Gaining Advantage 029: Finding Healing and Fun through TTRPGs: A Journey of Transformation with Bill Lemmond

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; The cartoon goat dressed & goat ready for college

Dale interviews Bill Lemmond, a passionate gamer and comic artist. Bill shares his personal story of how tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) have played a pivotal role in transforming his life, from finding joy and relaxation to overcoming depression and pursuing education. Discover the power of gaming to create a supportive community, foster creativity, and provide a much-needed escape. Join us as we explore the impact of TTRPGs on mental well-being and the importance of inclusivity and fun in gaming.

0:00 Introduction: Limitless Champions Update
01:35 Interview: Bill Lemmond
51:30 Patreon Showcase & Closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Bill Lemmond Links

Wyrmworks Publishing

Reddit IPO: Reddit banishes the disabled community

Bullies: Linkedin, Snapchat, Twitter against Disabled Community. Figure extends hand. Figure is Reddit, which suplexes community.
reddit is killing 3rd-party Apps and API Access What that means for you: Apollo Boost Reddit is Fun Sync Relay Infinity Reader Narwhal for Reddit Do you recognize a logo here? That app is about to be shut down. Do you or a fellow redditor have vision problems? The official app doesn't focus on accessibility Visually impaired users depend on 3rd-party apps & captioners to use Reddit, at all. HOPE YOU LIKE SPAM! Because you're gonna see a lot more of it The mods on your favorite sub use bots to fight spam, caption images, and run their community. Despite promises, the current plan looks to kill many bots, especially those that are used the most! Did you know? Moderating a typical sub takes hours of volunteer work a day even using 3rd-party bots; Without them, it will be impossible. And if you don't like spam, don't worry loads of porn-bots, scammers & creeps LOVE IT! If mods can't detect mature content in 3rd-party apps & tools, it'll be easier than ever for them to sneak into your favorite community. Reddit's walled-garden approach means bad actors can hide any content they want from mods, simply by posting it in a mature space. Let's not mince words: this will make it easier for scammers & child sexual abuse rings to hide their activity on Reddit. TL;DR: What's actually changing? Reddit is changing the terms of their API, which lets apps and bots read and interact with reddit. Reddit is enforcing limits on how often apps can talk to reddit. They are charging a predatory amount for apps that go over the limit. Rough math puts them at 10-20x the cost of similar services (eg. Imgur). Developers only have 30 days to pay up or shut down. They are also removing NSFW content from the API. That seems nice, but it makes it much easier for scammers and creeps to hide their activities from SW community mods. In protest, a collective of subreddits are staging a shutdown starting June 12 and continuing until more reasonable terms are offered. How can I help? Contact the admins. Stop browsing. Don't download the "official" app. Get on Twitter. Get on r/Save3rdPartyApps/. Be loud. Reach out to the press. Make noise.
reddit is killing 3rd-party Apps and API Access infographic (Click the image for full-size)

Reddit is preparing to go public, which means they need to demonstrate profit to potential stockholders. But profit and control comes at a cost, as we in the TTRPG community know all too well. Their recent API pricing changes have ignited a battle for equal access. It’s time to roll initiative once again.

Impact on the TTRPG Community

The TTRPG community thrives on collaboration, creativity, and diverse perspectives. Reddit has been a vital platform for building real-world adventuring parties of every kind. With the API pricing changes, the TTRPG community faces significant challenges:

  • Limited Customization: Third-party apps, like Apollo and Dystopia, have allowed TTRPG fans to personalize their Reddit experience like a homebrew fantasy world. These tools have facilitated streamlined access to TTRPG-specific subreddits, making it easier to find relevant discussions, game advice, and homebrew content.
  • Community Engagement: Third-party apps offer advanced features for interacting with Reddit, including real-time notifications, improved search functions, and intuitive interfaces. This gives TTRPG fans Advantage to engage in discussions, seek advice, and collaborate on projects.
  • Accessibility Barriers: Many TTRPG players with disabilities rely on third-party apps to overcome the accessibility Wall of Force in the official Reddit apps and interfaces. The loss of these apps will limit their ability to participate fully in TTRPG communities and access valuable resources.

Broader Impact on Disabled Individuals

While the TTRPG community is directly affected, it is essential to recognize that the API changes have an even greater impact on various disabled individuals:

  • Visually Impaired Community: Blind and visually impaired individuals heavily rely on third-party apps to access Reddit content through assistive technologies. These apps provide the necessary features for screen readers, alternative text, and other accessibility enhancements that enable equal participation.
  • Transcribers and Describers: Reddit is home to numerous volunteer groups dedicated to transcribing and describing images for alt text, making visual content accessible to individuals with visual impairments. The loss of third-party apps may hinder the crucial work of these groups, resulting in a significant loss of accessibility for the broader Reddit community.
  • Other Disability Communities: The API changes resonate beyond the visually impaired community. Individuals with motor disabilities, cognitive impairments, or other disabilities may also rely on third-party apps (or hope for new ones that give them better access) to navigate Reddit more efficiently and effectively. The loss of these apps would create additional barriers to access and participation for these individuals.

