Sweat Difference

You sweat more than usual and possibly an unusual substance. Choose or roll on the following table.

function displayTrait() { const set = [ {range: [1,7], trait: 'Blood'}, {range: [8], trait: 'Honey'}, {range: [9,11], trait: 'Oil'}, {range: [12,19], trait: 'Saline'}, {range: [20], trait: 'Venom'} ]; const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1; let selectedTrait = ''; for (const item of set) { if (randomNum >= item.range[0] && randomNum <= item.range[item.range.length - 1]) { selectedTrait = item.trait; break; } } document.getElementById('trait').innerHTML = selectedTrait; }

1d20 Discharge
1–7 Blood
8 Honey
9–11 Oil
12–19 Saline
20 Venom
  • Blood. Blood drains out of your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. Because of this blood loss, you need to eat more to compensate, consuming an additional (IE) days’ worth of food per week to avoid exhaustion.
  • Honey. A honey-like substance flows from your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. While this substance is edible and tastes similar to honey, most people are reluctant to consume it, considering its source. Because of its sweet smell, it attracts insects and other animals, and if not properly cleaned, it will leave contacted substances sticky.
  • Oil. An oil similar to lamp oil drains out of your skin at a rate of (IE) × 8 ounces per day. If collected, it can be used for lanterns and other practical uses, but if not collected or washed away consistently, it gets on your hands, clothes, and items, making it difficult to hang onto anything. Consequently, anytime you're handling an object during a tense situation (e.g., a weapon in combat), you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to avoid dropping the object. You also take an additional (IE)d4 from all fire attacks.
  • Saline. You sweat typical saline sweat but at a rate of (IE)2 × 8 ounces per day. Because of this fluid loss, you need to drink additional water to assist with the loss to avoid Dehydration and exhaustion.
  • Venom. A toxic substance leaks from your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. You are not immune to this substance, so if not contained somehow, in any situation where you take damage that is not psychic or bludgeoning, you need to succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw with a −(IE) penalty to avoid getting it in a wound. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one.
    While referred to here colloquially as venom, this reflects real life examples where an irritant or contagious liquid is expelled.
Real-world Examples

Anxiety, Acromegaly, Diabetic Hypoglycemia, Hyperthyroidism, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Malaria, Pheochromocytoma, Tuberculosis

Assistive Options

While in a cold environment, the IE decreases by 1.

Magical Assistance

The Prestidigitation spell can clean the affected area but does not stop the discharge.

Nail Difference

Your nails have a shape (30%) or color (70%) not typical for your ancestry. Shape differences can include thickness, irregular thickness, clubbing, or spooning. If you have claws as natural weapons, the damage they cause is reduced by (IE). If discolored, while most commonly yellow or black, your nails can be any color. This gives a −(IE) penalty on all Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.

Real-world Examples

Beau’s Lines, Clubbing, Koilonychia, Leukonychia, Mees’ Lines, Onycholysis, Terry’s Nails, Yellow Nail Syndrome

Assistive Options

You can paint your nails or wear gloves to cover your irregularities as long as you’re in an environment where that’s appropriate.

Magical Assistance

Magic that alters your appearance can also change the appearance of your fingernails.

Keratin Distribution Difference

Your skin has keratin growing in places besides the usual fingernails and toenails. In people who normally have scales or other hardened skin, this manifests in random protrusions. Because these areas are not well-rooted like nails, they make skin more fragile. If you wear armor, you must wear additional padding to protect your skin from it or lose (IE) hit points per day as it snags, so you have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws in extreme heat as outlined in official fifth edition sources. Because of frequent lesions in your skin, you must succeed on a DC 5 + (IE) Constitution saving throw every day or develop Infection.

Real-world Examples

Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis, Ichthyosis, Olmsted Syndrome, Pachyonychia Congenita

Assistive Options

A daily bath in salt water, followed by applying oil to the skin will reduce the IE by 1 for one day.

Magical Assistance

Mage Armor and other non-armor protection can be used without the penalties normally associated with this condition.

Skin Color Difference

light-skinned elf with vitiligo wearing green and floral gardening outfit and blue boots, holding a blue and gold wand while colorful glowing capsules float in the air

Even if you have a myriad of problems, somewhere out there are friends for you too, and what other people see as mundane can be an adventure. Don’t judge a book by its cover. You’ll never know what’s inside, or why.

-Anna Pz

Your body has colors or patterns not normally associated with your ancestry, usually one or more amorphous shapes on the skin covering 15 percent × (IE). These may be due to blood vessel abnormalities, burn scars, pigment differences, moles, or magical causes, and unless caused by injury, they typically don’t feel different from other skin. While this coloration typically ranges from red to brown or black in the real world, magical causes could result in any number of colors (Choose randomly from https://www.random.org/colors/hex) or patterns, transparency, or even changing or moving. Consequently, when people who don’t know you see you, they especially notice these differences. This gives you +(IE) to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks but −(IE) (up to −4) to disguise checks or Dexterity (Stealth) checks to blend into a crowd as well as a −(IE) penalty on Charisma (Persuasion) checks due to many people’s discomfort around those with unexpected appearances.

