Gaining Advantage 031: Improving Racial Representation in TTRPGs with Aaron Trammell

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; Image of Aaron Trammell

This month, we open discussing the new canon autistic character being introduced in D&D, and how meaningful representation is for traditionally marginalized groups. ​​ 

Then Dale talks with Aaron Trammell, Associate Professor of Informatics at UC Irvine, about improving representation for people of color in tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons.

Key topics covered:

  • How fantasy RPGs have historically lacked racial diversity and inclusion
  • Racial stereotypes associated with classic fantasy races like orcs
  • Colonialist attitudes reflected in fantasy language use
  • Steps publishers and designers can take to improve racial representation in RPG products
  • Making your gaming table welcoming for new and diverse players
  • Aaron provides insight into issues around race in RPGs, and offers suggestions for how the hobby can become more inclusive. This is an important discussion about seeing diversity reflected in the games we play.

0:00 Introduction: Asteria, the first canon autistic D&D character
6:10 Interview: Aaron Trammell, Associate Professor of Informatics at UC Irvine
54:21 Patreon Showcase & closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Aaron Trammell Links

Wyrmworks Publishing

Gaining Advantage 030: Interview with the Blind Paladin: Portraying Disabled Characters in DnD

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; Images of blind paladin art and gray miniature

Dale welcomes George McDermith, a talented gamer and the creative mind behind the character Orrelius from the Limitless Champions campaign. George’s perspective as a blind gamer offers valuable insights into inclusive gaming and the portrayal of disabled characters in Dungeons and Dragons. Discover the importance of authenticity, representation, and accessible gameplay in this enlightening conversation.

0:00 Introduction: Wyrm’s Workshop & Limitless Champions
06:27 Interview: George McDermith
29:10 Patreon Showcase & Closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

George McDermith Links

Wyrmworks Publishing

Small Miniatures, Big Impact: Disabled Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures Now Available

grid of disabled fantasy minis and devices depicting their art against a black background with the navy blue Wyrmworks dragon head logo

I keep seeing headlines like, “(Some name) becomes first Black/Latino/etc. (some respected position),” and every time, I think, “Wow, what year is it that this is the first time?” But besides women, disabled people are the largest marginalized demographic in the world. Their “firsts” are still rare. For most of those same positions, “…becomes first disabled…,” hasn’t happened yet.

But we tabletop gamers live in worlds filled with minotaurs and merfolk, halflings and centaurs, so we of all people should have no problem imagining people with diverse abilities in every segment of society. And yet we encounter fewer disabled people anywhere in TTRPG worlds than in executive real-world positions.

We want this year to be “that year” in every TTRPG world where that representation isn’t happening yet, and we want to help you make that happen. To that end, we developed the largest, most diverse collection of disabled fantasy minis ever made, now available as downloadable STLs or printed miniatures.

Fighting ableism with stat blocks

Disability representation in tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) fosters inclusive gaming environments. It creates a diverse and welcoming experience. Disabled miniatures enhance the overall storytelling and offer a more authentic and empathetic gaming experience. By incorporating disabled miniatures, RPGs acknowledge and validate the experiences of individuals with disabilities, promoting inclusivity and breaking down barriers. Players with disabilities can recognize themselves reflected in the game, communicating belonging and empowerment.

I never see my condition represented in any media, and now, I’m in D&D!

A Limitless Heroics backer

Diverse miniatures featuring representative characters also broaden the narrative possibilities within TTRPGs. They allow players to explore different perspectives, experiences, and challenges that disabled characters may face. This not only enhances storytelling but also encourages empathy and understanding among players. This representation promotes dialogue, encourages education, and contributes to a culture of acceptance and respect.

a row of 8 disabled fantasy miniatures

Accessible Conditions

Most TTRPG content is still only available in paper or PDF, two of the least accessible formats for blind and low-vision players, especially watermarked PDF, which screen readers can’t access, and PDF without image alt text, which is common due to all layout software except Adobe InDesign refuses to include image alt text capability. For miniatures, condition rings may be color-coded or use embossed text, which gives the same accessibility issues.

So we offer plain text versions of our products and audio and ePub for most, plus the Lair, our online compendium that’s accessible to browser tools and screen readers and offers the most affordable option to access all of our content.

grid of 16 condition marker bases

For miniatures, we’ve included condition monitors as bases that give visual and tactile indications of their meaning, and as bases, they’re easy to use—players just set the mini on the base. The bottom of each base also has a braille label as an additional accessibility measure.

