Sami’s Hand of Sleight

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This flexible hand is yellow with brown spots. While it cannot be used for a melee attack, it functions like a bag of holding with an opening in the palm roughly 2 inches in diameter at the mouth and 2 feet deep. The hand can hold up to 50 pounds inside, not exceeding a volume of 8 cubic feet. Retrieving an item from the interior requires an action. Once per day, you can use the hand for any Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check with advantage.

(Note: the name is pronounced, “saw-me.”)

Sabele’s Soothing Blanket

blue blanket glowing pink

Wondrous Item, common

This small blanket is embroidered with oddly soothing patterns. If a living creature lies beneath the blanket, the blanket magically extends to cover their entire body and also increases to 15% of the creature’s body weight. The blanket also emits a fragrance the creature finds soothing. This blanket has 1 charge. While taking a short rest under it, you can expend the charge as an action to activate it, and at the end of the rest, you receive a +2 on all saving throws related to your associated trait. If you take a long rest under the weighted blanket, then you wake up with Stiffness (Roll for Impact Extent) from the added weight during your sleep for 1d4 hours. The blanket regains its expended charge daily at dawn.

Root Foot

Wondrous Item, common

This wooden foot is covered in a thin layer of bark with knobs on the top and small roots around the bottom. It has 3 charges per day, recharging on a long rest. When you expend a charge with an action, the roots extend into the ground. While so planted, you cannot move, but you have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone. An additional root extends out from you up to 10 feet, and you can use your bonus action to attack a target within reach as a Wisdom attack causing 1d6 bludgeoning damage and must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by the root until you end the effect. A creature restrained by the root can use its action to make a DC 12 Strength or Dexterity check (its choice). On a success, it frees itself.

Roisin’s Riotous Digits

dwarf holding up a glowing prosthetic arm and hand

Wondrous Item, rare

This hand has 1d4 charges and recharges after a long rest. When you expend a charge by punching the air, you send destructive energy in a 5 by 30 foot line or 5 by 15 foot cone causing 2d6 thunder damage, or half damage on a successful Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your proficiency bonus.

Rohna’s Manipulative Mobility

human with long dark brown hair, purple hat, multicolor dress, sitting in a wheelchair with 4 arms made of connected spheres, holding teapot & cup on right and paintbrush & board on left. Hubs and arm spheres have Hebrew inscription on them

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This metal and wood wheelchair has 4 arms extending up to 5 feet from it. The ends of the arms have modular attachment settings. While sitting in the wheelchair, you can move according to your movement speed, controlling direction and speed with your thoughts. You can control each arm separately, using their functions according to the attachment affixed to each arm. Each arm can carry up to 10 lb.

The wheelchair includes attachments for grasping, pounding, and affixing handled tools such as cutlery. Modifying toolkits for use with the wheelchair increases the price of each kit by 20%. Other attachments cost 1–5 gp, depending on complexity. Switching attachments takes 1 action.

Because you have no tactile feedback from the arms, any ability check performed with the arms has a −2 penalty. The arms cannot make the swift movements necessary for melee or thrown attacks but can load and fire bows, crossbows, and similar devices with the proper attachments and the same penalty.

Rivka’s Shielding Rings

Wondrous Item, common

These silver ring splints have 5 charges. While wearing them you can expend 1 charge as a reaction to activate them and help prevent your fingers from moving laterally and supporting functional opening and closing of hands, reducing the associated penalties for Hypermobility (Fingers) by 2 for 1d20 rounds. While activated, you can cast the Shield spell, but at the end of the spell’s duration, the effects end. The splints regain 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Rishao’s Refractory Reflector

Wondrous Item, uncommon

When you hold this mirror, and someone else looks into it, they experience the world with connected senses like you do, helping them understand.

Ring of Dispel Doubt

Wondrous Item, common

This brass ring features a clasp that resembles a comforting hand being placed on a shoulder, although sentimental items with different shapes have been known to take on the same magical properties when invested with strong positive emotions (often in the moment of being gifted from one person to another). When worn, the Ring pulses with a gentle, reassuring warmth whenever you experience Intrusive Thoughts, giving you +2 on all saving throws against Intrusive Thoughts or magic effects that affect how you perceive yourself, such as the Vicious Mockery spell. The ring helps you to ground and center yourself and focus on what matters to you by reminding you of whatever you find calming, helping you to either pull yourself out of or cope with troubling thoughts and moods and avoid maladaptive coping strategies.

Reyab’s Potion of Circulation

pink heart-shaped flask with white liquid within

Potion, common

This chalky white potion improves blood circulation and provides a +4 bonus to all Constitution checks against fainting and other traits of poor circulation for 2d4 hours.

Reilly’s Zephyr Mask

A mask with a bullfrog-like air bladder

Wondrous Item, rare

This  face mask, which covers the nose and mouth and resembles a bullfrog, opens a small portal to the Elemental Plane of Air and blows air into your mouth, reducing Shortness of Breath by 2 IEs while worn. Talking, spellcasting with verbal components, or other verbal tasks are impossible while wearing this mask.