Donna Nason

beardless dwarf, head shaved on right side, long rainbow hair on left; black tattoos around eyes, 3 diagonal slash scars on face; purple & leather fur outfit; holding large bloody double-bladed axe and sitting in a rugged wheelchair

Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Chaotic Good
Cisgender, she/her

Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 60
Speed: 25 ft.

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1)

Skills: Acrobatics +6, Athletics +7, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages: Common, Dwarvish
Challenge: 4


Danger Sense. She has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that she can see while not blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Dwarven Resilience. She has advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.

Frenzy. While raging, she can choose to frenzy. She can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on each of her turns after this one. When her rage ends, she suffers one level of exhaustion.

Rage Damage. As a bonus action, she can enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds). She gains advantage on Strength checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with Strength weapons, and has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. She can’t cast or concentrate on spells while raging. Her rage ends early if she is knocked unconscious or if her turn ends and she hasn’t attacked a hostile creature since her last turn or taken damage since then. She can also end her rage as a bonus action.

Reckless Attack. When she makes her first attack on her turn, she can decide to attack recklessly, giving her advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against her have advantage until her next turn.

Stonecunning. Whenever she makes an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, she is considered proficient in the History skill and adds double her proficiency bonus to the check.


Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) slashing damage

Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage


Attention Difference [IE 3, Frequent]. Donna has trouble choosing subjects to focus on. her mind unintentionally wanders, and she easily loses track of time. This leads to difficulties concentrating and can lead to indecision. When performing any sustained, potentially monotonous task, she must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. Failure indicates that Donna has been distracted — she has disadvantage on all related skill checks. While distracted, she has a +3 on passive Wisdom (Perception) checks. On success, she become hyperfocused and have advantage on all related skill checks. While hyperfocused, she has a -3 penalty to passive Wisdom (Perception). When anticipating an important upcoming event, Donna must succeed on a DC 9 Constitution saving throw. Failure indicates that she is distracted by that event as above until it begins.

Foot Paralysis & Numbness [IE 4, Chronic]. Donna can neither feel nor move both legs. She can use her hands to move one fourth her speed for a number of minutes equal to her Constitution score before needing to rest. She needs to move frequently and protect her legs to avoid sores and injuries.

Hand Paralysis & Numbness [IE 2, Chronic]. You can neither feel nor move your hands. Your fingers can use magic rings, but otherwise, you can’t use that appendage, and if exposed to damage, you don’t notice, which can result in further ongoing damage.

Speech Impediments [IE 2, Chronic]. Donna has difficulty speaking, either pronouncing certain sounds necessary for her language, adding extra sounds and words, elongating words, stuttering, or inability to think of or say certain words. This gives you a −2 penalty on all speech-related ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.

Assistive Devices

Donna Nason's Wheelchair Ram (Wheelchair Accessory)

Wondrous Item, Common

This wheelchair accessory can be adjusted and installed on nearly any wheelchair by someone with smith’s tools or carpenter’s tools. This accessory has 3 charges. While sitting in the associated wheelchair, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus action to equip the ram. Once loaded, you can use an action during your next turn to charge, moving double your movement straight toward a target, and if you hit it with a melee attack, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked prone. While sitting in the associated wheelchair, you also have a 20 ft. movement speed, adjusted for terrain difficulty, controlled by either voice or arm movement (determined during installation), up to eight hours per day. The accessory regains all expended charges daily after a long rest.

Jousting Gauntlets

These gauntlets have fasteners on the fingertips that attach to the thumb and palm, securing your grip so you cannot drop your weapon. While wearing them, you can use an action to affix the fasteners to a drawn weapon. You can use an action to remove the gauntlet while affixed.


Donna grew up in a dwarven community that loved to chase after adventure. She has countless stories about all of the harrowing challenges she faced and all of the times that she could have been seriously injured or killed in the process. In fact, there is one story that sticks in her mind: the adventure that she went on alone, which ended in her needing a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

After that last injury, Donna thought it may be time to stop exploring and adventuring. The thought of her being at a disadvantage for being in a wheelchair had never crossed her mind. Donna was instead afraid of losing her loving partner, Michael. She was terrified that another dangerous adventure could mean that her life with him could be cut short. She could not imagine what life would be like without him. Adventuring was something that she loved, but she did not want to adventure again if it could mean losing him forever. Michael sweetly ensured her that he would never ask her to give up a passion like adventuring. Instead, the couple now goes on adventures together, happier than they have ever been.


