Ascent to the Depths of Dread

A tower on top of a hill with birds flying around it. Indigo dragon scaletop and bottom border. Top: Ascent to the Deptchs of Dread. Bottom: indigo tribal tattoo-style dragon head Wyrmworks Publishing logo on parchment.

Discover the forbidden tower’s secrets! Brave the depths of darkness!

Embark on a chilling journey with an immersive adventure designed for characters levels 8-10. This gripping tale takes your party on a quest to uncover the mysteries of the Forbidden Tower and confront the nightmarish creatures lurking within.

This adventure is for 4–5 characters, levels 8–10.

Ascent to the Depths of Dread
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  • Multiple Accessible Formats: Designed to accommodate accessibility for all players.
    • Dyslexia-Friendly PDF
    • ePub
    • Plain Text
    • Audio (In Progress. Purchasers will get notified when updated.)
    • Digital Braille
  • 3D Dynamic Encounters: The adventure uses a unique navigation method to track movement on a spiral ramp.
  • Engaging Narrative: Navigate a panicked crowd, confront terrifying monsters like the talontulas, and descend into the depths of the Forbidden Tower to confront the dreadfallen.
  • Diverse Adventure Hooks: Choose from various adventure hooks, from seeking powerful artifacts to responding to distress calls, ensuring a customizable and engaging experience for your party.
  • Representation and Accessibility: Embrace inclusivity with considerate mechanics for players with disabilities or different mobility needs.

Adventure Synopsis

Witness a mysterious explosion at the Forbidden Tower and embark on a perilous journey to seal its dark power. Navigate through panicked crowds, confront undead horrors, and seal the gateway to the Negative Material Plane before it’s too late. Along the way, uncover the tower’s dark history and confront the ethereal figures of its builders.

3 New Undead Monsters

  • Dreadfallen: A formidable undead mass of body parts, ready to challenge even the bravest adventurers.
  • Dreadfallen Creeper: Twisted remnants of former adventurers, extensions of the dreadfallen’s collective.
  • Talontula: a pair of zombified hands with blood, linked at the thumbsDisembodied hands that fly like butterflies and crawl like spiders, choking their victims and piercing them with thumb mandibles

Are you ready to brave the unknown and emerge victorious?

Also included: 4K combat maps in gridless and square formats.


Make Lives Better through Roleplaying Games

This adventure is one piece of a movement within the TTRPG community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the TTRPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using TTRPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing TTRPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance.

To that end, this adventure includes disabled NPCs just like in real life and includes encounter notes to account for for disabled PCs.

Brace (half-orc cleric)

image & figure of half-orc in platemail with yellow accents, round shield strapped to handless right arm, ring hanging from necklace, 2 handaxes hanging on belt, embossed arms on breastplate

Brace is a half-orc cleric who is missing his right hand due to amputation. He wears platemail with yellow accents and has a round shield strapped to his handless arm. He also wears a ring that dispels his doubts and insecurities about his self-worth. Brace has a unique ability called Better Together, which allows him to strengthen his friends by creating a magical connection among them for 10 minutes. Brace struggles with intrusive thoughts about his own self-worth, especially related to his sense of masculinity and being worthy of love.

Zilji Larka Printable Miniature STL

figure of Gnome with shortened arms, 2 fingers on right hand; 3 fingers on left hand. Wearing pink & gray clothing, tan backpack, green wide-brimmed hat with attached small tools

Zilji Larka is a rock gnome wizard with ectrodactyly, meaning he has shortened arms and missing fingers. He wears pink and gray clothing, a green wide-brimmed hat with attached small tools, and carries a tan backpack. He has adapted his spells’ somatic components to work within his physical range and uses Mage Hand to assist with tasks. Zilji is lighthearted, helpful, and enjoys challenging people’s expectations of him through humor. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Veritas Cadell Printable Miniature STL

figure of A tiefling with a puzzle cube in one hand and a bone crutch in the other, toes turned inward

Veritas Cadell is a tiefling rogue with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, which affects its movement. Veritas uses forearm crutches to move around but can climb walls as quickly as it walks. Veritas is fascinated by ancient civilizations and cultures and works with archaeologists to uncover their secrets, while expressing deep respect for the creators of these ancient artifacts. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Veralynn Sweetbriar Printable Miniature STL

figure of elf with long brown hair, green leaf-motif dress, sitting in wooden wheelchair, 3 potion bottles in side pocket of wheelchair

Veralynn Sweetbriar is a high elf druid who lives with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She is an elf with long brown hair and wears a green leaf-motif dress while sitting in a wooden wheelchair. Veralynn has a love for nature and spends most of her time communing with it. However, chronic pain, fatigue, intrusive thoughts, and confusion can get in the way. Veralynn uses assistive devices such as her Countryside Conveyance wheelchair and salve to manage her symptoms. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Rork Printable Miniature STL

figure of red kobold in a cape holding a ball of twine

Rork is a red kobold who struggles with feelings of anxiety and panic disorder. He grew up in a large city but found it overwhelming and eventually left to live in the peace and quiet of the forest. Rork is a caring individual who enjoys getting straight to the point but is careful about how he spends his social energy. When he gets anxious, he will fiddle with a loose wicker ball attached to a belt by a rope, which is a chain of small hoops that he can spin around or unfold at his pleasure. Rork is happiest in the forest, surrounded by the soothing presence of woodland creatures, and he will avoid large cities or other loud and busy places as much as possible. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Rohna Ginnsley Printable Miniature STL

figure of human with long dark brown hair, purple hat, multicolor dress, sitting in a wheelchair with 4 arms made of connected spheres, holding teapot & cup on right and paintbrush & board on left. Hubs and arm spheres have Hebrew inscription on them