Access the Discount

Through the month of August 2023, the Limitless Champions miniatures are available at Kickstarter prices, which is the lowest price we can offer. We hope you love them as much as we do.

Find them all at our store.

Gaining Advantage 029: Finding Healing and Fun through TTRPGs: A Journey of Transformation with Bill Lemmond

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; The cartoon goat dressed & goat ready for college

Dale interviews Bill Lemmond, a passionate gamer and comic artist. Bill shares his personal story of how tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) have played a pivotal role in transforming his life, from finding joy and relaxation to overcoming depression and pursuing education. Discover the power of gaming to create a supportive community, foster creativity, and provide a much-needed escape. Join us as we explore the impact of TTRPGs on mental well-being and the importance of inclusivity and fun in gaming.

0:00 Introduction: Limitless Champions Update
01:35 Interview: Bill Lemmond
51:30 Patreon Showcase & Closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Bill Lemmond Links

Wyrmworks Publishing

Gaining Advantage 028: Vulnerability and Chronic Illness in Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; Dretelia Campaign Setting

Dale interviews Drew Wale about the Dretelia campaign setting, which is based on his chronic illness,  and the importance of vulnerability and authenticity in creating meaningful and resonant tabletop roleplaying games. We discuss how drawing on personal experiences and emotions can help to create more engaging and immersive worlds, and how being open and honest about our own struggles can help to create a more welcoming and inclusive gaming community. 

0:00 Introduction: Help caption the D&D cartoon
03:51 Interview: Drew Wale and Dretelia Campaign Setting
50:07 Patreon Showcase & closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Drew Wale Links

Wyrmworks Publishing

Reddit IPO: Reddit banishes the disabled community

Bullies: Linkedin, Snapchat, Twitter against Disabled Community. Figure extends hand. Figure is Reddit, which suplexes community.
reddit is killing 3rd-party Apps and API Access What that means for you: Apollo Boost Reddit is Fun Sync Relay Infinity Reader Narwhal for Reddit Do you recognize a logo here? That app is about to be shut down. Do you or a fellow redditor have vision problems? The official app doesn't focus on accessibility Visually impaired users depend on 3rd-party apps & captioners to use Reddit, at all. HOPE YOU LIKE SPAM! Because you're gonna see a lot more of it The mods on your favorite sub use bots to fight spam, caption images, and run their community. Despite promises, the current plan looks to kill many bots, especially those that are used the most! Did you know? Moderating a typical sub takes hours of volunteer work a day even using 3rd-party bots; Without them, it will be impossible. And if you don't like spam, don't worry loads of porn-bots, scammers & creeps LOVE IT! If mods can't detect mature content in 3rd-party apps & tools, it'll be easier than ever for them to sneak into your favorite community. Reddit's walled-garden approach means bad actors can hide any content they want from mods, simply by posting it in a mature space. Let's not mince words: this will make it easier for scammers & child sexual abuse rings to hide their activity on Reddit. TL;DR: What's actually changing? Reddit is changing the terms of their API, which lets apps and bots read and interact with reddit. Reddit is enforcing limits on how often apps can talk to reddit. They are charging a predatory amount for apps that go over the limit. Rough math puts them at 10-20x the cost of similar services (eg. Imgur). Developers only have 30 days to pay up or shut down. They are also removing NSFW content from the API. That seems nice, but it makes it much easier for scammers and creeps to hide their activities from SW community mods. In protest, a collective of subreddits are staging a shutdown starting June 12 and continuing until more reasonable terms are offered. How can I help? Contact the admins. Stop browsing. Don't download the "official" app. Get on Twitter. Get on r/Save3rdPartyApps/. Be loud. Reach out to the press. Make noise.
reddit is killing 3rd-party Apps and API Access infographic (Click the image for full-size)

Reddit is preparing to go public, which means they need to demonstrate profit to potential stockholders. But profit and control comes at a cost, as we in the TTRPG community know all too well. Their recent API pricing changes have ignited a battle for equal access. It’s time to roll initiative once again.

