accessories, such as coals, tongs, and hoses. The tray, magically bonded to the hookah, will follow its owner, floating alongside, behind, or ahead, as ordered. The hookah is always clean, full of cold water, and ready for use. A new coal can be ignited with a command word, and if missing, another coal and tongs will appear with a command word. If the coal is removed, it instantly cools. Once you use the hookah, it will magically clean itself and prepare for another use. When you smoke the appropriate herb, oil, or incense through the hookah, it gives +2 to all saving throws against the target mental trait or pain you experience for 1d6 hours. The correct substance(s), always nonmagical, may be determined by succeeding on a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check followed by succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check for every hour spent searching in an appropriate location for the needed materials. Smoking through the hookah takes 10 minutes. The hookah can only be used once every 12 hours. While affected by the hookah, you also experience 1d6 of the following: Heightened Emotions, Baseless Emotions, Hallucinations, Delusions, Eating Disruption (Binge Eating), Personality Difference. (Roll on the Impact Extent table for each.)

Hein Ye’s Band of Omnivision

Gold 3-banded headband with red jewels all around

Wondrous Item, rare

This gold headband, set all around with agates, enables you to see in all directions at once, regardless which direction your eyes point. This gives advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) saving throws but limits depth perception, giving disadvantage on hit on all ranged attack rolls. If you use your action to Dash while wearing this, you must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take Dizziness (IE 1, cumulative), until you remove the headband and spend 1 round per IE prone or take a short rest.