
You have ongoing difficulty passing stool. Every three days, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Strength check during a rest to do so effectively or experience either IE 1 abdominal Cramps or Nausea until making a successful check, which can be attempted during every rest.

Real-world Examples

Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Uremia, Hypercalcemia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticular Disease, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Lazy Bowel Syndrome, Amyloidosis, Lupus, Scleroderma

Assistive Options

A steady diet of high-fiber, low fat foods for the entire three-day duration beforehand gives a +1 bonus to the Strength saving throw.

Acid Reflux

Limitless Heroics Cover: As our heroes fight the hydra, we see just some of the variety of symptoms represented in this book. The paladin has a prosthetic arm to assist with their amputation. The barbarian rages from their wheelchair, providing mobility for their paralyzed legs. The ranger, whose body is more accustomed to an aquatic environment just as someone in the real world may be more comfortable in a quieter or darker sensory environment, finds ways to compensate and keep fighting. The wizard’s vitiligo may not be thought of as a disability, nor should it be, yet many in the real world experience severe discrimination due to unusual skin pigment — how many celebrities, corporate executives, or politicians do you know with visibly irregular skin?

You experience heartburn: a burning or stabbing pain in your lower chest area. Any action that requires concentration (e.g., maintaining a spell) requires a successful DC 6 + (IE) Constitution saving throw per round to maintain concentration.

Real-world Examples

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Hiatal Hernia, Down Syndrome

Assistive Options

Avoiding certain foods can help reduce heartburn. If you avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol, large meals, and spicy and acidic foods for a day, you can make a DC 10 + (IE) Constitution saving throw. On success, the IE reduces by 1.

Magical Assistance

Magic effects that provide resistance to acid damage reduce the IE of Acid Reflux by 1.


Limitless Heroics Cover: As our heroes fight the hydra, we see just some of the variety of symptoms represented in this book. The paladin has a prosthetic arm to assist with their amputation. The barbarian rages from their wheelchair, providing mobility for their paralyzed legs. The ranger, whose body is more accustomed to an aquatic environment just as someone in the real world may be more comfortable in a quieter or darker sensory environment, finds ways to compensate and keep fighting. The wizard’s vitiligo may not be thought of as a disability, nor should it be, yet many in the real world experience severe discrimination due to unusual skin pigment — how many celebrities, corporate executives, or politicians do you know with visibly irregular skin?

function displayTrait() { const set = [ {range: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], trait: 'Acid Reflux'}, {range: [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], trait: 'Constipation'}, {range: [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47], trait: 'Diarrhea'}, {range: [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80], trait: 'Food Intolerance'}, {range: [81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97], trait: 'Incontinence'}, {range: [98, 99, 100], trait: 'Pervasive Hunger'} ]; const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1; let selectedTrait = ''; for (const item of set) { if (randomNum >= item.range[0] && randomNum <= item.range[item.range.length - 1]) { selectedTrait = item.trait; break; } } document.getElementById('trait').innerHTML = selectedTrait; }

d100 Trait
01–15 Acid Reflux
16–30 Constipation
31–47 Diarrhea
48–80 Food Intolerance
81–97 Incontinence
98–100 Pervasive Hunger


Your body has an itchy rash that covers (IE × 20 percent) of it. This can include discoloration, hives, blisters, lesions, pustules, scaling, peeling, and/or sores. Because of the itchy distraction, you must succeed on a DC 5 + (IE) Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration each round on an applicable spell. You must also succeed on a DC 5 + (IE) Constitution saving throw every day or develop Infection.

Real-world Examples

Rosacea, Impetigo, Ringworm, Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Lupus, Cellulitis, Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease

Assistive Options

A successful DC 8 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check with proper application of oil and herbs will reduce the IE by 1 for 2d4 hours.

Paresthesia & Phantom Pain

You experience stimulation unrelated to external stimuli in your extremities, even those you don’t have, such as an amputated limb or wings. This may manifest as tingling all the way to sharp pain. Whenever you experience this while you are concentrating on a spell, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw to maintain your concentration.