Unifying for Accessibility and Inclusion

To ensure that the TTRPG community and disabled individuals continue to thrive on Reddit, collective action is vital. By joining forces and advocating for accessibility, we can make a difference:

  • Amplify Voices: Share the stories and experiences of TTRPG players and disabled individuals affected by these API changes. Spread the word through your social circles like chain lightning.
  • Join the Blackout: Join and follow r/Save3rdPartyApps to learn more, or, if you moderate a subreddit, its sister sub r/ModCoord. Read about the upcoming Blackout on June 12–14, and plan to participate. (And find more suggestions)
  • Message Your Mods: Encourage the mods of your favorite subreddits to join the Blackout.
  • Seek Media Attention: This change comes on the heels of Reddit’s IPO announcement like a sycophantic imp chasing an arch-devil. Will potential stockholders want to support a company that has received media attention for knowingly making recent discriminatory choices?

It’s time to stand together to ensure that Reddit remains an inclusive platform for all, fostering creativity, collaboration, and accessibility within the TTRPG community and beyond.

Social Spell Schools: Welcome the Isolated to your Dungeons & Dragons Game

a variety of people sitting at a table playing a tabletop roleplaying game near a sink

Disabilities and chronic conditions are isolating. For us, any kind of social life is a unicorn. As Briana describes at The Daily Disability,

The more my health problems grew, the harder it was to find a community that I felt like I fit in to. I joined group after group in hopes of finding a few that would help how I was feeling. I ended up not even being able to join discussions in one of the groups, because I didn’t have close relationships with anyone in the group. It was very disheartening.

Even when we have a free block of time that could be spent with friends,

  • My ADHD and hearing loss make parties, conventions, crowded restaurants, and anywhere else with a lot of noise nearly impossible to navigate, as I can’t filter one voice from another.
  • Other neurodivergent traits and mental illness in my family lead to disdainful looks and disparaging comments from the public.
  • Potential friends ghost us when they get a taste of the chaos that is our life, unable to handle the stress.
  • Neighbors avoid us.

You might be experiencing stress just reading this list.

But aside from our church, the one environment I’ve found welcoming is the tabletop roleplaying game community, at least the ones I’ve facilitated. Here’s how that magic works:

Enchanting Communities

Cards & miniature depicting Armored paladin holding a braille book and magic staff, sword on his back, scars on his eye.
Support Limitless Champions to create more inclusive game worlds! On Kickstarter now!

While the enchantment school of magic tends to focus more on manipulating people, there’s power in making a roleplaying game community charming. An accessible environment communicates a welcoming atmosphere. Proactively designing an environment considers a wide range of access needs.

  • Consider diverse mobility needs. Do people have space to move?
  • How does your environment affect those with sensory needs, such as sensitivity to noise?
  • Do you allow electronic character sheets and other assistive technology? 
  • Do you meet in a place that’s financially prohibitive to people on limited budgets, like a restaurant or a FLGS with a cover charge?
  • Do you exclude people like us from your game world? (Check out Limitless Champions as a way to add that representation.)

Evoking Trust

Fem elf in green dress, sitting on rock, holding leafy staff, a ghostly wolf behind.

You can say you’re welcoming, but we’ve been targets of Vicious Mockery before, so you’ll need more than one successful Charisma check to gain our trust. So be patient with us if we seem reserved or aloof. It’s not arrogance. It’s caution. If you want people to feel like they can relax and truly have fun at your table, allow time for that to happen.

  • We may ask for less than we need, worried about how willing you are to coexist with us and being used to settling for less.
  • We want to be treated like any other member of the party, but don’t ignore our traits and degrees of ability, either. That is, we want to be accepted as we are, neither expecting us to be someone else nor treating us as inspirations.
  • When things get inconvenient for you, but you roll with it like you would any other friend’s needs, then we start to trust, but we all move at a different rate on that scale.

Conjuring Community

So you have a welcoming and inclusive environment, but we’re still sitting at home, reluctant to put ourselves out there. We may never know about you, and we’re probably not looking, because you’re a unicorn.

  • Join local online communities, and mention inclusion and representation. Demonstrate that you’re an ally.
  • If you play at an FLGS, put a copy of Limitless Heroics on the corner of the table.
  • Post flyers on LFG boards at your FLGS. Include a note that you’re accessible.

Friendship Necromancy

We may believe that the idea of social connections or even friendships is dead, that it would truly take some magic to change that. But by creating inclusive and welcoming spaces, we can create environments that truly communicate that D&D is for everyone.

necromancer laughing in a skull-emblazoned wheelchair, being pushed by 2 zombies

What the New Barbie With Down Syndrome Can Teach Us About Inclusivity in TTRPGs

Best Seller Barbie Fashionistas Doll # 208, Doll with Down Syndrome Wearing Floral Dress and pink leg braces

The new Barbie with Down syndrome and her impact

Mattel, the toy company behind Barbie, recently announced a new doll in their Barbie line with Down syndrome, added to a line that includes dolls with wheelchairs and one with a hearing aid.

As we see this gradual shift in representation in toys, we normalize disabilities in the lives of children. That way, we transform a “plastic” toy into a subtle tool to normalize people with disabilities in their lives, preventing othering and expanding their awareness and acceptance.

This new doll allows children with Down syndrome to play with toys that look like them and represent their experience, just as toys have added more racial and cultural representation in recent decades.

But this toy is for other kids, too, so the fantasy worlds they create in their pretend play includes disabled people as much as any others. And the more we get accurate and respectful portrayals in multiple forms of media, the more understanding, empathy, and acceptance will be mirrored in children’s play and their subsequent real-world interactions and relationships.