Note that this is usually a permanent condition and does not fluctuate, but the player and GM are welcome to determine a magical version that fluctuates based on the Frequency table. Classic stimuli include sunrise/sunset, fluctuation of the moon, or mood changes.

Real-world Examples

Burns, Vitiligo, Birthmarks, Melasma, Tinea Versicolor, Rosacea, Psoriasis

Assistive Options

Players can attempt to conceal the coloration using clothing, makeup, or a tattoo, but a Wisdom (Perception) check against the character’s disguise skill (or the tattoo artist’s disguise skill) will notice the color difference if not covered with clothing. Makeup will need to be monitored and reapplied daily or when exposed to water or sweat.

Magical Assistance

The Seeming spell can alter a person’s appearance to mask this and other cosmetic differences.

Chronic Acne

Limitless Heroics Cover: As our heroes fight the hydra, we see just some of the variety of symptoms represented in this book. The paladin has a prosthetic arm to assist with their amputation. The barbarian rages from their wheelchair, providing mobility for their paralyzed legs. The ranger, whose body is more accustomed to an aquatic environment just as someone in the real world may be more comfortable in a quieter or darker sensory environment, finds ways to compensate and keep fighting. The wizard’s vitiligo may not be thought of as a disability, nor should it be, yet many in the real world experience severe discrimination due to unusual skin pigment — how many celebrities, corporate executives, or politicians do you know with visibly irregular skin?

You have chronic acne on your face and upper body. Because many cultures view this as unsightly, you have a −(IE × 1/2) penalty on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks. The discharge within the pustules contains the following, which rupture frequently.

function displayTrait() { const set = [ {range: [1], trait: 'Acid'}, {range: [2,8], trait: 'Blood'}, {range: [9], trait: 'Honey'}, {range: [10,12], trait: 'Oil'}, {range: [13,19], trait: 'Pus'}, {range: [20], trait: 'Venom'} ]; const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1; let selectedTrait = ''; for (const item of set) { if (randomNum >= item.range[0] && randomNum <= item.range[item.range.length - 1]) { selectedTrait = item.trait; break; } } document.getElementById('trait').innerHTML = selectedTrait; }

1d20 Discharge
1 Acid
2–8 Blood
9 Honey
10–12 Oil
13–19 Pus
20 Venom
  • Acid. Acid leaks out of your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. Your skin is not immune to this acid, so you have scars and need a way to constantly flush it out or collect it to keep it off your skin. If collected, a flask of 32 ounces equals one use as a weapon.
  • Blood. Blood drains out of your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. Because of this blood loss, you need to eat more to compensate, consuming an additional (IE) × ten percent to avoid exhaustion.
  • Honey. A honey-like substance flows from your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. While this substance is edible and tastes similar to honey, most people are reluctant to consume it, considering its source. Because of its sweet smell, it attracts insects and other animals, and if not properly cleaned, it will leave contacted substances sticky.
  • Oil. An oil similar to lamp oil drains out of your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. If collected, it can be used for lanterns and other practical uses, but if not collected or washed away consistently, it gets on your hands, clothes, and items, making it difficult to hang onto anything. Consequently, anytime you're handling an object during a tense situation (e.g., a weapon in combat), you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to avoid dropping the object.
  • Pus. A foul-smelling ochre pus flows from your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. The smell gives you a −(IE) penalty on Dexterity (Stealth) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks. If collected, 32 ounces of the pus can be thrown at a target and cause the same effects to that target as a Stinking Cloud spell.
  • Venom. A toxic substance leaks from your skin at a rate of (IE) ounces per day. You are not immune to this substance, so if not contained somehow, in any situation where you take damage that is not psychic or bludgeoning, you need to succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw with a −(IE) penalty to avoid getting it in a wound. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one.
    While referred to here colloquially as venom, this reflects real-life examples where an irritant or contagious liquid is expelled.
Real-world Examples

Polycystic Ovary Disease, Cushing Syndrome, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Androgen-secreting Tumors, Acromegaly, Apert Syndrome, SAPHO Syndrome, Behçet Syndrome, PAPA Syndrome

Assistive Options

Spending a week without significant stress can reduce the IE by 1.

Magical Assistance

Healing magic can be specifically applied to acne to remove it (although it will not remove scars) instead of restoring hit points, but it returns the next day. The Prestidigitation spell can clean the affected area but does not stop the discharge.


