Real-world assistive devices tend to have trade-offs — side effects, discomfort when used too long, or other drawbacks. Real-world prostheses tend to be designed for a specific function but can’t do everything the original would be able to do. The items and spells in this book reflect this reality. This may include a side effect penalty from use, limited uses per day, consumable (like a potion), requires a spell slot, may wear off unexpectedly, must be removed during a long rest, etc. Assistance is just that — it helps, but it doesn’t eliminate the disability.
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Most prostheses and assistive devices don’t require attunement slots, because the way they become part of you creates a unique personal attunement apart from magical abilities. Because of this personal attunement, others cannot benefit from their magical qualities unless stated, and assistive attunement takes 1d4 weeks.
Replacement eyes can be made of many materials such as glass, metal, or bone. Replacement eyes often have Moisture Deficiency [IE 1]. Any magical lenses or goggles found have 5% chance of being prosthetic eyes instead and will change size to accommodate the amputee.
Replacement teeth take some getting used to. For the first 1d4 days, you may have some trouble speaking, enough that you must succeed on a DC 8 saving throw using your casting ability to successfully cast a spell with verbal components. You may also experience Mouth Discharge (Saliva) [IE 1] for 1d4 days. You must remove them during a long rest or succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to avoid developing a Rash (Mouth) [IE 1]. Permanent prosthetic teeth are not available in most fantasy settings. Any magic wands found have 5% chance of being prosthetic teeth instead and will change size to accommodate the amputee.
Prosthetic ears take the shape of plugs in the ear canal with an external arm that wraps around behind the external ear where available. When you insert them, they adjust in size to fit, although they’re still not as comfortable as going without, and wearing them for more than a day without removing at least for a short rest requires you to succeed on a DC 8 saving throw or develop a Rash in your ear that require healing magic or 1d4 full days without them to heal. Prosthetic ears that require a long rest to recharge must be removed during that long rest.
Due to fit and weight imbalance, prosthetic limbs can cause Pain (Back), Arm/Hand Pain ([intact] Arm), Rash, or Fatigue. If you don’t remove them during a long rest, you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or add 1 IE of one of those, cumulative per day, until taking two long rests without them. A prosthesis designed to hold a weapon will still have a penalty of −1 per IE on attack rolls with that hand due to the prosthesis’s lack of feeling and fine motor control. 5% of magical gloves or gauntlets and 1% of magic rings are prosthetic arms or hands instead and will change size to accommodate the amputee.
Due to fit and weight imbalance, prosthetic limbs can cause Pain (Back), Pain ([intact] Leg), Rash, or Fatigue. If you don’t remove them during a long rest, you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or add 1 IE of one of those, cumulative per day, until taking two long rests without them. Any magical boots or shoes found have 5% chance of being prosthetic legs or feet instead and will change size to accommodate the amputee.