I’ve seen this impact in my own children. Because my work and passion lead to many conversations at home about disabilities and inclusion, and they love the service animals in Limitless Heroics, when we met a student at their school with a service dog, they reacted as they would to someone’s cool new backpack—they thought it was cool but not strange. When they encounter people in their lives with disabilities, they notice the differences and are sensitive to them, but they don’t think of them as “those people.” They are “my friends.”

What can we learn from Barbie about inclusivity in TTRPGs?

halfling bard with dragon ears, Down syndrome, beating drum with mallets with lute on his back
Ollie, the halfling/dragonborn bard with Down syndrome from Limitless Champions

The new Barbie doll with Down syndrome has something to teach us about the importance of representation in TTRPGs. By demonstrating the importance of accuracy and inclusion of disabilities and other characteristics in our characters, Barbie provides an opportunity to continue a much-needed conversation about inclusivity within the realm of gaming.

  • How can featuring characters with disabilities, such as Down syndrome, in a respectful and dignified manner enhance inclusivity in TTRPGs?
  • What steps can game developers take to accurately reflect people with disabilities in stories and characters in TTRPGs?
  • How can TTRPG players create diverse and inclusive gaming environments that accommodate everyone, including those with disabilities?
  • How can we better listen to and consider feedback from players with disabilities in order to ensure inclusivity in all aspects of the game?

By learning from Barbie and paying attention to the importance of including diverse and accurate representations of disabilities, we can help create and foster more inclusive and respectful TTRPG communities.

3. Steps Ramps to Improvements in Representation in TTRPGs

a halfling bard with dragonborn ears and Down Syndrome
Ollie as a miniature in Limitless Champions

Although Barbie has taught us about the importance of representation in TTRPGs, there is still much work to be done when it comes to improving the game’s representation of those with disabilities. Here are some helpful movements to consider when trying to ensure that people with disabilities are properly represented in TTRPGs:

  • Creating characters with disabilities that are complex and multi-dimensional.
  • Making sure characters’ disabilities do not define them and limit them in any negative way.
  • Ongoing conversations with willing players who have disabilities to help shape that representation in game rules and worldbuilding.
  • Consider what accessibility looks like in your game world.
  • Making sure players with disabilities have the resources and support they need, both physical and social.
  • Considering how any special features, skills, equipment, or backstory related to a character’s disability impacts both the game and the players.
  • Use artwork, props, and miniatures with disability representation.

What does a better future look like?

“You’re playing D&D? Who’s winning?” Has anyone ever asked you that? TTRPGs are uniquely cooperative. Properly played, everyone wins, because the success is more than loot or levels—it’s a welcoming environment and enjoyment for everyone. So imagine this box text describing the real world:

As you enter the room, you see a diverse group of adventurers gathered around a table, each with their own unique character sheets. One player, with a character that has a physical disability, shares their backstory with the group. The other players listen attentively and ask questions to better understand the character’s experience.

As they start to create their characters, the players encourage each other to consider incorporating diverse backgrounds and experiences. They work together to ensure that each character is balanced and equal in strength and credibility, regardless of any disabilities they may have.

As the quest unfolds, the players encounter a wide variety of NPCs, and some have disabilities as part of their larger descriptions and interactions.

Throughout their game, the players celebrate each other’s successes and work together to create solutions that benefit everyone. They make sure that all players, including those with disabilities, feel included and supported both in and out of the game.

As you watch, you realize that this group of adventurers has truly embraced the importance of inclusivity and diversity in TTRPGs. They have created a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can enjoy their adventures together.

Gaining Advantage 026: Accessibility in Tabletop Gaming: Tips and Strategies for Inclusion with @tahina_andale

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; Dicecourse logo

This month, we talk to Tahina Andale, co-host of Dicecourse, about accessibility and avoiding ableism in tabletop roleplaying games. Tahina shares her experience as a disabled woman and provides tips on accommodating different accessibility needs. She emphasizes the importance of representation and encourages listeners to be more empathetic and respectful of others’ needs.

0:00 Introduction: Limitless Champions Preview
10:50 Interview: Tahina Andale, co-host of Dicecourse
39:22 Patreon Showcase & closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Tahina Andale Links

Wyrmworks Publishing

A More Inclusive Community: Donate to our Community Copies Program

3 tablets showing book covers

At Wyrmworks Publishing, we believe that everyone deserves to be represented in the games they play. That’s why we created Limitless Heroics, a comprehensive disability compendium for tabletop roleplaying games. We’re proud of the work we’ve done, but we know that not everyone can afford to buy a copy of the book.

That’s where our Community Copies program comes in. For every copy someone donates, we match the donation and make two copies available for free. It’s a way for us to give back to the community and make sure that everyone who wants to use Limitless Heroics can do so, regardless of their financial situation. And as we publish more books, we will add them to this program.

When you donate a Community Copy, you’re not just helping someone else get access to the book. You’re also showing your support for disability representation in tabletop gaming. You’re helping us spread the word about this important resource and making sure that people with disabilities are included in the games we play.

More Donations via Patreon

We also have a Patreon program, and at the beginning of each month, we donate additional copies of Limitless Heroics based on the number and tiers of our patrons.

If you’re in a position to help, we encourage you to consider making a donation to our Community Copies program. By doing so, you’ll be helping us ensure that everyone has access to our resources, regardless of their financial situation.

