Your mouth produces a discharge that you have trouble containing. You may choose Dysgeusia (Disruption) as an additional trait. Choose or roll on the following table.
d20 |
Discharge |
1–4 |
Blood |
5 |
Cold |
6 |
Fire |
7 |
Gas |
8–11 |
Mucus |
12–19 |
Saliva |
20 |
Smoke |
Blood. Blood drains out of your mouth at a rate of (IE)2 ounces per day. Because of this blood loss, you need to eat more to compensate, consuming an additional (IE) days’ worth of food per week to avoid exhaustion. This also gives you a −(IE) penalty on Charisma (Persuasion) checks but a +(IE) to Charisma (Intimidation) checks due to vampiric implications.
Cold. Your breath gets frosty, freezing anything that comes within (IE) feet of it. If you bring your mouth that close to a target, they take (IE) cold damage on a failed DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw, half damage on a successful saving throw.
Fire. Your breath combusts, burning anything that comes within (IE) feet of it. If you bring your mouth that close to a target, they take (IE) fire damage on a failed DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw, half damage on a successful saving throw.
Gas. Your breath smells fetid, so anyone within (IE) feet of your mouth is affected as if by a Stinking Cloud spell, requiring a successful DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw to avoid the effects.
Mucus. Mucus fills and flows from your mouth at a rate of (IE)2 ounces per day. Because of constantly wiping your mouth, your nose and mouth are raw, and you have a −(IE) penalty on taste-related ability checks and saving throws and Charisma (Persuasion) checks. If you attempt to swallow more than a nominal amount, you will become nauseous and will vomit if you fail a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw.
Saliva. Due to mild numbness, palsy, or malformation in your lips, saliva drools out of your mouth at a rate of (IE)2 ounces per day. Because of this fluid loss, you need to drink additional water to assist with the loss to avoid Dehydration and exhaustion. If you consciously focus on sucking it into your mouth to swallow it, you can do so, but the sound is audible and requires a successful DC 8 + (IE) Dexterity (Stealth) check to do so without being noticeable. Attempting this consistently can lead to Pneumonia.
Smoke. Sulfurous-smelling black smoke streams out of your mouth. The smell gives you a −(IE) penalty on Dexterity (Stealth) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks but advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks due to suspicion of draconic or fiendish origin. If left 1 ÷ (IE) hours in a room without ventilation, everyone in the room except you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be affected as if by a Stinking Cloud spell.
Real-world Examples
Halitosis, Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Assistive Options
A specialized mask can reduce 1 IE of some of these discharges, but the mask becomes clogged and useless after 1 hour and must be cleaned and dried before using again.
Magical Assistance
The Prestidigitation spell can clean the affected area but does not stop the discharge.