Impact on the TTRPG Community

The TTRPG community thrives on collaboration, creativity, and diverse perspectives. Reddit has been a vital platform for building real-world adventuring parties of every kind. With the API pricing changes, the TTRPG community faces significant challenges:

  • Limited Customization: Third-party apps, like Apollo and Dystopia, have allowed TTRPG fans to personalize their Reddit experience like a homebrew fantasy world. These tools have facilitated streamlined access to TTRPG-specific subreddits, making it easier to find relevant discussions, game advice, and homebrew content.
  • Community Engagement: Third-party apps offer advanced features for interacting with Reddit, including real-time notifications, improved search functions, and intuitive interfaces. This gives TTRPG fans Advantage to engage in discussions, seek advice, and collaborate on projects.
  • Accessibility Barriers: Many TTRPG players with disabilities rely on third-party apps to overcome the accessibility Wall of Force in the official Reddit apps and interfaces. The loss of these apps will limit their ability to participate fully in TTRPG communities and access valuable resources.

Broader Impact on Disabled Individuals

While the TTRPG community is directly affected, it is essential to recognize that the API changes have an even greater impact on various disabled individuals:

  • Visually Impaired Community: Blind and visually impaired individuals heavily rely on third-party apps to access Reddit content through assistive technologies. These apps provide the necessary features for screen readers, alternative text, and other accessibility enhancements that enable equal participation.
  • Transcribers and Describers: Reddit is home to numerous volunteer groups dedicated to transcribing and describing images for alt text, making visual content accessible to individuals with visual impairments. The loss of third-party apps may hinder the crucial work of these groups, resulting in a significant loss of accessibility for the broader Reddit community.
  • Other Disability Communities: The API changes resonate beyond the visually impaired community. Individuals with motor disabilities, cognitive impairments, or other disabilities may also rely on third-party apps (or hope for new ones that give them better access) to navigate Reddit more efficiently and effectively. The loss of these apps would create additional barriers to access and participation for these individuals.

Unifying for Accessibility and Inclusion

To ensure that the TTRPG community and disabled individuals continue to thrive on Reddit, collective action is vital. By joining forces and advocating for accessibility, we can make a difference:

  • Amplify Voices: Share the stories and experiences of TTRPG players and disabled individuals affected by these API changes. Spread the word through your social circles like chain lightning.
  • Join the Blackout: Join and follow r/Save3rdPartyApps to learn more, or, if you moderate a subreddit, its sister sub r/ModCoord. Read about the upcoming Blackout on June 12–14, and plan to participate. (And find more suggestions)
  • Message Your Mods: Encourage the mods of your favorite subreddits to join the Blackout.
  • Seek Media Attention: This change comes on the heels of Reddit’s IPO announcement like a sycophantic imp chasing an arch-devil. Will potential stockholders want to support a company that has received media attention for knowingly making recent discriminatory choices?

It’s time to stand together to ensure that Reddit remains an inclusive platform for all, fostering creativity, collaboration, and accessibility within the TTRPG community and beyond.

Gaining Advantage 027: Empowering Kids Through D&D

Gaining Advantage: Making Lives Better through tabletop role-playing games; Wyrmworks Publishing Logo; Disability symbol with wheelchair wheel replaced by d20; Brain with embedded d20; Mercury Adventure Club Logo

Dale interviews Hunter Goetzman, the creator of Mercury Adventure Club, a TTRPG club and summer day camp that uses tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons to empower kids. The camp aims to provide a low-cost and accessible way for children to learn and enjoy the game while building a supportive community. Hunter discusses the benefits of introducing kids to gaming, the structure of the camp, and the positive impact it can have on their lives. The episode also highlights the Limitless Champions Kickstarter campaign, which aims to create a diverse collection of disabled fantasy game miniatures to promote inclusion in the gaming industry. 

0:00 Introduction: Limitless Champions Update
05:21 Interview: Hunter Goetzman of Mercury Adventure Club
35:09 Patreon Showcase & closing

Manually captioned. Transcript available at our website.

Hunter Goetzman Links

Wyrmworks Publishing

Social Spell Schools: Welcome the Isolated to your Dungeons & Dragons Game

a variety of people sitting at a table playing a tabletop roleplaying game near a sink

Disabilities and chronic conditions are isolating. For us, any kind of social life is a unicorn. As Briana describes at The Daily Disability,

The more my health problems grew, the harder it was to find a community that I felt like I fit in to. I joined group after group in hopes of finding a few that would help how I was feeling. I ended up not even being able to join discussions in one of the groups, because I didn’t have close relationships with anyone in the group. It was very disheartening.