To donate, simply click on the “Purchase Community Copies” button. You can then choose the number of copies you’d like to donate, and complete your purchase. We’ll take care of the rest, ensuring that your donation goes directly to providing free copies of our products to those who need them.

Thank you for your support. Together, we can build a more inclusive and welcoming community for all tabletop role-playing game enthusiasts.

Responding to the OGL 1.2v1 Survey #opendnd

Charlton Heston in the final scene of Planet of the Apes discovering an ampersand half-buried

You have heard, “Everyone’s entitled to their opinion.” I disagree, at least if you’re going to be making decisions with it that affect others. I contend that, “Everyone’s entitled to an informed opinion.” So having read the proposed OGL 1.2v1 I offer my answers to the questions in the OGL 1.2 Survey with suggested reading so you can express your own informed opinions. I hope this will also help others understand why the entire community is upset about these changes. Special thanks to Justin Alexander for posting these (with his informed responses) and to all those who offered their informed opinions to help inform mine.

Note that the responses are necessarily plain text in the form, but I’ve added formatting for reference and readability here.

2. Now that you’ve read the proposed OGL 1.2, what concerns or questions come to mind for you?

I feel betrayed. From January 2004 to the end of 2021, 18 years, you had these words on your website <>.

7. Can’t Wizards of the Coast change the License in a way that I wouldn’t like?

Yes, it could. However, the License already defines what will happen to content that has been previously distributed using an earlier version, in Section 9. As a result, even if Wizards made a change you disagreed with, you could continue to use an earlier, acceptable version at your option. In other words, there’s no reason for Wizards to ever make a change that the community of people using the Open Gaming License would object to, because the community would just ignore the change anyway.

Ever since you removed those words, your communication with your passionate loyal customers has been a string of lies. Since you sent NDAs to some of the small companies that you portrayed as “big corporations” (most less than 10 employees!), literally every public communication has intentionally contained multiple deceptions, and this document and its associated FAQ are no exception.

My concern is that I can’t do business, nor can I in good conscience give my verbal or financial support, to a company that lies to its fans and, when called out for it, doubles down on the lies. I have been a hardcore fan and Dungeon Master since 1982. I fought against the Satanic Panic at age 10 and have extolled the game’s virtues and fun for forty years.

Just a few weeks before this became public, I encouraged my 2500 loyal customers to buy OneD&D when it launched, and we would support it with revised and optimized content. Now, I have to tell them that if they want to use our unique disability-representative and accessible content, they’ll have to follow us to another system like Black Flag and stop buying WotC materials. I don’t want to do that.

3. After reading the proposed OGL 1.2, how has your perception of the future of Dungeons & Dragons changed compared to before reading OGL 1.2?

Much Worse

4. What would be needed to improve your perception of Dungeons & Dragons’ future?

Stop the empty apologies. This is still a critical failure. Every third party publisher encourages their fan base to buy your content, fights against piracy of your materials, and fills niche gaps that you can’t. Look at the comments and replies on all your social media channels over the past month. 99% of the comments are negative, pointing out that you’re not fooling anyone.

And these are your fans, the people who chose to follow your channels! That’s not just the publishers that you’ve alienated!

I work with a lot of teens, including my own children (all D&D fans until now), and I always tell them, “When you’ve dug yourself into a hole, the first thing you need to do is put down the shovel.” Until Hasbro puts down the shovel, the hole will only get deeper, and now that the financial trades have started reporting it, everything looks bleak for WotC.

That said, you need to understand that D&D ≠ WotC. D&D isn’t about the ampersand. It’s about the community. And you can’t take our community away. We—the fans, not just the 3PP—will find another home, and we will migrate together, and we will support OGL 1.0a developers by buying their old products. We would like WotC to be part of our community, but that requires mutual respect and trust. You’ve repeatedly broken our trust, so now you need to do something Herculean to redirect that torrent. Replace 1.0a with 1.0b that adds “irrevocable” without an Orwellian redefinition, and only then will you be able to begin to claw your way out of the pit you’ve trapped yourself in. We’ll even help you, as we are right now, collectively putting hundreds of thousands of hours into these surveys and other feedback channels to offer you our ropes out of the pit, but we’re all hanging onto the same rope, since we fully expect you to pull us down with you, but together, we’re stronger than you.

5. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International?

Understanding: 5; Satisfaction: 2

6. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the content found in the SRD that will be released under Creative Commons?

Understanding: 4; Satisfaction: 2

7. Do you have any other comments about the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International and/or the content that will be released under Creative Commons?

I heard about the Creative Commons license before I even got to read the post. As a longtime fan of the Open Source movement, I was shocked and thrilled.

And then I saw what it actually included.

Those sections are nearly useless as shared content. It describes combat but doesn’t tell me definitely whether I can say, “Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.”

90% of what’s listed there is uncopyrightable, so by making it Creative Commons, you actually took away rights by requiring attribution for something that’s nearly all public domain. Another deception to fool your investors. We’re not fooled. Put down the shovel.

This would be useful if you also included lists of names of monsters, classes, and spells that we can safely use unless you actually plan to sue someone for saying, “The Wizard can cast Magic Missile,” without including the stat blocks. Tell us what feature descriptions we can use for homebrew monsters like the standard breath weapon syntax.