Real-world Examples

Radiculopathy, Neuropathy, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Phantom Pain Syndrome

Assistive Options

Taking at least (IE) short rests each day (spread evenly throughout the day) will reduce Paresthesia by 1 IE until the next needed short rest.


giantkin twisting her spine backwards while playing a fiddle

Your skin is soft and thin like velvet. It bruises, scars, and tears easily and heals slowly. You heal (IE) × 20% less hit points from a rest (minimum 1). If you have multiple traits, you may choose Dislocation or Flexibility as one or more of them.

Real-world Examples

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Marfan’s Syndrome, Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Down Syndrome

Assistive Options

Skin hyperelasticity doesn’t have standard assistive help, but extra time for healing when needed is helpful.

Magical Assistance

Damage taken while affected by a hardening effect such as Barkskin and Stoneskin will heal at the normal rate.


Your skin is fragile and often dry, leading to ongoing splits even without taking damage. You must succeed on a DC 5 + (IE) Constitution saving throw every day or develop Infection.

Real-world Examples

Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Diabetes, Angiopathy

Assistive Options

Washing the affected areas and applying oil three times per day will reduce the IE by 1 the next day.

Magical Assistance

Healing magic can be applied directly to splits to prevent infections instead of healing hit points.

Hair Material Difference

elf putting hair made of spider webs into a ponytail, holding bobby pins in the mouth

Your hair is composed of an unusual material. Choose or roll on the following table. Unless otherwise noted, this gives you +(IE) to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks but −(IE) (up to −4) to disguise checks or Dexterity (Stealth) checks to blend into a crowd as well as a −(IE) penalty on Charisma (Persuasion) checks with those who don’t know you due to many people’s discomfort around those with unexpected appearances.

function displayTrait() { const set = [ {range: [1,4], trait: 'Bone'}, {range: [5,6], trait: 'Crystal'}, {range: [7], trait: 'Fire'}, {range: [8,10], trait: 'Moss'}, {range: [11,12], trait: 'Smoke'}, {range: [13,14], trait: 'Spores'}, {range: [15], trait: 'Tendrils'}, {range: [16,18], trait: 'Vines'}, {range: [19,20], trait: 'Webs'} ]; const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1; let selectedTrait = ''; for (const item of set) { if (randomNum >= item.range[0] && randomNum <= item.range[item.range.length - 1]) { selectedTrait = item.trait; break; } } document.getElementById('trait').innerHTML = selectedTrait; }

