Disabled NPC of the Week: Lolbimirt

A light skinned strawberry blond gnome wearing banded armor and holding a pole-axe. He has a red rash across the right side of his face and neck.

Lolbimirt is a forest gnome guard with abnormal growth and a rash on 40% of his body.

Is this character actually disabled?

While “taller than usual” and a skin rash don’t seem like disabilities, and by most official definitions, they’re not, this character emphasizes that disabilities are not binary — they’re a spectrum. Most people have multiple physical and/or mental challenges, and there’s no hard and fast line that separates people with or without disabilities. We’re more alike than you think. At the same time, Lolbimirt has difficulty navigating the burrows of his gnomish family, and his rash leaves him in danger of infection, an important condition in a world without antibiotics or, in the real world, to those without proper access to medicine or medical insurance.

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Disabled NPC of the Week

At Wyrmworks Publishing (wyrmworkspublishing.com), we believe that the more people have chances to interact with disabled people, the more normal it will become in their lives, the more comfortable they will be around disabled people, and the more inclusive our world will become. To this end, we release a free disabled character to use in your game every week to help your players grow accustomed to disabled people in an RPG setting, allowing them to get used to interacting with disabled people.

Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games

This character is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been, both in the RPG community and nearly everywhere in real life. Wyrmworks Publishing is dedicated to using RPGs to help you make lives better, to provide tools, training, and a community to this end. We believe that this will extend far beyond the ever-growing RPG community as more and more people learn, grow, and give and receive acceptance. Join the movement by signing up for announcements!