Reddit Alternative: A Response to Reddit’s Accessibility Hostility

reddit logo with not symbol & diagonal arrow

D&D is turn-based, but there comes a point when you can’t wait any longer and take action.

I was one of the mods over at r/disabled_dungeons, and we had a promise to keep. If Reddit didn’t change its ways, I vowed to find a new alternative community for everyone there, and if I couldn’t find one, I’d create one. Well, the time has come.

Reddit’s Accessibility Puzzle

This past summer, Reddit made changes, like setting an impossible cost on their API, which basically banished many third-party Reddit apps. Some of these apps were like magic items, offering better accessibility options that made our community more inclusive. In response, like many subs, r/disabled_dungeons went dark (private) in protest. Reddit doubled down and forced many subs to reopen, removing existing owners and mods and replacing them.

Our New Quest on Lemmy

In the face of these challenges, we decided it was time to embark on a new adventure, a quest for a more accessible and inclusive home. We found Lemmy, a federated Reddit alternative that’s more aligned with our values.

At this new community, we encourage people to find what access tools work for them. You can expect the same supportive community there with opportunities to make friends and share your adventures.

Join the Party on Lemmy

We invite you to join us and continue the mission of making TTRPGs accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Your wisdom and insights are our greatest treasures on this journey.

Now, here’s the exciting part. Our Discord remains a private sanctuary for our patrons and the talented freelancers who bring our products to life. But this new community is an open tavern where you can chat about our creations and all the fantastic products from other companies that champion accessibility and representation.

We hope to meet you there.

Link to Disabled Dungeons on Lemmy

Reddit IPO: Reddit banishes the disabled community

Bullies: Linkedin, Snapchat, Twitter against Disabled Community. Figure extends hand. Figure is Reddit, which suplexes community.
reddit is killing 3rd-party Apps and API Access What that means for you: Apollo Boost Reddit is Fun Sync Relay Infinity Reader Narwhal for Reddit Do you recognize a logo here? That app is about to be shut down. Do you or a fellow redditor have vision problems? The official app doesn't focus on accessibility Visually impaired users depend on 3rd-party apps & captioners to use Reddit, at all. HOPE YOU LIKE SPAM! Because you're gonna see a lot more of it The mods on your favorite sub use bots to fight spam, caption images, and run their community. Despite promises, the current plan looks to kill many bots, especially those that are used the most! Did you know? Moderating a typical sub takes hours of volunteer work a day even using 3rd-party bots; Without them, it will be impossible. And if you don't like spam, don't worry loads of porn-bots, scammers & creeps LOVE IT! If mods can't detect mature content in 3rd-party apps & tools, it'll be easier than ever for them to sneak into your favorite community. Reddit's walled-garden approach means bad actors can hide any content they want from mods, simply by posting it in a mature space. Let's not mince words: this will make it easier for scammers & child sexual abuse rings to hide their activity on Reddit. TL;DR: What's actually changing? Reddit is changing the terms of their API, which lets apps and bots read and interact with reddit. Reddit is enforcing limits on how often apps can talk to reddit. They are charging a predatory amount for apps that go over the limit. Rough math puts them at 10-20x the cost of similar services (eg. Imgur). Developers only have 30 days to pay up or shut down. They are also removing NSFW content from the API. That seems nice, but it makes it much easier for scammers and creeps to hide their activities from SW community mods. In protest, a collective of subreddits are staging a shutdown starting June 12 and continuing until more reasonable terms are offered. How can I help? Contact the admins. Stop browsing. Don't download the "official" app. Get on Twitter. Get on r/Save3rdPartyApps/. Be loud. Reach out to the press. Make noise.
reddit is killing 3rd-party Apps and API Access infographic (Click the image for full-size)

Reddit is preparing to go public, which means they need to demonstrate profit to potential stockholders. But profit and control comes at a cost, as we in the TTRPG community know all too well. Their recent API pricing changes have ignited a battle for equal access. It’s time to roll initiative once again.

Impact on the TTRPG Community

The TTRPG community thrives on collaboration, creativity, and diverse perspectives. Reddit has been a vital platform for building real-world adventuring parties of every kind. With the API pricing changes, the TTRPG community faces significant challenges:

  • Limited Customization: Third-party apps, like Apollo and Dystopia, have allowed TTRPG fans to personalize their Reddit experience like a homebrew fantasy world. These tools have facilitated streamlined access to TTRPG-specific subreddits, making it easier to find relevant discussions, game advice, and homebrew content.
  • Community Engagement: Third-party apps offer advanced features for interacting with Reddit, including real-time notifications, improved search functions, and intuitive interfaces. This gives TTRPG fans Advantage to engage in discussions, seek advice, and collaborate on projects.
  • Accessibility Barriers: Many TTRPG players with disabilities rely on third-party apps to overcome the accessibility Wall of Force in the official Reddit apps and interfaces. The loss of these apps will limit their ability to participate fully in TTRPG communities and access valuable resources.

Broader Impact on Disabled Individuals

While the TTRPG community is directly affected, it is essential to recognize that the API changes have an even greater impact on various disabled individuals:

  • Visually Impaired Community: Blind and visually impaired individuals heavily rely on third-party apps to access Reddit content through assistive technologies. These apps provide the necessary features for screen readers, alternative text, and other accessibility enhancements that enable equal participation.
  • Transcribers and Describers: Reddit is home to numerous volunteer groups dedicated to transcribing and describing images for alt text, making visual content accessible to individuals with visual impairments. The loss of third-party apps may hinder the crucial work of these groups, resulting in a significant loss of accessibility for the broader Reddit community.
  • Other Disability Communities: The API changes resonate beyond the visually impaired community. Individuals with motor disabilities, cognitive impairments, or other disabilities may also rely on third-party apps (or hope for new ones that give them better access) to navigate Reddit more efficiently and effectively. The loss of these apps would create additional barriers to access and participation for these individuals.

Unifying for Accessibility and Inclusion

To ensure that the TTRPG community and disabled individuals continue to thrive on Reddit, collective action is vital. By joining forces and advocating for accessibility, we can make a difference:

  • Amplify Voices: Share the stories and experiences of TTRPG players and disabled individuals affected by these API changes. Spread the word through your social circles like chain lightning.
  • Join the Blackout: Join and follow r/Save3rdPartyApps to learn more, or, if you moderate a subreddit, its sister sub r/ModCoord. Read about the upcoming Blackout on June 12–14, and plan to participate. (And find more suggestions)
  • Message Your Mods: Encourage the mods of your favorite subreddits to join the Blackout.
  • Seek Media Attention: This change comes on the heels of Reddit’s IPO announcement like a sycophantic imp chasing an arch-devil. Will potential stockholders want to support a company that has received media attention for knowingly making recent discriminatory choices?

It’s time to stand together to ensure that Reddit remains an inclusive platform for all, fostering creativity, collaboration, and accessibility within the TTRPG community and beyond.