Gaining Advantage 029: Finding Healing and Fun through TTRPGs: A Journey of Transformation with Bill Lemmond

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; The cartoon goat dressed & goat ready for college

Dale interviews Bill Lemmond, a passionate gamer and comic artist. Bill shares his personal story of how tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) have played a pivotal role in transforming his life, from finding joy and relaxation to overcoming depression and pursuing education. Discover the power of gaming to create a supportive community, foster creativity, and provide a much-needed escape. Join us as we explore the impact of TTRPGs on mental well-being and the importance of inclusivity and fun in gaming.

0:00 Introduction: Limitless Champions Update
01:35 Interview: Bill Lemmond
51:30 Patreon Showcase & Closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Bill Lemmond Links

Wyrmworks Publishing