d20 Hair Material
1–4 Bone
5–6 Crystal
7 Fire
8–10 Moss
11–12 Smoke
13–14 Spores
15 Tendrils
16–18 Vines
19–20 Webs
  • Bone. Instead of hair growing from your scalp, your skull has produced irregular bone patterns that extend out of your head (IE) × 2 inches. You cannot wear most helmets or hats.
  • Crystal. Your hair is composed of flexible transparent crystal, causing it to sparkle. You do not have the penalty on Wisdom (Perception) checks due to the perceived beauty of the crystal. This condition has no IE.
  • Fire. Your hair follicles on your scalp produce a chemical that combusts when in contact with oxygen, which burns any hair that would grow there with the light and heat of a standard torch with only trace amounts of smoke. Your sweat glands on your scalp also produce an oil that protects your skin from the fire. This condition has no IE. Because of the danger of an open flame, most people will not allow you near their buildings. Disguise without magical means is nearly impossible. You have disadvantage on most Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You can’t wear most hats, metal helmets will be affected as if by a Heat Metal spell, and you are not immune to the fire on the rest of your body. Attempting to smother the fire may be possible if covered completely so no air can reach it, but your head still produces the chemical, so as soon as the covering is removed, a flame twice the size and intensity burns for 1 round as the material is quickly consumed.
  • Moss. Your hair follicles have moss spores growing in them that produce a layer of moss on your head. The moss has a distinct odor that gives creatures with heightened smell a +1 to Wisdom (Perception) checks to find you. This condition has no IE.
  • Smoke. Your hair follicles emit a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in a 10-foot radius per round. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles per hour) disperses it in 1 round. Keeping your head wet will prevent this smoke from spreading and will create a growing paste of wet ash-like particles. Most building owners will not want you inside if not controlled. The smoke has a distinct odor that gives creatures with heightened smell a +1 to Wisdom (Perception) checks to find you. This condition has no IE.
  • Spores. Your scalp produces fungal spores in a 5-foot radius that appear as a faint dusty mist around you. You are immune to these spores. Any creature that breathes and comes within range must succeed on a DC 5 Constitution saving throw against poison damage once per minute spent in range or develop Pneumonia in 2d4 days. This condition has no IE. A tight hat will limit the spread and reduce the saving throw to DC 3.
  • Tendrils. 2d4 animated tendrils (IE) × 2 feet in length grow from your head. They act independently and seemingly randomly, knocking over nearby objects, unless you succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution check and maintain concentration. Once controlled, they can lift and move objects up to five pounds each but cannot attack.
  • Vines. Your scalp produces leafy vines that grow 1/2 inch per day. If harvested, the leaves are edible, although most people wouldn’t eat them due to their origin. This condition has no IE.
  • Webs. Your hair grows as a strong sticky filament that grows 1 inch per day. Left unmanaged, it becomes a sticky ball. If carefully groomed with an oiled comb, it can be harvested as a rope or a net. If a creature is restrained with this rope, as an action, the restrained target can make a DC 8 Strength check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 8; hp 3; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage). This condition has no IE.
Real-world Examples

Monilethrix, Pili Torti, Trichorrhexis, Trichothiodystrophy, Pili Trianguli et Canaliculi, Pili Multigemini, Pili Bifurcati, Pili Annulati

Assistive Options

These unique hair traits have individual means of management, and other party members can help with patience and by asking how to be helpful.

Magical Assistance

Magic that alters appearance can temporarily give the appearance of typical hair in some cases.

Hair Growth Difference

You have reduced (70%) or excessive (30%) hair growth relative to your ancestry. Choose or roll on the following table.

IE Reduced Additional (Cumulative)
1 Missing 50%+ of hair on top of head Body hair noticeably thicker than average
2 Bald head Noticeable hair growth in unusual places
3 No hair on face & head Thick fast-growing facial hair
4 No hair on body Body, including face, covered in thick hair except nose, palms, & soles

Both of these are mostly cosmetic and cultural, which may result in a −(IE) penalty on certain Charisma checks, depending on the culture. The player and GM should discuss the effect in their campaign world. In extremely hot or cold environments, the saving throws as outlined in official fifth edition sources have a bonus or penalty of 1/2 per IE accordingly.

Real-world Examples

Alopecia, Telogen Effluvium, Lichen Planopilaris, Folliculitis Decalvans, Dissecting Cellulitis

Assistive Options

Hats, wigs, makeup, or shaving regimens can help conceal hair growth differences.

Magical Assistance

Magic that alters appearances can temporarily give the appearance of typical hair.


satyr with large red blisters on the arm, wrapping bandages around them

You have blisters over (IE) × ten percent of your body. If you wear armor, you must wear additional padding to protect your skin from it or lose (IE) hit points per day as it snags, so you have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws in extreme heat as outlined in official fifth edition sources. Because of frequent Fissures in your skin, you must succeed on a DC 5 + (IE) Constitution saving throw every day or develop Infection.

Real-world Examples

Autoimmune Blistering Diseases, Genetic Blistering Disease, Grover’s Disease, Erythema Multiforme, Porphyria Cutanea Tarda, Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome, Impetigo

Assistive Options

A successful DC 8 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check (with advantage if assisted) will give a +2 bonus to the daily Constitution saving throw.

Magical Assistance

Healing magic applied directly to the blisters will eliminate the need for the daily Constitution check but must be applied daily.