Donna is bisexual and head over heels in love with her partner Michael. She has always been a thrill seeker since birth, and she would much rather use her brains than sit and debate topics any day. However, she is known to get into some serious discussions if she is passionate about the topic. Some people would say that Donna has trouble keeping still. Others know Donna to just be a ball full of energy and watching her express herself through her body is one way that she knows how to soothe herself. Donna also is a great communicator who seems to get along with everyone she comes into contact with. She has romantic tendencies which can come off to some people as slightly confusing. You will always see her personality shine as brilliant as a rainbow, which she will always stop and admire if she sees one.

Plot Hooks

  1. You may find Donna and Michael in a tavern celebrating a grand adventure they just had.
  2. You may find the couple in an athletics tournament going on at the local town fair.
  3. Donna and Michael may request the adventuring parties’ help in trying to explore a nearby location that is rumored to be filled with a lot of monsters. They would go in by themselves, but they know that there is safety in numbers.


minotaur with broken left horn, geometric dark brown tattoos, tiny yellow helmet, brown tunic, yellow belt & work gloves, holding a broken piece of wooden fence

Large Monstrosity (Minotaur), Lawful Good
Cisgender, he/him

Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 170
Speed: 40 ft.

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 (+5) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

Skills: Acrobatics +8, Athletics +10, Intimidation +5, Perception +6, Survival +6
Senses: Passive Perception 16
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Minotaur
Challenge: 15


Rage. As a bonus action, he can enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).

He gains advantage on Strength checks and saving throws (not attacks), +3 melee damage with Strength weapons, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. He can’t cast or concentrate on spells while raging.

His rage ends early if he is knocked unconscious or if his turn ends and he hasn’t attacked a hostile creature since his last turn or taken damage since then. He can also end his rage as a bonus action.

Brutal Critical. He can roll two additional weapon damage dice when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee attack.

Danger Sense. He has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that he can see while not blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Feral Instinct. He has advantage on initiative rolls. Also, if he is surprised at the beginning of combat but not incapacitated, he can act normally on his first turn if he enters a rage before doing anything else.

Frenzy. While raging, he can choose to frenzy. He can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on each of his turns after this one. When his rage ends, he suffers one level of exhaustion.

Goring Rush. Immediately after he uses the Dash action on his turn and moves at least 20 feet, he can make one melee attack with his horns as a bonus action.

Hammering Horns. Immediately after he hits a creature with a melee attack as part of the Attack action on his turn, he can use a bonus action to attempt to shove that target with his horns. The target must be no more than one size larger than him and within 5 feet of him. Unless it succeeds on a Strength saving throw (DC 18), he pushes it up to 10 feet away from him.

Intimidating Presence. He can frighten a creature that he can see within 30 ft. If it can see and hear him, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 13) or be frightened until the end of his next turn. He can use his action to extend the duration of this effect each turn unless it moves out of line of sight or more than 60 ft. away from him.

Labyrinthine Navigation. He can find the exit to any structure or maze by sensing air pressure changes and the echoing of his own hooves, which he can interpret to feel the direction of and most direct route to the nearest outlet.

Mindless Rage. He can’t be charmed or frightened while raging.

Persistent Rage. His rage ends early only if he falls unconscious or if he chooses to end it.

Reckless Attack. When he makes his first attack on his turn, he can decide to attack recklessly, giving him advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against him have advantage until his next turn.

Relentless Rage. If he drops to 0 hit points while he’s raging and doesn’t die, he can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If he succeeds, he drops to 1 hit point instead. The DC increases by 5 each time he uses this after the first, resetting to 10 after a short or long rest.

Retaliation. When he takes damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of him, he can use his reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.


Extra Attack. He can attack twice, instead of once, whenever he takes the Attack action on his turn.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) slashing damage.