Even when we have a free block of time that could be spent with friends,

  • My ADHD and hearing loss make parties, conventions, crowded restaurants, and anywhere else with a lot of noise nearly impossible to navigate, as I can’t filter one voice from another.
  • Other neurodivergent traits and mental illness in my family lead to disdainful looks and disparaging comments from the public.
  • Potential friends ghost us when they get a taste of the chaos that is our life, unable to handle the stress.
  • Neighbors avoid us.

You might be experiencing stress just reading this list.

But aside from our church, the one environment I’ve found welcoming is the tabletop roleplaying game community, at least the ones I’ve facilitated. Here’s how that magic works:

Enchanting Communities

Cards & miniature depicting Armored paladin holding a braille book and magic staff, sword on his back, scars on his eye.
Support Limitless Champions to create more inclusive game worlds! On Kickstarter now!

While the enchantment school of magic tends to focus more on manipulating people, there’s power in making a roleplaying game community charming. An accessible environment communicates a welcoming atmosphere. Proactively designing an environment considers a wide range of access needs.

  • Consider diverse mobility needs. Do people have space to move?
  • How does your environment affect those with sensory needs, such as sensitivity to noise?
  • Do you allow electronic character sheets and other assistive technology? 
  • Do you meet in a place that’s financially prohibitive to people on limited budgets, like a restaurant or a FLGS with a cover charge?
  • Do you exclude people like us from your game world? (Check out Limitless Champions as a way to add that representation.)

Evoking Trust

Fem elf in green dress, sitting on rock, holding leafy staff, a ghostly wolf behind.

You can say you’re welcoming, but we’ve been targets of Vicious Mockery before, so you’ll need more than one successful Charisma check to gain our trust. So be patient with us if we seem reserved or aloof. It’s not arrogance. It’s caution. If you want people to feel like they can relax and truly have fun at your table, allow time for that to happen.

  • We may ask for less than we need, worried about how willing you are to coexist with us and being used to settling for less.
  • We want to be treated like any other member of the party, but don’t ignore our traits and degrees of ability, either. That is, we want to be accepted as we are, neither expecting us to be someone else nor treating us as inspirations.
  • When things get inconvenient for you, but you roll with it like you would any other friend’s needs, then we start to trust, but we all move at a different rate on that scale.

Conjuring Community

So you have a welcoming and inclusive environment, but we’re still sitting at home, reluctant to put ourselves out there. We may never know about you, and we’re probably not looking, because you’re a unicorn.

  • Join local online communities, and mention inclusion and representation. Demonstrate that you’re an ally.
  • If you play at an FLGS, put a copy of Limitless Heroics on the corner of the table.
  • Post flyers on LFG boards at your FLGS. Include a note that you’re accessible.

Friendship Necromancy

We may believe that the idea of social connections or even friendships is dead, that it would truly take some magic to change that. But by creating inclusive and welcoming spaces, we can create environments that truly communicate that D&D is for everyone.

necromancer laughing in a skull-emblazoned wheelchair, being pushed by 2 zombies

How to Succeed in Tabletop Roleplaying Game Publishing

silhouette of person with outstretched arms on large rock against sunrise

In September 2020, I left my 22-year career with no prospects. I picked up a temporary day job to pay the bills and provide health insurance, but in July 2021, I left that job to focus on roleplaying game development full-time. I didn’t have much to lose, since my day job wasn’t paying enough to sustain my family, but it was still a risk — something is better than nothing. I stepped into uncharted territory with a plan to launch a Kickstarter to get the business off the ground, but as an Enneagram Type 3 personality, I’m terrified of failure, so I was plagued by the question, “Will I succeed?” And not only do I consider myself already successful, but I believe I’ve learned how to do that, and in an industry where every challenge seems to be mythic, where the monster, once slain, rises again stronger than ever, it might be helpful to share my insights, as my road has been unlike most in this field.

Note: I’m presenting these observations and tips as a publisher, not a freelancer. It’s important that you decide which you want to be as you start out. If you start as a freelancer and don’t start building an audience right away, you’ll have some makeup work to do if you decide you want more control over your work. But publishing requires a lot of work that’s not just creating.

Choose Your Class

The three pillars of any RPGs are exploration, social, and combat. In TTRPG publishing, the tiers follow a similar pattern.