And then there’s the legal confusion whether those sections are Creative Commons or OGL. You can’t assign 2 different licenses to the same content, so which is it? Is this some other kind of trap? If we use this Creative Commons content, because the OGL declares it to be Creative Commons, are we thus submitting to the new OGL? If the OGL, which declares this content to be Creative Commons, is terminated, does that also deauthorize the Creative Commons license? You’ll have to forgive the questions, given the context of your behavior in recent months.

This raises more questions than it answers, and nobody knows whether we gain anything from this besides being able to say, “hit points,” and, “Armor Class,” and maybe do skill checks, so can we use that and related standard 5e phrases under Creative Commons? Give us an SRD of what is CC, how we can use the content on those pages, including a list of representative examples in terms of phrase and term usage.

And most importantly, this gives us nothing more than we already had with 1.0a, like a trip to the Wonderful Wizard of Ogl, where he gives gifts to the quartet that simply tell them what they already have and says, “Oh, no, my dear; I’m really a very good man, but I’m a very bad Wizard, I must admit.” (That text is public domain. We know we can use it. See the value of clear licensing?)

8. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the Notice of Deauthorization?

Understanding: 5; Satisfaction: 1

9. Do you have any other comments about the Notice of Deauthorization?

You made a promise for 18 years. 18 years! And then you claimed you could just deauthorize it without terms in the contract to determine how or under what terms you could do so.

This is straight-up bullying, because you know this is dishonest, and the only way you might get away with it is by pushing us around. But you have to understand that many of us, especially those of us who have supported you for 40 years, spent a lot of our formative years being bullied, often because we liked playing D&D! And now D&D is bullying us! But we’re not little kids anymore. We’ve spent more decades than the OGL strategizing, coming up with creative solutions against impossible odds, sticking together, standing up for each other, and not giving up.

I wrote a book of disability mechanics under 1.0a and made those mechanics OGC to allow other publishers to easily add disability representation to their content. Now neither I nor they can use those mechanics unless we both submit to your revision, a setback to disability rights.

This raises so many other questions. For those not following industry news or your social media channels but producing content via OGL 1.0a around the world, how can they agree to a license they’ve never heard of? You can solve this with a new SRD 5.2 with updated content, offering something new, but leaving those who are willing to accept the limitations of SRD 5.1, giving your fans a choice instead of forcing thousands of people to walk away from D&D forever. We love D&D. We’re growing the hobby as we have for decades. Work with us instead of against us.

Be the heroes. Put down the shovel, and pick up the sword. Be the brave swashbuckler who makes the hard call for the benefit of all. If you don’t, we will. You’ve seen how we’ve banded together. A month ago, we were arguing like siblings over which edition is best, or D&D vs Pathfinder, but you’ve united the entire global community by giving us a common enemy — Hasbro. You rolled initiative first, not us. And we will keep fighting for what’s right, but we don’t want you as enemies. We want you as allies, even if less than trustworthy allies. Right now, you’re still the BBEG. (Since I notice Hasbro executives clearly don’t know D&D from what we’ve seen the past few weeks, that’s, “Big Bad Evil Guy,” the villain at the final showdown.) When your children and grandchildren talk about you, let it be with pride — “They fought for freedom and stood up against lies!” It’s not too late for each person at Hasbro reading this to do the right thing.

10. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the types of content covered by the proposed OGL 1.2?

Understanding: 4; Satisfaction: 1

11. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the content ownership rights outlined in the proposed OGL 1.2?

Understanding: 5; Satisfaction: 1

12. Do you have any other comments about the types of content covered and/or the content ownership rights outlined by the proposed OGL 1.2?

Content Types

As an advocate for disability rights, specifically within the TTRPG space, this is completely unacceptable. I have been working with publishers big and small in the past year to improve accessibility throughout the entire industry, and you’re trying to stop that, or you at least don’t want third party D&D content to be accessible. While an audiobook version may arguably be a static file, since the only examples you’ve given are print, PDF, and ePub, and you said other formats cannot be under this license, you are forbidding disability access. I’m committed to making audio versions of our books, but under this, I can’t unless I make them Fan Content, which would contradict this license and be financially unfeasible. So much for all the talk about inclusion and preventing discrimination, yet another lie. Many publishers have wikis, which make their content easier to navigate and more accessible to people with a wide variety of disabilities. People use browser plug-ins to meet a wide range of accessibility needs, and you just forbade us from producing content in formats like dynamic HTML to offer maximum accessibility.

But it’s not just a matter of adding a few extra file formats. It’s any number of possibilities, most of which don’t exist yet. That’s why I want to make them. I want to make an audio mouseover plugin for Foundry VTT that tells you what you’re pointing at and can even work like a geiger counter to find the closest token. That’s just one idea. For ADHD, I have trouble picking out specific items on a screen of too many things. Some kind of animation with a search function would be helpful, and spell effects help everyone see who’s doing what. Someone with short term memory loss might benefit from those frequent animations. That’s VTT.

And then there’s apps, like imagine a wiki-like app that’s all voice controlled and has audio capabilities. Could be done as a web app, but would be nice as a standalone mobile app, too. Encounter builders that allow you to adjust color, font size, background, etc. for different sensory needs. “It’s your turn” flashy animation could be helpful for multiple attention & sensory needs. And you forbade interactive character sheets, which are helpful for those with learning and sensory differences. And why do you hate random generators? Those are mostly just harmless fun but can help those with executive dysfunction. The number and variety of assistive technology are infinite and will change as other technology or ideas come available. We need to have those options available and not forbid creative problem solving.