Rohna Ginnsley is a human bard with multiple sclerosis who uses Rohna’s Manipulative Mobility, her assistive device, a metal and wood wheelchair with four arms made of connected spheres that can be controlled with her thoughts. She is warm, soft-spoken, and compassionate, always willing to help others with a large smile and a cup of tea. Get the whole Limitless Champions collection with 5e stat blocks, background, personality, trait mechanics, and tips for creating inclusive game worlds with disability representation. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Rohna Ginnsley (Alternate Sculpt) Printable Miniature STL

figure of human with long dark brown hair, purple hat, multicolor dress, sitting in a wheelchair with 4 arms made of connected spheres, holding teapot & cup on right and paintbrush & board on left. Hubs and arm spheres have Hebrew inscription on them

Rohna Ginnsley is a human bard with multiple sclerosis who uses Rohna’s Manipulative Mobility, her assistive device, a metal and wood wheelchair with four arms made of connected spheres that can be controlled with her thoughts. She is warm, soft-spoken, and compassionate, always willing to help others with a large smile and a cup of tea. Get the whole Limitless Champions collection with 5e stat blocks, background, personality, trait mechanics, and tips for creating inclusive game worlds with disability representation. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Rivaan Linxakasendalor Printable Miniature STL

Figure of Blue dragonborn with dwarfism sitting on a sack in a wheeled sled aiming a shortbow, 2 javelins in sled

Rivaan Linxakasendalor is a blue dragonborn ranger with diastrophic dysplasia, a type of dwarfism. She uses a wheeled sled as an assistive device for mobility and carries a shortbow, javelins, and a dagger for combat. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Precision Printable Miniature STL

figure of a tiefling pulling a hand crossbow with his tail, crossbow mounted on his thigh, hands and arms constricted

Precision is a tiefling Monk with cerebral palsy. His arms and hands have limited fine motor control, but he compensates by using his feet for unarmed attacks and his tail to draw and load his hand crossbow. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Orrelius Printable Miniature STL

figure of Armored paladin holding a braille book and magic staff, sword on his back, scars on his eye

Orrelius is a battle-scarred human paladin, whose unwavering devotion to his divine calling has given him the strength to overcome countless trials. He carries a sword, braille book, and magic staff, as a result of his permanent blindness, and he is a formidable warrior and healer. Orrelius radiates a calm and reassuring presence, inspiring his allies to fight with courage and hope. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Lechlun Adarian Printable Miniature STL

figure of Man with facial difference, grey fluffy hair, red headband, black cloak with green hand shapes, green shirt, a ball of black energy floating above his lifted right hand

Lechlun Adarian is a human wizard with Treacher Collins Syndrome, which results in unique facial features including underdeveloped cheekbones and jaw, downward-slanting eyes, and a notch in the lower eyelids. Lechlun’s most notable ability is his Oblivion manipulation, which allows him to cast powerful spells such as Sphere of Annihilation and Touch Oblivion. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Moonmaeven and Freckles Printable Miniature STL

figure of light blue-skinned elf wearing a crystal crown, holding a necklace pendant, wearing a cloak with constellations on the inside

Moonmaeven is a high elf Druid/Bard with light blue skin, a crystal crown, and a cloak with constellations on the inside. She also has an emotional comfort animal, Freckles, a large St. Bernard dog, and lives with anxiety and memory loss. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Naiara Trevica Printable Miniature STL

Figure of Woman in platemail & brown clothes, hands have ulnar drift deformity and gauntlets with brace, holding sword, left foot on helmet

Naiara Trevica is a human fighter who lives with ulnar drift arthritis in her hands, causing her fingers to bend sideways and making it difficult to move them without extreme pain. However, her determination and resolve remain undiminished. She is a mercenary who travels and fights to provide for her family, and her reputation as a skilled warrior precedes her. She has developed assistive devices, including compression gauntlets and a weapon brace, to help her with her condition. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Ollie Dragao Printable Miniature STL

figure of halfling bard with dragon ears, Down syndrome, beating drum with mallets with lute on his back

Ollie Dragao is a halfling bard with dragonborn ears and Down syndrome. He carries a lute on his back and beats a drum with mallets. Ollie’s loyal service dog (not included), Tazz, provides support and stability, and the two are soul-bonded, sharing a deep connection. Together, they embark on adventures to bring joy and compassion wherever they go. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Lanark Printable Miniature STL

figure of minotaur with broken left horn, geometric dark brown tattoos, tiny yellow helmet, brown tunic, yellow belt & work gloves, holding a broken piece of wooden fence

Lanark is a large minotaur barbarian with broken left horn, wears a helmet, a tunic, and a belt with work gloves. Lanark has a fear of open spaces (agoraphobia), but he can find his way out of any structure or maze by sensing air pressure changes and the echoing of his own hooves. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.