Horns. His horns are natural melee weapons, which he can use to make unarmed strikes. If he hits with them, he deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 + 5, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.


Diverse Face Shape [IE 3]. Lanark’s missing horn draws immediate attention. Due to its break, it isn’t within the typical range of shapes of his ancestry. Consequently, when people who don’t know them see Lanark, they usually only see his face with a missing horn. This gives him +3 to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) rolls but -3 to any rolls involving disguise or stealth rolls to blend into a crowd as well as a -3 penalty on Charisma (Persuasion) checks due to many people’s discomfort around those with unexpected appearances.

Phobia (Agoraphobia) [IE 1, Triggered]. Lanark’s Labyrinthine Navigation makes him more comfortable in enclosed spaces where he has a better sense of the environment. The more open the space, the more uncomfortable he becomes. When in an open environment, he must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw each minute: DC 8 in a dense city or forest, DC 9 in an open village, DC 10 in an open plain. On failure, he must move away from the stimulus or have a −1 penalty on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks due to distraction.


Lanark was imprisoned in a labyrinth as an executioner for the enemies of a terminally unimaginative Duke. Stumbling around near-blind in the dark, twisting passages eventually resulted in a bad fall and the loss of his horn. He resolved to make the labyrinth safer, both for himself and others. He put up a lot of torches, fluorescent mold on stairwells, and most importantly, lots and lots of safety fencing.

He began employing the Duke’s victims in his quest to make his home safe and eventually amassed enough of an army to overpower the guards and escape. He was also able to capture the Duke as he continued to hone his strength and all his skills. The Duke has learned the error of his ways and has altered his life.

He still visits the labyrinth to check up on how the work’s going and to keep the Duke in line, but you’ll most often find him plumbing the deepest, most dangerous dungeons, disabling traps, and grumpily shouldering past bewildered monsters to place warning signs, most importantly the WARNING: BOTTOMLESS MAGIC PIT signs. He has also had many encounters with monsters that disguise themselves and does his best to warn any incoming adventurers. It has helped people’s perception of this large Minotaur become a protective guard over the people around him.


Lanark gets equally angry when adventurers or dungeon denizens are placed in harm’s way by sloppy construction. He would often share different safety facts about areas. One of his favorite examples would be: Did you know more kobolds are killed by falling stalactites every year than by adventuring parties and dragons combined? Many individuals are not sure if he is telling the truth, but due to his size and stature, they seem to believe him at first. At the end of the day, Lanark has a desire to keep everyone safe, but allows them to have fun and explore the world.

Plot Hooks

  1. Adventurers may find Lanark in the middle of a dangerous dungeon, disarming all of the traps.
  2. Adventurers may find Lanark in a trap at the center of a dungeon. A villain was frustrated with all the good Lanark was doing.
  3. Lanark may request the help of a group of adventurers because he does not know how to disable this strange magic trap he has found.


large human with spiral earrings holding a mace

Macer (Bard/Barbarian)

Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Good

Cisgender man (he/him)

Armor Class: 15

Hit Points: 75

Speed: 30 ft.

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)


Skills: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Deception +7, Intimidation +10, Investigation +5, Performance +10, Persuasion +7, Stealth +5

Senses: Passive Perception 12

Languages: Celestial, Common

Challenge: 5



Spellcasting. Macer is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following Bard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): Minor Illusion, True Strike

1st Level (4 slots): Cure Wounds, Identify, Thunderwave

2nd Level (2 slots): Calm Emotions, Knock, Shatter

Rage. As a bonus action, he enters a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).

He gains advantage on Strength checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with Strength weapons, and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. He can’t cast or concentrate on spells while raging.

His rage ends early if he is knocked unconscious or if his turn ends and he hasn’t attacked a hostile creature since his last turn or taken damage since then. He can also end his rage as a bonus action.

Bardic Inspiration. As a bonus action, a creature (other than him) within 60 ft. that can hear him gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

Cutting Words. As a reaction when a creature (that’s not immune to being charmed) he can see within 60 ft. makes an attack roll, ability check, or damage roll, he can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration, roll the die, and subtract the number from the creature’s roll. He can do so after the roll but before knowing the result.

