Infection begins at IE 1. Each day, you must succeed on a DC 9 + (IE) Constitution saving throw. On failure, the IE increases by 1. On success, it decreases by 1. If you roll exactly the number needed, the IE remains unchanged. While infected, you experience 1d4 + (IE) of the following (Choose or roll 1d6): Fever, Fatigue, Pain (Head), Pain (infection location), Nausea, Discharge (Pus). If the IE goes above 4, you develop Sepsis. A successful DC 10 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check by someone helping you gives you advantage on one Constitution saving throw per day until recovered.
Sepsis is always IE 4 and causes 1d6 of the following: Shortness of Breath, Heart Palpitations, Fever, Pain, Temperature Intolerance, Confusion. You begin to make death saves once per day. If you succeed on three death saves, you return to IE 4 Infection. On three failures, you experience Organ Failure.