Exploration. Search yourself. What are your passions? What is your niche? What do you love creating? What mark do you want to leave on the hobby? What niche would you love to spend the next few years learning about, exploring, and working on?

Social. Find your audience. What niche is underserved? What are people requesting that isn’t available? It could be a topic, a unique combination of topics, or a new product. Maybe people want jellyfish-themed subclasses or feather dusters that look like phoenixes or cockatrices.

Combat. Where’s your proficiency? When you get to work, what are you good at? What do you have a knack for? Are you a wordsmith, an artist, a crafter, a speaker…what rolls do you have bonuses on?

Now find where all three of those overlap. You need the skill to make something valuable, or you won’t get compensated for your work. You need an audience that wants what you’re creating, even if they don’t know it yet, but it’s definitely easier if they know and are looking for it already. And you need passion, or it’ll get boring fast, and you don’t want to turn your hobby into a business only to get bored.

female traveler on high hillside in mountains
Photo by Evgenia Basyrova on

Find Your Allies

Thanks to recent events, my belief about this industry has been solidly confirmed that, just as TTRPGs are cooperative games, not competitive, the same is true of the TTRPG publishing industry. “A rising tide raises all ships.” Consequently, the most effective form of marketing in the TTRPG industry is cross-promotion.

So make friends. Find people who share your passions and your niche. But don’t stop there. Gamers often have eclectic tastes, so don’t limit your social circles. At the same time, by making friends whose lives and interests are different, you’ll expand your awareness, empathy, and creativity.

As you expand your social circle, start talking to your friends about cross-promotion. Or just promote their stuff without expectation of reciprocation. Just be a good friend. Over time, each of you will help each other, you’ll expose your audience to new products, and your audience will grow at the same time.

concentrated young multiethnic friends with map in railway station
Photo by William Fortunato on

Start Your Quest

Path through Goukhill Plantation
Path through Goukhill Plantation by Lairich Rig is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

When I started, I thought I needed Twitter to build my audience. I met some cool people there before I moved to Mastodon, but the return on the time investment would have been better spent elsewhere. Here’s how to get started without Twitter:

  • Learn the Craft. Publishing a supplement is more detailed than creating an adventure or homebrew for your home game. Each game system requires certain standard syntax. Learn those phrases. Get involved in an online community like /r/UnearthedArcana/. Take the Write Your First Encounter course from the Storytelling Collective — it’s worth the cost.
  • Put some small free creations on DriveThruRPG. This is the easiest way to build an audience. If you start with free, people will try your work, and you’ll be able to email about half of them with future announcements. If writing is your specialty, not layout, find a template for Word or use GM Binder or Homebrewery for design, and use public domain art.
  • Create some slightly larger projects, and charge for them. (Don’t make them Pay What You Want. There’s no benefit to that.)
  • Meanwhile, start thinking about a Kickstarter, a project big enough to make it worth the platform, but it doesn’t need to be huge. A 30-page adventure, collection, or other supplement using stock art will get you started, and a low price tier for the digital format will encourage people to try your work with minimal risk. The goal of this project is less about income and more about number of backers. Use DriveThruRPG to fulfill at least the digital product, and they will allow you two emails to your customer list. And then when your backers get their finished product, they’ll be added to your email list there. Meanwhile, when you send out surveys at the end of your project, offer the opportunity to join an external email list, like Mailchimp’s free email tier. (Note: Mailchimp recently drastically reduced their free tier subscriber limit. You can start there, but you’ll need to move to something else quickly, so shop around.)
  • By the time you finish your first Kickstarter, you’ll have three ways to contact your audience: DriveThruRPG, Kickstarter backer updates, and your email list. Each has a different focus, so be careful how you use each one, and respect each group.

    • Repeat the process, adding collaborators to build larger products (or keep doing small ones if you want!), and you’re well on your way.

Keep Leveling Up

Part of the benefit of collaborating means learning. Use editors and sensitivity readers. They will help you learn how to make a better product. Hire extra writers, and learn from their styles. Get on Discords with other creators to improve your craft. Ask your peers to look at your works in progress, and invite feedback.

Don’t Forget Downtime

self care isn't selfish signage
Photo by Madison Inouye on

Merging hobby with career is wonderful, but you still have to account for exhaustion. Running a business doesn’t typically have “office hours,” since the to-do list grows faster than you can check items off, and I typically find myself working 50+ hours/week, and my mind is often on work when it should be on family.

