Emma’s Enzymatic Potion
Potion, common
This cloudy white tasteless potion contains a cocktail of enzymes that allow your body to digest foods that it typically couldn’t, reducing the IE by 2 for one day.
Potion, common
This cloudy white tasteless potion contains a cocktail of enzymes that allow your body to digest foods that it typically couldn’t, reducing the IE by 2 for one day.
Wondrous Item, uncommon
To use this item, you must put it in place of a missing tooth or remove a tooth to make room for it. Once attached, this tooth produces a constant supply of water, and cannot be deactivated or altered. It reduces Moisture Imbalance by 3 IEs. If you only have intermittent Moisture Imbalance or fewer IEs, treat it as Mouth Discharge: Saliva for the difference.
Wondrous Item, common
These white silk gloves enable you to create simple images that you imagine on the palms of the gloves to allow for nonverbal communication, like a rebus. The images are limited to a maximum complexity of two colors besides black and white with thick lines that prevent fine detail, and they cannot depict alphanumeric characters. The player may either draw the images or describe them, and if communicating this way with a creature unfamiliar with you, you must succeed on a Charisma (Performance) check if trying to communicate more than basic concepts with a DC at the GM’s discretion. When worn longer than 8 hours or if they get wet, your hands get damp and uncomfortable and you must remove the gloves for 8 hours to dry. If they’ve been worn in dirty environments, they must also be washed or cause disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to understand due to dirt obscuring the images.
Wondrous Item, common
This crystal orb, known to its creator as the ECO (pronounced “echo”), has 1 charge. While holding it and speaking a command word, you can see an object up to 500 feet away for 1 minute, even if obstructed, by sliding your hand across the surface to adjust the distance. The orb regains its charge daily at dawn.
Wondrous Item, common
This eye is white with a red crosshair in the center. It allows you to see gaps and weaknesses in partial cover and helps you aim ranged attacks at targets covered accordingly, eliminating penalties for ranged attacks due to partial cover.
Wondrous Item, common
This gilded abalone circlet slowly draws water from an estuary somewhere, closely replicating the salinity of tears, dripping the water into your eyes, reducing the IE of Moisture Deficiency by up to 3. Note that this does not sanitize the water, so you must succeed on a DC 5 Constitution saving throw every day it’s used to avoid a parasitic infection. (Roll on the Eye Discharge table; treat it as a typical disease for healing options.)
Wondrous Item, common
This eye functions as an eye with 20/20 vision, including the effects of one of the eye traits. Roll on the Eye(s) table, and reroll if the result doesn’t make sense for a prosthetic eye.
Wondrous Item, common
This ear, which is covered in scales, tufts of hair, and downy feathers, for one hour per long rest, allows you to understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear.
Wondrous Item, common
These studded leather bracers with sea stones near the wrists reduce the IE of Dizziness by 1 Extent while worn. Three times per day, you may press the sea stone into your wrist for 1 round to reduce Dizziness by an additional Extent for 1 minute. They must be removed to receive the benefits of a short or long rest and take 3 rounds to strap on or remove. When removed, you must lie prone for (IE) rounds or faint as described above.
Wondrous Item, common
This bejeweled collar adjusts its size to fit around any service animal and includes a whistle. This collar has 1 charge. While your service animal wears the collar and you blow the noiseless whistle, you can expend 1 charge as an action to summon your service animal to appear within 5 feet of you, even if it’s on another plane. The collar regains its expended charge daily after a long rest.