Limitless Heroics Cover: As our heroes fight the hydra, we see just some of the variety of symptoms represented in this book. The paladin has a prosthetic arm to assist with their amputation. The barbarian rages from their wheelchair, providing mobility for their paralyzed legs. The ranger, whose body is more accustomed to an aquatic environment just as someone in the real world may be more comfortable in a quieter or darker sensory environment, finds ways to compensate and keep fighting. The wizard’s vitiligo may not be thought of as a disability, nor should it be, yet many in the real world experience severe discrimination due to unusual skin pigment — how many celebrities, corporate executives, or politicians do you know with visibly irregular skin?

function displayEntry() { const table = [ {range: [1,4], entry: 'Chronic Acne'}, {range: [5,10], entry: 'Skin Color Difference'}, {range: [11,13], entry: 'Keratin Distribution Difference'}, {range: [14,16], entry: 'Nails Difference'}, {range: [17,21], entry: 'Sweat Difference'}, {range: [22,28], entry: 'Blistering'}, {range: [29,43], entry: 'Hair Growth Difference'}, {range: [44,45], entry: 'Hair Material Difference'}, {range: [46,60], entry: 'Fissures'}, {range: [61,67], entry: 'Hyperelasticity'}, {range: [68,74], entry: 'Paresthesia & Phantom Pain'}, {range: [75,100], entry: 'Rash'} ]; const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1; let selectedEntry = ''; for (const item of table) { if (randomNum >= item.range[0] && randomNum <= item.range[1]) { selectedEntry = item.entry; break; } } document.getElementById('entry').innerHTML = selectedEntry; }

d100 Trait
01–04 Chronic Acne
05–10 Skin Color Difference
11–13 Keratin Distribution Difference
14–16 Nails Difference
17−21 Sweat Difference
22–28 Blistering
29–43 Hair Growth Difference
44–45 Hair Material Difference
46–60 Fissures
61–67 Hyperelasticity
68–74 Paresthesia & Phantom Pain
75–100 Rash


The blood vessels in your skin constrict, leaving you feeling cold and numb. The area affected depends on IE as follows: 1, digits (fingers and toes); 2, extremities (hands and feet); 3, limbs (arms and legs); 4, whole body. You take an additional (IE) × 10 percent cold damage. If the trait is degenerative, it will eventually lead to Thrombosis and amputation.

Real-world Examples

Raynaud’s Disease, Scleroderma, Lupus, Vasculitis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Assistive Options

Wrapping the affected areas in heavy insulating clothing for warmth will reduce the IE by 1 while worn.

Magical Assistance

Spells and magic items that provide resistance to cold damage reduce the IE by 1 while in effect. If you have immunity to cold damage through magic protection, you will still take (IE) × 5 percent of the original cold damage.

Shortness of Breath

You are unable to get enough air, sometimes feeling a tightness in your chest, or you can’t take deep enough breaths. You have a −(IE) penalty on all saving throws against gas-based poison attacks and Constitution checks related to exertion. After three rounds of strenuous physical action such as melee combat, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw or take one level of exhaustion until you stop the activity and rest for (IE)d10 minutes. Each round you continue, you need to succeed on an additional saving throw, and the DC increases by 1 each round. When traveling without a mount or vehicle, you cover (IE) × ten percent less distance. Travel in a low-oxygen area, like mountains, increases the IE by 1–2, depending on the elevation. Because you’re used to assessing your physical capacity and finding creative solutions to perform physical tasks, once per long rest, you can choose to roll a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check with advantage.

Real-world Examples

Anxiety, Asthma, Heart Arrhythmia, Anemia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cardiomyopathy, Congestive Heart Failure, Down Syndrome

Assistive Options

Some sitting, standing, and breathing exercises can help to fill the lungs more easily. If you use one or more of these techniques during a short rest, the IE reduces by one for 1d4 hours. Using these techniques consistently for a least three days will maintain the IE reduction for the whole day as long as you continue these exercises.


Hypertension does not normally have noticeable traits, but you are more susceptible to complications. Every 3d100 days, you must succeed on a DC 5 + (IE) Constitution saving throw. On failure, you develop one of the following complications or traits: Organ Failure, Blindness, Diabetes, Memory Loss, or Confusion. (Roll randomly or, because these will significantly affect your character, discuss them, and choose one.)

Real-world Examples


Assistive Options

Maintaining a healthy diet low in salt and limiting alcohol consumption gives a +1 bonus to the Constitution saving throw.


Your blood doesn’t clot in a typical way. You bruise easily and bleed excessively even from slight injuries. When you take bludgeoning damage higher than your Constitution modifier × your Proficiency modifier, you must succeed on a DC 10 + (IE) Constitution saving throw or experience Internal Bleeding. When you take slashing, piercing, or necrotic damage higher than your Constitution modifier × your Proficiency modifier, you must succeed on a DC 10 + (IE) Constitution saving throw or lose (IE) hit points at the start of each of your turns due to an open wound. Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 8 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check. You heal (IE) × 20% less hit points from a rest (minimum 1). If you have multiple traits, you may choose Arm Pain and Leg Pain as one or more of them.

Real-world Examples


Assistive Options

First aid can usually stop bleeding, and ice can aid joint pain caused by internal bleeding around the joints.