Don’t claim that this is all about preventing discrimination. That’s just hypocrisy when the license itself is inherently discriminatory. Another lie. But if you insist on that path, you’d better check every line of those 4 corners with an ADA lawyer. I already am.

Content Ownership Rights

You included “Irrevocable” but then immediately redefined it. To quote Inigo Montoya, “You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.”

irrevocable (meaning that content licensed under this license can never be withdrawn from the license).

This doesn’t prevent the license itself from being revoked, and if the license is revoked, then that inherently revokes our license to use it. Even if our existing content couldn’t be revoked, which this doesn’t guarantee, I can’t sign contracts with creators for projects that could suddenly become impossible to complete due to license termination. The wording in 1.0a was clearer than this, and we all know how you handled that. This is a bad faith redefinition.

13. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the “You Control Your Content” section?

Understanding: 5; Satisfaction: 1

14. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the “Warranties And Disclaimers” section?

Understanding: 5; Satisfaction: 1

15. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the “Modification Or Termination” section?

Understanding: 5; Satisfaction: 1

16. Do you have any other comments about the “You Control Your Content”, “Warranties And Disclaimers”, or “Modification Or Termination” sections?

You Control Your Content

You claim we own our content, but you can at any time terminate this license for some or all of us, thus removing permission to publish it. If you control its distribution, then we don’t truly own it. Another lie.

Warranties And Disclaimers

(e)  No Illegal Conduct. You will not violate the law in any way relating to this license or Your Licensed Works.

Which law? I’ve published content showing women’s knees, which is illegal in some countries. I’ve published content depicting LGBTQ+ characters, which is illegal in some countries. This would also prevent using it for political speech in some contexts.

No Hateful Content or Conduct. You will not include content in Your Licensed Works that is harmful, discriminatory, illegal, obscene, or harassing, or engage in conduct that is harmful, discriminatory, illegal, obscene, or harassing. We have the sole right to decide what conduct or content is hateful, and you covenant that you will not contest any such determination via any suit or other legal action.

You reserve the right to define this without any ability to contest it? I have friends whose content has been pulled from the DMs Guild for showing “male nipples.” This license itself discriminates against disabled, neurodivergent, and mentally ill people. You still sell Oriental Adventures and very recently published hateful content in Spelljammer. We clearly cannot trust you to be sole arbiters to define what is and isn’t hateful. If you want to include this, you need to find an independent third party organization or work with the TTRPG community to establish and independent organization to make these decisions using a process that will not put the financial burden of defense on us. Some examples include We Are Many-United Against Hate, Southern Poverty Law Center, The Leadership Conference Education Fund, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

OGL 1.0a has been available for 18 years, and in that time, the most problematic content has come from WotC, not 3PP. When hateful content surfaces, the community has self-policed the content more effectively than this policy would be. This is a solution to a non-existent problem, an excuse to rescind the rights promised in 1.0a.

Modification Or Termination

Because this license includes several termination options, the modification rules are meaningless, since you could at any time terminate the license and replace it with a new one, as is the case with this one.

And because you can use 7(b)(i) at any time without recourse to terminate anyone’s license immediately, given the problems with 6(f), and without an independent third party to determine intellectual property infringement, these termination conditions are unacceptable.

And these words, “Creators using OGL 1.2 waive all right to participate in class, collective, or joint action,” fundamentally misunderstand what the D&D community is all about. We don’t split the party.

17. How would you rate your level of understanding and your level of satisfaction with the Virtual Tabletop Policy?

Understanding: 5; Satisfaction: 1

18. Do you have any other comments about the Virtual Tabletop Policy?

First, in case this content is broken up in your system, my comment from #12:

It’s any number of possibilities, most of which don’t exist yet. That’s why I want to make them. I want to make an audio mouseover plugin for Foundry VTT that tells you what you’re pointing at and can even work like a geiger counter to find the closest token. That’s just one idea. For ADHD, I have trouble picking out specific items on a screen of too many things. Some kind of animation with a search function would be helpful, and spell effects help everyone see who’s doing what. Someone with short term memory loss might benefit from those frequent animations.

This policy, which you claim is about preventing hate and discrimination, is a hateful discriminating policy. You believe you can tell people, including disabled people, how to play D&D and what tools we need to do it, but you don’t know everyone’s abilities, experiences, and needs. VTTs have allowed many people with social anxiety to play D&D on their own terms, and you’re restricting their experience, punishing them for their mental illness. I understand that you want to eliminate competition for your upcoming VTT, but by trying to do everything yourselves, you place an impossible burden on your developers, and everyone loses. In D&D, you’re supposed to be able to play anything you want any way you want, but for the first time in its history, you’re dialing that back and placing restrictions on creative expression. That will not endear you to your fans, and “forbids assistive technology for disabled people” isn’t a good look in the headlines.

And then there’s the lack of a license. This doesn’t just have a kill switch. It’s just a policy, which can be changed with a singe meeting, which you’ve shown you’re likely to do. I can’t afford to invest in assistive development for 5e VTT players with the threat that you could forbid it at any time with a company memo. The entire fanbase won’t play 5e anywhere online with that threat. We’ll move to a different system before you ever get your VTT up and running, and even those who come back will miss all the options they had before.