Find another hobby. I set goals to read a certain number of comic books via my Marvel Unlimited subscription each week. It allows me to relax and feed my creativity with a different medium and genre than high fantasy TTRPG.

Invest in your values. Think about what’s most important to you. For me, it’s my Christian faith and my family. If I want both of those to grow stronger, I need to invest time in them. For me, that means blocking out time on my calendar for those priorities and sticking with them. Thankfully, my wife loves me dearly and won’t let me neglect those values. If your time use doesn’t reflect your values, consider asking someone to hold you accountable to your own goals. I use RescueTime to set productivity goals, but it also helps me limit my work.

It’s a Game. If it’s not fun, you’re doing it wrong.

Tying back to the first point, TTRPGs are amazing, but publishing has major challenges. It won’t always be fun, but check with yourself — when it’s time to start your work, are you excited or dreading it? That can change depending on the day’s plans, but how do you feel about it overall? If you start to dread it, you may want to consider a different field or at least a different approach. Maybe you need to hire people to take some of the drudgery from you. As I often tell my children, “Make choices that give you what you want.”

What I wish I knew before I started

Finally, here’s a few tips I learned along the way that might be helpful to someone:

  • VAT: If you use DriveThruRPG for fulfillment, they handle VAT and other international details. If you don’t live in the EU, it’s almost impossible to ship physical products there due to VAT unless you work through a distributor. Especially when you’re just starting out, using their Print on Demand service is invaluable.
  • Proofread your updates: You can edit updates for up to 30 minutes after you post them, but most backers read it in their email, so they won’t see the typos you fixed. I sent out 2 updates with subject lines that said our pre-order store was open when it wasn’t yet, because I thought it would be when I started the message, but then plans changed, and I forgot to edit the subject.
  • Figure out how you’re going to handle pledge management in advance. Contact the company you’re planning to use. Get it set up and ready to launch as soon as possible, preferably shortly after you launch your campaign. Know how to import your backers into it. I tried importing my backers into Gamefound, and while adding people was easy, I gave up trying to import their pledges in a form that worked with our campaign.
  • Marketing isn’t evil. It’s just letting people know about the cool stuff you’re making so they don’t miss it. Even though Limitless Heroics had 2300 backers, more people keep finding it. Our website continues to get significant traffic from Kickstarter, even though the campaign ended a year ago. The more we get the word out, the more people who want this will know it exists. Just be honest.
  • Twitter is lousy for marketing. I can count on one hand the number of people in this industry who have built a publishing business using Twitter as their primary marketing platform, and they all spent thousands of hours there interacting, and even then, the number of paying customers to followers is minuscule. Twitter is useful for freelancers, because it’s about building relationships, not topics, and the algorithm demotes offsite links. But no matter what social media platforms you use, email is still king and the most effective way to connect with those interested in your work..
  • DriveThruRPG’s 2 PoD options have significant pros and cons. When I launched the Limitless Heroics Kickstarter, I had no idea how it would be received, whether anyone would want it, so I chose their voucher system that didn’t include the print cost in the backer tier. It was the lowest risk, but it led to a lot of confusion. I still get frustrated backer comments and messages about it. If you’re not sure about your project’s popularity or plan to allow for a lot of backer-submitted content or stretch goals that could increase the page count, this insures that print costs don’t outweigh backer tier amounts, but be prepared to answer a lot of questions after the campaign when it’s time for fulfillment, and be very clear about how this works in advance, repeating it frequently. Also, the boilerplate messaging that OneBookShelf offers for this process is confusing. Here’s my suggestion to reword it, but IANAL.

This campaign offers a digital copy as the main reward. However, backers can also pay extra after the campaign to get a discounted physical printed version of the book or cards through OneBookShelf’s Print-On-Demand (POD) service. The POD version will become available to order after the digital version has been completed. Backers will receive a link to purchase the discounted POD version from OneBookShelf.

So, what’s your TTRPG publishing journey like? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

What the New Barbie With Down Syndrome Can Teach Us About Inclusivity in TTRPGs

Best Seller Barbie Fashionistas Doll # 208, Doll with Down Syndrome Wearing Floral Dress and pink leg braces

The new Barbie with Down syndrome and her impact

Mattel, the toy company behind Barbie, recently announced a new doll in their Barbie line with Down syndrome, added to a line that includes dolls with wheelchairs and one with a hearing aid.

