Bell’s Beautiful Bonnet

Wondrous Item, common

While wearing this hat, you can use a bonus action to change the style, color, and apparent material of the hat and hair appearing to grow beneath it. If removed, the hair goes with it as a wig. The hat can be any kind of hat and replicate any nonmagical hair but regardless of its appearance, it neither protects from nor causes damage.

Aleksei’s Obedient Gauntlet

Wondrous Item, common

These copper-accented leather gauntlets obey your mental commands, reducing Fine Motor Control Loss by 2 IEs. When worn during combat or for spellcasting with somatic components, however, you can only reduce the IE to a minimum of 1 because the mental process to use them is different than typically using hands.

Ashur’s Limitless Locks

Wondrous Item, common

This locket has 6 charges. While wearing it and placing a lock of the hair you intend to duplicate (consumed in casting) within it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to grow your hair to exactly the length and style you choose and the color and texture of the lock used in casting. For 1d4 hours after casting, if this hair is cut, pulled out, or damaged, it will regrow. You have +1 to any ability checks you make to create a visual disguise to avoid being recognized. The locket regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn.

Asher’s Encyclopedia of Understanding

locked metal-embossed book with bookmarks and used pages protruding from the sides

Wondrous Item, common

This large gilded red leather tome contains pages of pockets full of small vellum sheets with images and symbols depicting frequently used concepts and items as well as vocal tones. After twenty rests working with it, you become proficient with it and have arranged the images to make them easy to find. You may then use one round to pull out up to six images at a time to communicate a concept and affix them to the first page. Once assembled, the book speaks the assembled expression, complete with any depicted intonation, in a language known by you. While it does not translate language, it can work with magic effects that do like the Tongues and Comprehend Languages spells.

Asadour’s Arid Coat

beige and tan longcoat

Wondrous Item, common

This white waistcoat dries the skin, absorbing blood, saline, or venom sweat, but when worn more than a day at a time, the skin becomes dry and causes one Extent of Fissures per day, cumulative.

Arthur Anzuu’s Awesome Imagination Crown

Wondrous Item, artifact

Typically described as a “‘Slightly’ stained and buckled gold and silver crown/circlet that has clearly seen some action, but somehow survived,” this sentient crown has 6 charges. While wearing it, you can spend 1d4 minutes and expend 1 charge to cast the Augury spell or 3 charges to cast Commune. You may also ask more detailed questions without expending charges, and after 1d6 minutes, the crown will offer advice. but the advice has an equal chance of being most likely helpful or harmful. The crown regains 1d4 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn.

Need a cunning plan or some instant answers whilst your brain is still processing all the inputs, this is the item for you! Arthur Anzuu always has a new way of approaching a problem (“Of course that centaur will negotiate, not attack”) or an intricate set of actions to circumvent or negate the problem! (“Hey Arthur, what would you do?”)

Arihant’s Sensing Stone

Wondrous Item, common

This amber pendant shaped like a studded ball, when touched with a substance while a command word is spoken, will vibrate when that substance comes within 30 feet of the stone. It does not indicate the direction, amount, or other information, just the presence of the substance.

Anlian’s Lenses of New Perspective

Wondrous Item, common

This pair of bifocal lenses can, once per day, assist with a Baseless Emotion by giving you a sense of victory and instill confidence in the next roll. You must declare its use before making the roll and then become so inspired by the vision of victory that the roll is made with advantage. If the roll still fails, however, the emotion becomes amplified by disappointment, and the IE doubles (up to 8) until you take a long rest or a short rest while talking to a sympathetic ally.

Anjol Hillfollower’s Recumbent Carpet of Flying

Wondrous Item, very rare

This 3 x 5 ft. carpet adjusts to your body’s shape and support needs when you sit on it. You can speak the carpet’s command word as an action to make the carpet hover and fly. It moves according to your spoken directions, provided that you are sitting on it. It has a carrying capacity of one medium sized creature and any gear they can carry and a flying speed of 80 ft.

Angkathi’s Calming Circlet

Wondrous Item, common

This silver and amethyst circlet calms the mind, reducing Startle Amplification by 2 IEs while worn. Because of its calming effect, it also causes a −2 penalty on all initiative rolls while worn.