
Blood clots can occur nearly anywhere in the body but are most common in the legs. If you have a blood clot in an organ, use the rules for Organ Failure. When you have a blood clot, the area around it may swell, turn slightly red or blue, and feel warm or itchy. You will also experience Pain (Affected Area) starting with IE 1 and increasing by 1 every 1d8 days until dissolved. You must succeed on a DC 15 + (IE) Constitution saving throw to reduce the IE. When the IE reaches 0, the blood clot is dissolved. A successful DC 12 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check will treat a blood clot, giving advantage on the Constitution saving throw. If the IE increases above 4, the limb will need to be amputated, or it may travel to an organ, resulting in Organ Failure.


When experiencing extreme mental or physical trauma, your blood pressure may drop while your body releases adrenaline, resulting in physical shock. In addition to subtle physical appearance changes (pale, blue or ashen skin, clammy skin, and/or enlarged pupils), you experience 2d4 of the following (IE 1): Heart Palpitations, Shortness of Breath, Nausea, Weakness, Fatigue, Dizziness, Fainting, Baseless Emotion (Restlessness), Baseless Emotion (Panic). The IE will increase by 1 every minute until you lay prone for 1d20 minutes per IE. Once prone, the IE will decrease by 1 every time you succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, which you can attempt every hour. A successful DC 10 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check by someone helping you gives you advantage on one Constitution saving throw per day until recovered. If the IE increases above 4, you become unconscious and must begin making death saves.


You have lingering side effects from a disease or other condition from which you’ve recovered. The condition may be one of the symptoms of the previous condition but milder, a similar trait or complication, or something seemingly unrelated. Choose or roll an additional trait.

Secondary Depression

Depending on the culture, many traits have social stigmas associated with them. As a result, you may be reluctant to be open about your experience. In such cases, depression may result. You may choose or roll a Baseless Emotion that reflects your experience.


You experience 2d4 of the following while pregnant (Choose or roll as usual for IE): Pain (Breasts), Nausea, Incontinence, Fatigue, Emotion Fluctuation, Pain (Abdomen), Constipation, Sensory Processing Difference (Sensory Over-Responsivity: Olfactory, Gustatory). In the final trimester, you have a −1 penalty on Dexterity saving throws.


You experience 2d4 of the following: Pain (Chest), Confusion, Cough, Fatigue, Fever, Nausea, Diarrhea, and/or Shortness of Breath. Pneumonia begins at IE 1. Each day, you must succeed on a DC 9 + (IE) Constitution saving throw. On failure, the IE increases by 1. On success, it decreases by 1. If you roll exactly the number needed, the IE remains unchanged. If IE increases above 4, you experience Organ Failure (Lungs).

Organ Failure

When organs fail, the experience varies depending on the organ, but without intensive medical or magical treatment, it’s usually fatal. If you experience organ failure, you begin to make death saves once per day. Four failed saves cause another Organ Failure. After the second organ system fails completely, you die. If you succeed on three death saves before death, you recover from one Organ Failure, and once you recover from all of them, you become stable with four levels of exhaustion which can be recovered normally.

    1. Lung: You experience bluish skin and the following at IE 1, the IE increasing each day up to 4: Shortness of Breath, 1d4 Baseless Emotions, and Sweat Difference (Saline).
    2. Heart: You experience the following at IE 1, the IE increasing each day up to 4: Weakness, Shortness of Breath, and Fainting.
    3. Kidney: You experience the following at IE 1, the IE increasing each day up to 4: Nausea, Seizures, and Pain (Chest).
    4. Liver: You experience yellowish skin and the following at IE 1, the IE increasing each day up to 4: Nausea and Pain (Abdominal).
    5. Brain: You experience 1d4 traits at IE 1, the IE increasing each day up to 4. Because the brain controls the entire body, nearly any trait can result from this, both physical and mental, but either choose the traits based on a real-world condition or roll on the Roll for Traits, and reroll results that don’t make sense.
    6. Internal Bleeding: You experience 1d4 + 1 per day of the following at IE 1, the IE increasing each day up to 4: Leg Weakness, Pain, Gross Motor Control Loss, Fainting, Fatigue, Shortness of Breath, Dizziness, Nausea, Mouth Discharge (Blood), Heart Palpitations, Eye Discharge (Saline).

Injuries or Sores

If you have an open wound or sores, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw daily to avoid Infection. The DC of the saving throw varies by the severity of the wound, typically ranging from 5 to 10 and decreases by 1 per day. Once it reaches 0, the wound is considered healed. A successful Wisdom (Medicine) check with the same DC gives you advantage on the Constitution saving throw.


Infection begins at IE 1. Each day, you must succeed on a DC 9 + (IE) Constitution saving throw. On failure, the IE increases by 1. On success, it decreases by 1. If you roll exactly the number needed, the IE remains unchanged. While infected, you experience 1d4 + (IE) of the following (Choose or roll 1d6): Fever, Fatigue, Pain (Head), Pain (infection location), Nausea, Discharge (Pus). If the IE goes above 4, you develop Sepsis. A successful DC 10 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check by someone helping you gives you advantage on one Constitution saving throw per day until recovered.
Sepsis is always IE 4 and causes 1d6 of the following: Shortness of Breath, Heart Palpitations, Fever, Pain, Temperature Intolerance, Confusion. You begin to make death saves once per day. If you succeed on three death saves, you return to IE 4 Infection. On three failures, you experience Organ Failure.

Heart Palpitations

You feel your heart beating fast or pounding. While this is expected due to exercise or stress, it can be a symptom of other conditions. Due to the distraction, you experience a −(IE) penalty on Wisdom (Perception) checks for the duration.