Danger Sense. He has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that he can see while not blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Reckless Attack. When he makes his first attack on his turn, he can decide to attack recklessly, giving him advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against him have advantage until his next turn.

Song of Rest. If he or any friendly creatures who can hear his performance regain hit points at the end of the short rest by spending one or more Hit Dice, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.


Eating Disruption (Binge Eating) [IE 3, Chronic]. When Macer begins eating and has the opportunity, he will quickly continue to eat until uncomfortably full due to stress, anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. To limit his eating to a healthy amount, he must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. Following an eating binge, he feels lethargic and has a −3 penalty on initiative rolls for 3 hours after. Every seven days of binging, his weight increases by one percent, and for every twenty percent increase, he experiences a −1 penalty on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.

Weight Difference [IE 2, Frequent]. Macer gains weight unrelated to diet and exercise. After every adventure or major campaign arc, he must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On failure, his weight has increased by 2 × 2d6 percent. On success, his weight has decreased by 2 × 1d4 percent. For every fifty percent increase, he has a −1 penalty on Dexterity (Acrobatics) and Strength (Athletics) checks. For every ten percent decrease, he experiences Temperature Sensitivity for 3d20 days as his body acclimates itself and must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or experience Fatigue until he succeeds on the saving throw, which he can attempt daily after a long rest. He has a +2 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks for swimming.

Baseless Emotion (Irritability) [IE 2, Frequent]. Any day that Macer experiences this for more than four hours, he needs to take a short rest or take one level of exhaustion due to the physical toll he takes.

Macer is easily angered by minor irritations. Anytime he experiences an upsetting situation, no matter how minor, he must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or begin to Rage involuntarily, using up one of his daily Rages. He has a +2 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks but a −2 penalty on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. He has a +2 bonus to all saving throws against being charmed.

Strength Control [IE 2, Chronic]. Macer can’t control the amount of strength he applies when using his hands and arms. He has a −2 penalty on all Strength and Dexterity checks that require fine motor control, including attack rolls.

Uncontrolled Volume [IE 2, Chronic]. Macer has little or no control over the volume of his voice, always projecting his voice. Too loud gives him −2 to Dexterity (Stealth) checks as sounds can sometimes slip out but +2 to Charisma (Intimidation) checks.

Sweat Difference (Saline) [IE 4, Chronic]. Macer’s sweats typically are saline sweat but at a rate of one gallon per day. Because of this fluid loss, he needs to drink additional water to assist with the loss to avoid Dehydration and exhaustion.


Macer’s Mace of Anger Management. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Assistive Devices

Macer's Earrings of Appetite Suppression

Wondrous Item, Common

Carved from the shell of a large scavenging insect, these simple white spiral earrings are worn in such a way that the end of the spiral points at the back of the ear. While worn, they make all food in a 10-foot radius taste spoiled and rotten, giving advantage on the Wisdom saving throw to resist binging. This effect also affects others within the radius. Anyone who doesn’t usually eat carrion who eats within the radius will experience Nausea (IE 2) until outside of the radius. The effect ends immediately when the earrings are removed.

Macer’s Mace of Anger Management

Wondrous Item, Rare

This shining silver mace looks like a large ornate crown on the end of a shaft. At each of the points of the crown, a small sapphire glows a soft blue. This mace has 5 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an attack roll. When used in this way, the mace causes no physical damage but will dispel any illusion it touches. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the Major Image spell (visual only). When used during an Amplified Emotion (Uncomfortable) episode, creating an image representing the subject of the emotion and dispelling it with the mace gives you a +2 bonus on the associated Wisdom saving throw. The mace regains 1d3 charges at dawn.


Macer has a loud presence. His booming voice came to the aristocracy’s notice at a young age. Macer was given the job of herald, messenger, and sometimes personal servant. He learned how to properly fight to protect himself; there are times where being the bearer of such news can be dangerous. Coming from a family that barely had enough to eat, having access to royal leftovers led Macer to become quite fat from wolfing down everything he could before those leftovers could make it back to the kitchen. He continues to be the herald, messenger, and personal servant for a loyal and just aristocracy. Macer has been reprimanded a few times due to not being able to control his emotions, and has had to figure out what to do or else he would lose his job. Macer was able to have the court magician create a magic item not only for his anger but also for his binging habit as well. These solutions have assisted in Macer keeping his job. There are still tough days for him, however, managing these traits has become slightly easier for him.


