Gaining Advantage 031: Improving Racial Representation in TTRPGs with Aaron Trammell

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; Image of Aaron Trammell

This month, we open discussing the new canon autistic character being introduced in D&D, and how meaningful representation is for traditionally marginalized groups. ​​ 

Then Dale talks with Aaron Trammell, Associate Professor of Informatics at UC Irvine, about improving representation for people of color in tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons.

Key topics covered:

  • How fantasy RPGs have historically lacked racial diversity and inclusion
  • Racial stereotypes associated with classic fantasy races like orcs
  • Colonialist attitudes reflected in fantasy language use
  • Steps publishers and designers can take to improve racial representation in RPG products
  • Making your gaming table welcoming for new and diverse players
  • Aaron provides insight into issues around race in RPGs, and offers suggestions for how the hobby can become more inclusive. This is an important discussion about seeing diversity reflected in the games we play.

0:00 Introduction: Asteria, the first canon autistic D&D character
6:10 Interview: Aaron Trammell, Associate Professor of Informatics at UC Irvine
54:21 Patreon Showcase & closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Aaron Trammell Links

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