Juanita’s Wonderful Wind Plugs

Wondrous Item, rare

This pair of earplugs each have a tiny gate to the Elemental Plane of Air which acts as a shunt to the ear discharge. The sound of the wind in the ear, however, causes disadvantage on all hearing-related Wisdom (Perception) checks, and continuous use requires a successful DC 10 Constitution saving throw for every 7 days of use, or you develop Tinnitus.

Joel’s Ring of Truth

Ring, rare

This turquoise ring has three charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, you can use an action to expend one of its charges to detect truthful statements. When held within one foot of the source of a voice, it will glow red in the presence of a false statement, the less accurate the statement, the brighter it glows. While still not necessarily convincing if you have Delusions, associated verified statements will reduce the IE by 2 for 1d4 × 10 minutes.

Joe’s Soft Wraps of the Whispering Comfort

brown leather gloves with yellow fur trim

Wondrous Item, common

These soft gloves are covered in chick-like down and reduce hand and finger sensitivity while worn, eliminating Hypersensitivity. They only function when dry, so after any activity that causes you to sweat (combat, hot climate, most Strength checks), they must be removed and hung to dry for an hour. If soaked, they must be hung to dry for 4–8 hours, depending on the humidity of the environment.

Jocelyn’s Necklace of Grounding

Wondrous Item, common

This iron necklace with a pendant depicting the topography of your home plane, changing appearance accordingly for each owner, has three charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While worn, when you have a Traumatic Flashback, it emits a strong mint aroma and produces a sour lemon flavor in your mouth. This strong sensory input gives you +2 on all Constitution saving throws against the flashback.

Jo’s Purifying Bottle

clear flask with a green gas coming out

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This seemingly empty potion bottle, when opened, sucks in all air impurities within a 30 foot sphere, eliminating the effects of all gas-based attacks. A new bottle can be used for 2d6 rounds, after which it becomes inert but unusable for most purposes as it retains traces of the toxins it has consumed, giving it an unpleasant odor.

Jank Tank

Wondrous Item, uncommon

Appearing as a small wooden box with sound receivers along its front and sides and a display lens on the top, it seems to be held together by magic and an unnecessary number of wood screws. The lens seems to fit loosely into its setting, apparently intentional. A switch on the back toggles the device’s operation. When shaken, the device produces an inordinate amount of rattling for its size. This device allows you, while holding it, to forgo mental visualization by producing sights, sounds, smells, and other sensations through its display lens. While active, the device understands descriptions that you hear spoken in a language you can understand and magically manifests them so that you can experience what is being expressed by the other party. The device functions by hearing the input, not telepathically, so its interpretations are literal and don’t take idioms into consideration. While active, the device is not discreet. Any attempts at hiding or stealth while the device is active are hindered by its occasional displays as it misinterprets ambient conversations as descriptions. Similarly, due to its construction, improperly securing and housing the device can cause it to make a ruckus when you run with it on your person, reducing or eliminating the possibility of stealth.

Isadora’s Mood Stone Bracelet

Wondrous Item, common

This narrow cuff bracelet has an inset quartz crystal that responds to Emotional Fluctuation by gradually changing color between blue and red to reflect and predict the associated emotion between enjoyable and painful emotions. The color changes based on the associated emotional cycle, not situational emotions, and the color shift precedes the emotional shift by a day, so monitoring it closely will give you a sense of when to expect shifts to change.

Ilse’s Mitten of Manipulation

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This gray hemp mitten has 4 charges. While wearing it, you can expend 1 charge as an action for one of the following properties.

Stimulating Sense. The mitten sends basic feedback from anything it touches to the brain, reducing the Impact Extent of Numbness (Hand) by 2 for 1 minute.

Reverse Stimulation. The mitten can reverse the electrical feedback to cast the Shocking Grasp spell.

The mitten regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Ikaika’s Teeth of the Parrot

Wondrous Item, common

These sky blue and white teeth have 3d6 charges and recharge after a long rest. When expending a charge, you can mimic any sound you have heard and remember, including voices speaking specific words, for up to a minute. If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

Ianosuke’s Ring of Stillness

Ring, uncommon

This silver ring set with a light blue sapphire has 1d4 charges. While wearing it, you can expend 1 charge as a reaction for one of the following properties:

Internal Dampening. You counteract a seizure with muscle spasms or other episodes of tremors. For multiple seizures with breaks in between, each seizure requires the use of a charge to prevent it.

External Dampening. You have resistance to lightning damage for one attack.

The ring regains all expended charges daily after a long rest.