This also raises the question of whether pre-existing 1.0a content can be published as VTT content once 1.2 “deauthorizes” 1.0a. Since I noted elsewhere all the discriminatory elements of 1.2, my disabled customers are depending on me and others to convert our existing content to VTT for accessibility, but you’ve made that impossible, since accepting 1.2 for VTT conversion prevents creating audiobooks. We literally have to choose between allowed accessibility measures, depending which license we’re using.

And then of course, there’s the strange NFT reference you shoehorned into this policy. The entire 3PP industry hates NFTs. The one company (besides Hasbro!) that has attempted this is Gripnr, and the entire fanbase rejected them when announced.

This takes us back to your own words <>:

Q: I want to distribute computer software using the OGL. Is that possible?

A: Yes, it’s certainly possible. The most significant thing that will impact your effort is that you have to give all the recipients the right to extract and use any Open Game Content you’ve included in your application, and you have to clearly identify what part of the software is Open Game Content.

One way is to design your application so that all the Open Game Content resides in files that are human-readable (that is, in a format that can be opened and understood by a reasonable person). Another is to have all the data used by the program viewable somehow while the program runs.

Distributing the source code not an acceptable method of compliance. First off, most programming languages are not easy to understand if the user hasn’t studied the language. Second, the source code is a separate entity from the executable file. The user must have access to the actual Open Content used.

See the Software FAQ for more information.

Which reads <>

Q: So what kinds of programs can I make with the OGL?

A: Anything. Character generators are popular, as are programs that help GMs keep track of their adventure. Random treasure generators are also fun.

Q: So I could make a game?

A: Sure. Remember though, you cannot use any Product Identity with the OGL or claim compatibility with anything. So you can’t say your game is a d20 System game or uses D&D rules or call it Elminster’s Undermountain Crawl.

You said in the FAQ for this policy:

For over 20 years, thousands of creators have helped grow the TTRPG community using a shared set of game mechanics that are the foundation for their unique worlds and other creations. We don’t want that to change, and we’ve heard loud and clear that neither do you.

You are clearly changing this and restricting it to everyone’s detriment. You are telling us how we can and can’t play D&D. We call this, “Gatekeeping.”

19. Have you used the OGL 1.0a or previous versions of the OGL to create third party content?


20. Do you want to create third party content for Dungeons & Dragons in the future?


21. Would you be comfortable releasing TTRPG content under the proposed OGL 1.2 as written?


22. Why do you say that?

Until two weeks ago, I passionately wanted to create under the OGL, to improve representation and accessibility throughout the D&D ecosystem. But with these strongarm tactics, it’s getting harder to justify creating content that supports such a company. I wanted to change the industry for the better, but everything about this new OGL makes it worse. I can’t find a single improvement that this new license provides, and I refuse to discriminate against gamers by accepting the terms of this license.

If you want us to accept a new license, you need to give us a reason that doesn’t feel like extortion.

23. Compared to the OGL 1.0a, do you feel that you would be able to continue developing content the same way under the proposed OGL 1.2?


24. Why do you say that?

I’ve worked with a lot of people in abusive relationships. I have personal experience with them. The way this process has been handled has mirrored the hallmarks of abuse: refusing to take responsibility for your actions (It was just a draft!), gaslighting (We added “irrevocable”!), aggression (Threats toward the “Big 20” to sign with little time to decide), excessive monitoring (financial reporting, scrutinizing our content), attacking our intelligence (If you don’t like legal terminology, you can just accept it without reading!), mind games (“claiming you’re “giving” us public domain content as Creative Commons), isolation (“Creators using OGL 1.2 waive all right to participate in class, collective, or joint action.”), and promising to change and then doing it again (in the same sentence!).

Between this behavior, the built-in termination options, and the ableist discrimination inherent in this license I cannot in good conscience work under this license.

25. How would you rate your interest in using the Content Creator Badge as part of your third party works?


26. Do you have any other comments about Content Creator Badges?

A month ago, I would have given this a 4, proud to have the ampersand on my product (although this one looks amateurish), but now, to have the WotC brand on my product as some kind of endorsement of your company would be hypocritical and a contradiction of our company’s stated mission, “Helping you make lives better through TTRPGs.” Because this license only makes lives worse.

What other feedback do you have for us (related to the Open Games License or otherwise)?

I was so excited about the future of D&D. Together, we were making the world better, changing lives, and literally saving lives. I haven’t been to a movie since before COVID, but I was eager to go see Honor Among Thieves. I was looking forward to a shared media universe, and I was eager to use that media to introduce more people to the game and the domino effect that would cause. But until Hasbro leadership stops the lies and starts showing some vestige of respect for its fans, my only interactions with WotC products will be words of disappointment and cautionary tales to those who ask for my recommendation.

We just want to play D&D, make cool stuff for it, and be able to support the artists and wordsmiths who dedicate their time and talents to put beautiful wrapping paper on your products without fear of retribution for supporting you.

I truly hope you will rediscover humility and integrity and be the heroes that your media portrays. It’s not too late to put down the shovel.

How to Fix a Broken Relationship #OpenDnD

Red #OpenDnD logo

Last week, I wrote letters to Chris Cocks, CEO of Hasbro, Dan Rawson, VP of D&D at Wizards of the Coast, and via the Wizards of the Coast support form.

