Top 10 Reasons to Click the Button: Limitless Champions Adventures: DnD 5e + Disability Representation

Limitless Champions Adventures: Forest background; D♿️D 5e Inclusive; 5 disabled D&D characters, hardcover book mock-up

We have exciting news! The pre-launch page for Limitless Champions Adventures is live! We’ve got a groundbreaking Kickstarter campaign on the horizon, and here are the top 10 reasons why you should click that “Notify Me” button right away:

  1. Historic Inclusivity: Be part of history by supporting the first-ever published collection of D&D Adventures featuring a wide variety of disabilities represented. Join the movement for a more inclusive gaming world! 
    Click here to get notified 👈
  2. You get to push the button! Unlike the elevator buttons where you had to take turns with your siblings to push them, you can push this one yourself without waiting! Push it now! Don’t wait your turn! 🔘👈
  3. Versatile Adventures: These adventures can be used in any campaign world and at any 5e table. Whether you’re exploring the urban sprawl, braving the arctic tundra, scaling mountain peaks, wandering enchanted forests, or spelunking in dark caves, we’ve got you covered. Now you have my attention!
    Blue dragonborn with dwarfism sitting on a sack in a wheeled sled aiming a shortbow, 2 javelins in sled on snow, sunset background
  4. Free Adventure for Early Backers! Get a free bonus horror mystery adventure, The Insiders, if you back it for any reward tier within the first 48 hours of launching. I don’t want to miss out!
    Early Backer Bonus Adventure: The Insiders
  5. There is no 5th reason. Perfect! I like clicking buttons for no reason!
  6. Hardcover Book: Get your hands on a beautifully crafted hardcover book filled with gripping narratives and diverse characters. Sounds like a good addition to my game shelf!
  7. Cards and Handouts: Dive deeper into the adventures with tarot-sized character and encounter cards and immersive handouts. It’s all about the details! What a great deal! (Catch what I did there? 🃏)
    3 cards in shade outside
  8. Digital Options: We’ve got you covered in the digital realm too! Access our adventures in PDF and other accessible digital formats like plain text, audio, and ePub for easy integration into your campaigns, and all copies include downloadable 4K digital maps for every encounter. I am proficient in clicking!
  9. Miniature Add-Ons: Enhance your tabletop experience with miniatures available as add-ons, plus links to extra free downloadable STLs or low-cost printed miniatures to complete the adventures. Paint ‘em, display ‘em, and bring your adventures to life! Color me intrigued!
    a row of 8 disabled fantasy miniatures
  10. Inclusion Tips: The book includes a section to help you make your game more accessible and add representation into your game. That alone sounds like a valuable resource!

So, what are you waiting for? Click that “Notify Me” button, join our quest for limitless adventures, and help us make gaming more inclusive than ever before!

Yes! I like pushing people’s buttons! 😏

Stimpy pushing History Eraser Button