Macer’s accent is noticeably different from his local culture, and he usually speaks in a way that has long sentences that may end up repeating. However, through his bardic abilities, everyone understands what he is saying. Macer is generally a pretty nice guy, but he has an overdeveloped sense of justice which often leads him to angry outbursts. He wants to fight for the individuals who are not usually represented well. Even though he is extremely charismatic, most of the time his actions are also solved by brute force over wit. Macer’s anger has gotten to him on more than one occasion. Fortunately, the court magician granted him a magic mace to conjure images that he could bash to work out his aggression.

Plot Hooks

  1. Adventurers may hear Macer herald a message for the local aristocracy.
  2. Macer may hire a group of adventurers because he is worried that there may be a coup happening soon.
  3. Adventurers may be invited to the aristocracy’s house for an important meeting and may run into Macer at the event.

Fiorabelle the Untouchable

gnome with braided red hair, rugged olive half shirt & khaki louncloth, teal tribal tattoos, dagger on belt, red bracelet, glowing daisy ring, hand on service capybara

Fiorabelle the Untouchable (Barbarian)

Small Humanoid (Gnome), Chaotic Good

Cisgender woman (she/her)

Armor Class: 15

Hit Points: 42

Speed: 25 ft.

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Skills: Acrobatics +5, Animal Handling +3, Perception +3, Performance +2

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 13

Languages: Common, Gnomish

Challenge: 3


Danger Sense. She has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that she can see while not blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Frenzy. While raging, she can choose to frenzy. She can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on each of her turns after this one. When her rage ends, she suffers one level of exhaustion.

Gnome Cunning. She has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Natural Illusionist. She knows the Minor Illusion cantrip. Intelligence is her spellcasting ability for it.

Rage Damage. As a bonus action, she enters a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds). She gains advantage on Strength checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with Strength weapons, and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. She can’t cast or concentrate on spells while raging. Her rage ends early if she is knocked unconscious or if her turn ends and she hasn’t attacked a hostile creature since her last turn or taken damage since then. She can also end her rage as a bonus action.

Reckless Attack. When she makes her first attack on her turn, she can decide to attack recklessly, giving her advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against her have advantage until her next turn.

Speak with Small Beasts. She can communicate simple ideas with small or smaller beasts.


Attention Difference [IE 3, Chronic]. When performing any sustained task, Fiorabelle must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. Failure indicates that she’s been distracted — all related skill checks take sixty percent times as long to complete. While distracted, she has a +3 on passive Wisdom (Perception). On success, Fiorabelle becomes hyperfocused and has advantage on all related skill checks. While hyperfocused, she has a −3 penalty on passive Wisdom (Perception).

When anticipating an important upcoming event, Fiorabelle must succeed on a DC 9 Constitution saving throw. Failure indicates that she’s distracted by that event until it begins.

Emotion Fluctuation [IE 4, Periodic]. Fiorabelle’s overall emotional state fluctuates between Amplified Emotion (Enjoyable) (30 percent) and Baseless Emotion (50 percent) or both at the same time (20 percent). These episodes fluctuate every 1d20 days and last 5d8 + 5 days.

Head and Neck Pain [IE 3, Triggered by light and smells]. Fiorabelle experiences chronic pain in her head and neck. Any action that requires concentration (e.g. maintaining a spell) requires a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw per round to maintain concentration. In the presence of bright light or loud noise, she makes the roll with disadvantage. Because she’s used to managing pain, even though this doesn’t reduce the experience of it, she has a +3 bonus to saving throws against psychic damage.

Photosensitivity [IE 3, Triggered]. Fiorabelle is sensitive to bright light such as sunlight, including all but the darkest cloudy days. While in moderate to bright light, she has a −3 penalty on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. In dim light, she can see as if in daylight.

