Rivaan Linxakasendalor (blue dragonborn ranger)

image & Figure of Blue dragonborn with dwarfism sitting on a sack in a wheeled sled aiming a shortbow, 2 javelins in sled

Rivaan Linxakasendalor is a blue dragonborn ranger with diastrophic dysplasia, a type of dwarfism. She uses a wheeled sled as an assistive device for mobility and carries a shortbow, javelins, and a dagger for combat.

Rivaan Linxakasendalor Printable Miniature STL

Figure of Blue dragonborn with dwarfism sitting on a sack in a wheeled sled aiming a shortbow, 2 javelins in sled

Rivaan Linxakasendalor is a blue dragonborn ranger with diastrophic dysplasia, a type of dwarfism. She uses a wheeled sled as an assistive device for mobility and carries a shortbow, javelins, and a dagger for combat. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Limitless Champions: 20 Disabled D&D 5e NPCs (eBook edition)

Limitless Champions: halfling with Down Syndrome playing a drum, tiefling monk with cerebral palsy, blind tiefling with ornate cane, blue dragonborn on sled with shortbow

This 5e resource provides a wealth of content designed to enhance your gaming experience and promote representation.

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Featuring a wide range of disabilities and conditions, Limitless Champions introduces 20 characters with unique backgrounds and compelling stories. Dive into a world where disabled individuals are heroes, showcasing their strength, resilience, and abilities beyond the confines of societal expectations.

Within this electronic book, you’ll find complete character profiles, Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition stat blocks, and vivid illustrations that capture the essence of each disabled champion. The electronic book includes multiple formats, including PDF, txt, ePub, and audio, ensuring accessibility for all players.

Here’s a complete list of representations found within:

  • Alopecia Areata
  • Amputation
  • Anxiety/Panic Disorder (represented by fidget, grounding device, and emotional comfort animal)
  • Arthritis
  • Blindness
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)
  • Down Syndrome
  • Dwarfism (Diastrophic Dysplasia)
  • Ectrodactyly
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Face Differences (Treacher Collins syndrome, Cleft Palate)
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Quadriplegia

Immerse yourself in a world where inclusivity and representation shine, and where every player can find characters they resonate with.