After taking some time to process and listen to others about their announcement Friday, I wrote this follow-up message via the support form.

Hello. Please send this message to the extent of your ability to those in charge of making decisions regarding the future of the OGL, and thank-you for the extra work you have to do because of all this:

Hi, I’m a dad and a commercial OGL content creator dedicated to using TTRPGs (usually 5e so far) to help you make lives better.

This weekend, I spent a lot of time thinking about the future of the OGL and our company’s ability to continue our work to improve disability inclusion and accessibility at the tabletop and the rest of the world. And I worried about what it meant for my ability to continue to feed my disabled children.

As our family was cleaning the house over the weekend, I was having trouble keeping my kids on task, and the combined stress eventually led to me yelling at my kids. Especially given my wife’s sensitivity to loud noises, yelling only made things worse.

So I sat down, had a cup of tea and a cookie, and apologized to my family. I could’ve made excuses and claimed I wasn’t really yelling or justified my behavior, but none of those would make things better. My family already knew how I was acting and that it was hurting our relationship. The only way to reconcile was for me to apologize.

I’ve been happily married for 28 years, so I can assure you that a sincere apology goes a lot further than excuses to restore relationships, especially when I demonstrate sincere contrition and change my behavior.

You have hurt the D&D community worse than any past action in its history.

Lies won’t fix things. Don’t say you were looking for community feedback by sending OGL 1.1 to 20 people under NDA. Don’t say you’re concerned about D&D NFTs when the OGL already prohibited that, but you’ve announced Power Rangers NFTs. Don’t say you’re trying to keep people from producing harmful D&D content after the Hadozee incident and an updated OGL that forbids producing content with accessibility technology. Don’t say we all won when truly, we all lost. The whole world, including your company’s future, is worse off due to your actions.

But speaking of the Hadozee incident, pay attention to what happened. You apologized sincerely. You changed the offensive content. You implemented policies to keep it from happening again. And while you broke our trust, we’re quick to forgive when we believe that you realize the harm you’ve caused. Forgiveness isn’t saying you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s specifically acknowledging that harm was done but allowing the relationship to continue in spite of that harm.

While this is worse, if you follow the same pattern you did last time, while thousands are understandably too hurt to come back, many of us will. But you need to admit the harm you caused if you want that to happen, nothing like Friday’s announcement.

You need to keep the promise you made in the OGL FAQ that was on your website and leave it alone or improve it to show you care about your fan base — add to the SRD, but the only change added to the OGL should be the word, “Irrevocable,” to show us you mean it and learned from this. That would be the policy change to keep this from happening again.

That would show that you care about our relationship even if only as customer and creator.

We as a community have a deep connection to our relationship with D&D, and we hope you want to be a part of that. But you need to show us that you actually care about D&D if you expect to be part of this relationship. We’re trying to make it the best it can be. We hope you will too.

Hopefully but skeptically,

Dale Critchley

Wyrmworks Publishing

If you’re willing to communicate your concerns to Hasbro/WotC, you can use the same feedback form.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to sign the OpenDnD Petition. While you’re at it, Ryan Dancey, the crafter of the original OGL, has written a petition of his own that’s worthy of consideration. You can read and sign it here.

Gaining Advantage 022: Forging a New Path

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; Forge Ahead a Party to Access logo with a green D20

Disabled people are among the most resourceful on the planet. They have to be. We welcome kindred spirits, Rachel Voss & Wesley Magee-Saxton at Forge Ahead: A Party To Access, who are creating amazing D&D 5e resources for disability inclusion. Next, we welcome Alexander Grinton on our Playing the Other segment to talk about his experience with Autism and ADHD, and how it connects with tabletop gaming.

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 4:19 Interview: Rachel Voss & Wesley Magee-Saxton at Forge Ahead: A Party To Access
  • 48:55 Playing the Other: Alexander Grinton
  • 1:12:58 Wrap-up

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Forge Ahead: A Party To Access Links

Wyrmworks Publishing

How to add disability inclusion into Inkarnate maps

4 accessibility devices made for combat maps

Inclusive Design makes everything better. Adding disability inclusion to your maps not only makes them more accessible to all players, but it also adds realism and depth to the world you’re creating.


If you’re including ramps in your buildings (Why?), the Long Table asset makes it easy. Add a Trap Door to the top at 50% transparency, and you get the effect of coming up through a hole in the floor.

Ramp with a translucent trap door at the end


An elevator may seem anachronistic, but they’ve existed in various forms for 2200 years! An enlarged Empty Crate with a Door gives you an instant enclosed elevator, and you can add a Lever to serve as a manual crank on a block and tackle system, or make it magical with a Magic Orb!

Overhead elevator on map


Use the Steampunk Tool for wheels and a Chair. You can make the wheel assembly brown/tan to make it look like wood if you want.

Wood and metal wheelchair, top down


Use the Small Metal Ladder (Transform: Adjust the width to get the right proportions) and Metal Valve Wheel. Connect the two ladders with Handrails or any wall piece stretched to the right proportion, and adjust the saturation and contrast to match the metal color. Or skip the connecting piece by overlapping that section. I put a connecting piece in the example image here, but it got covered up when I adjusted the scale.

rollator laying down on floor

What devices would you like to see represented? Have you created accessibility devices for your maps? Leave a comment!