As we see this gradual shift in representation in toys, we normalize disabilities in the lives of children. That way, we transform a “plastic” toy into a subtle tool to normalize people with disabilities in their lives, preventing othering and expanding their awareness and acceptance.

This new doll allows children with Down syndrome to play with toys that look like them and represent their experience, just as toys have added more racial and cultural representation in recent decades.

But this toy is for other kids, too, so the fantasy worlds they create in their pretend play includes disabled people as much as any others. And the more we get accurate and respectful portrayals in multiple forms of media, the more understanding, empathy, and acceptance will be mirrored in children’s play and their subsequent real-world interactions and relationships.

I’ve seen this impact in my own children. Because my work and passion lead to many conversations at home about disabilities and inclusion, and they love the service animals in Limitless Heroics, when we met a student at their school with a service dog, they reacted as they would to someone’s cool new backpack—they thought it was cool but not strange. When they encounter people in their lives with disabilities, they notice the differences and are sensitive to them, but they don’t think of them as “those people.” They are “my friends.”

What can we learn from Barbie about inclusivity in TTRPGs?

halfling bard with dragon ears, Down syndrome, beating drum with mallets with lute on his back
Ollie, the halfling/dragonborn bard with Down syndrome from Limitless Champions

The new Barbie doll with Down syndrome has something to teach us about the importance of representation in TTRPGs. By demonstrating the importance of accuracy and inclusion of disabilities and other characteristics in our characters, Barbie provides an opportunity to continue a much-needed conversation about inclusivity within the realm of gaming.

  • How can featuring characters with disabilities, such as Down syndrome, in a respectful and dignified manner enhance inclusivity in TTRPGs?
  • What steps can game developers take to accurately reflect people with disabilities in stories and characters in TTRPGs?
  • How can TTRPG players create diverse and inclusive gaming environments that accommodate everyone, including those with disabilities?
  • How can we better listen to and consider feedback from players with disabilities in order to ensure inclusivity in all aspects of the game?

By learning from Barbie and paying attention to the importance of including diverse and accurate representations of disabilities, we can help create and foster more inclusive and respectful TTRPG communities.

3. Steps Ramps to Improvements in Representation in TTRPGs

a halfling bard with dragonborn ears and Down Syndrome
Ollie as a miniature in Limitless Champions

Although Barbie has taught us about the importance of representation in TTRPGs, there is still much work to be done when it comes to improving the game’s representation of those with disabilities. Here are some helpful movements to consider when trying to ensure that people with disabilities are properly represented in TTRPGs:

  • Creating characters with disabilities that are complex and multi-dimensional.
  • Making sure characters’ disabilities do not define them and limit them in any negative way.
  • Ongoing conversations with willing players who have disabilities to help shape that representation in game rules and worldbuilding.
  • Consider what accessibility looks like in your game world.
  • Making sure players with disabilities have the resources and support they need, both physical and social.
  • Considering how any special features, skills, equipment, or backstory related to a character’s disability impacts both the game and the players.
  • Use artwork, props, and miniatures with disability representation.

What does a better future look like?

“You’re playing D&D? Who’s winning?” Has anyone ever asked you that? TTRPGs are uniquely cooperative. Properly played, everyone wins, because the success is more than loot or levels—it’s a welcoming environment and enjoyment for everyone. So imagine this box text describing the real world:

As you enter the room, you see a diverse group of adventurers gathered around a table, each with their own unique character sheets. One player, with a character that has a physical disability, shares their backstory with the group. The other players listen attentively and ask questions to better understand the character’s experience.

As they start to create their characters, the players encourage each other to consider incorporating diverse backgrounds and experiences. They work together to ensure that each character is balanced and equal in strength and credibility, regardless of any disabilities they may have.

As the quest unfolds, the players encounter a wide variety of NPCs, and some have disabilities as part of their larger descriptions and interactions.

Throughout their game, the players celebrate each other’s successes and work together to create solutions that benefit everyone. They make sure that all players, including those with disabilities, feel included and supported both in and out of the game.

As you watch, you realize that this group of adventurers has truly embraced the importance of inclusivity and diversity in TTRPGs. They have created a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can enjoy their adventures together.