
Infection begins at IE 1. Each day, you must succeed on a DC 9 + (IE) Constitution saving throw. On failure, the IE increases by 1. On success, it decreases by 1. If you roll exactly the number needed, the IE remains unchanged. While infected, you experience 1d4 + (IE) of the following (Choose or roll 1d6): Fever, Fatigue, Pain (Head), Pain (infection location), Nausea, Discharge (Pus). If the IE goes above 4, you develop Sepsis. A successful DC 10 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check by someone helping you gives you advantage on one Constitution saving throw per day until recovered.
Sepsis is always IE 4 and causes 1d6 of the following: Shortness of Breath, Heart Palpitations, Fever, Pain, Temperature Intolerance, Confusion. You begin to make death saves once per day. If you succeed on three death saves, you return to IE 4 Infection. On three failures, you experience Organ Failure.

Heart Palpitations

You feel your heart beating fast or pounding. While this is expected due to exercise or stress, it can be a symptom of other conditions. Due to the distraction, you experience a −(IE) penalty on Wisdom (Perception) checks for the duration.


You experience 1d4 of the following at IE 1d4 unless otherwise specified: Agitation, Hallucinations, Confusion, Baseless Emotion (Suspicion), Amplified Emotion.


At the end of each day, if you haven’t drunk at least 1/2 ounce of water or equivalent per pound of body weight, you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. The saving throw is made with disadvantage if you are wearing clothing or armor that’s heavy for the climate. If you are traveling at a fast pace instead of a normal or slow pace, you have disadvantage on your saving throws against Dehydration. The DC increases by 2 for every cumulative day until you drink a full day’s requirement of water. At IE 4, you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or experience Hallucinations or Delusions until the IE lowers to 3.


You feel the urge to cough frequently. When you experience the urge, you must succeed on a DC 5 + (IE) Constitution check to stifle the cough. On success, the DC increases by 1 each round until you spend a bonus action coughing or roll a Natural 20, in which case, the urge goes away. When you cough, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that require silence.


When you take ten percent or more of your hit points of bludgeoning damage in a single attack to your head, you may roll for concussion: a contested Constitution saving throw against the attacker’s Strength or, if the damage comes from an object not being used as a weapon, use the object’s Armor Class (See chapter 15 of the Basic Rules) as its Strength. If you fail the save, you temporarily experience 1d8 of the following: Pain (Head), Confusion, Gross Motor Control Loss, Anterograde Amnesia, Nausea, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Fatigue, Baseless Emotion (Irritable), Baseless Emotion (Depression), and/or Photosensitivity. Following a long rest, you may attempt another Constitution saving throw. The symptoms remain until you succeed on this saving throw.


You are unconscious and unable to awaken by standard means. When in a coma, you must succeed on death saving throws like other situations when you’re reduced to 0 hit points, but you must make the saving throw daily and succeed or fail 10 times instead of 3.