Social Interaction Difference [IE 3, Frequent]. Fiorabelle has trouble interpreting the social aspects of language, both verbal and non-verbal, and the feelings being conveyed. She has a -3 penalty on Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Deception) and Wisdom (Insight) checks. She can use Masking to mitigate these effects.

Traumatic Flashbacks [IE 3, Triggered by any movement near the head or others touching the head, associated smells]. Fiorabelle experiences memories of past trauma (sometimes violent, but not always) as if it’s happening again. In this case, the response is triggered seemingly randomly 3d4 times per day or when exposed to stimuli known to relate to the traumatic event and lasts for 3d6 minutes unless she succeeds on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. All spell casting and ability checks require that she succeed on a concentration check or make the subsequent check with disadvantage, and tasks that normally require a concentration check are made with a −3 penalty. If Fiorabelle takes damage during the flashback experience that doesn’t make sense within that context, she may make another Constitution saving throw immediately.


Double-Bladed Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage, versatile

Assistive Devices

McLoken's Ring of Fidgeting (Attention Difference)

Wondrous Item, Common

This silver ring has a separate copper ring in the center that rotates and functions as a fidget, giving a +1 bonus to Attention Difference saving throws. This ring has 6 charges. While wearing it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to clarify your mind for 1 minute, giving you advantage on all saving throws against psychic damage and all Intelligence and Wisdom checks in which you’re proficient except passive Wisdom (Perception). The ring regains 1d4 + 2 expended charges daily after a long rest.

Isadora's Mood Stone Bracelet (Emotion Fluctuation)

Wondrous Item, Common

This narrow cuff bracelet has an inset quartz crystal that responds to Emotional Fluctuation by gradually changing color between blue and red to reflect and predict the associated emotion between enjoyable and painful emotions. The color changes based on the associated emotional cycle, not situational emotions, and the color shift precedes the emotional shift by a day, so monitoring it closely will give you a sense of when to expect shifts to change.

Service Animal


Medium beast (capybara), lawful good

Armor Class 15 (studded leather barding)

Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)

Speed 30 ft., 30 swim ft.

      STR            DEX           CON            INT            WIS            CHA
   13 (+1)       10 (+0)       12 (+1)         8 (-1)        15 (+2)       13 (+1)

Saving Throws WIS +4, CHA +3

Skills Insight +4, Medicine +4, Perception +4

Senses passive Perception 12

Languages -

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)      Proficiency Bonus +2

Hold Breath. Syd can hold his breath underwater for 5 minutes.

On The Job. Syd has advantage on Saving Throws against being charmed.

Powerful Build. Syd counts as one size larger when determining his carrying capacity and the weight he can push, drag, or lift.

Bonus Actions

Bolster (1/Day). As a bonus action, Syd can give his partner advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws or ability checks that would knock them prone.

Supportive. As a bonus action Syd can expend one of his hit dice (1d8) to help his partner regain hit points. He regains half of his expended hit dice at the end of a long rest.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.


Attentive. Syd has advantage on Insight (Wisdom) checks to perceive his partner’s mood and can use his reaction to help them steady themselves in stressful or distracting situations, giving them advantage on Wisdom saving throws for the next minute.


Fiorabelle was abandoned as a small child by her gnomish family. She had to live on her own for a little while before she was found by a tribe of half-orcs. One of the half-orc mothers had just lost her child and took in Fiorabelle as her own. Fiorabelle was raised to be a fighter, and is known for her speed and quickness with a blade, earning her the name the Untouchable. She was raised to fight and use her emotions in battle. However, because she suffered a lot of abuse growing up and had a violent childhood, this took a toll on her mental health. The half-orc family she grew up in did put a strict focus on training and battling. This is how Fiorabelle became a Barbarian; however, it did come with a high cost to herself. Due to her injuries, she has chronic pain, and certain smells trigger migraines with olfactory hallucinations. This makes it hard for Fiorabelle to focus and sometimes even fight. However, when she gets into a rage, she can frenzy and forgets about the pain that she is in for a moment. Unfortunately, that reckless type of fighting does take a serious toll on her body. Isadora’s Mood Stone Bracelet helps her with her emotions, as well as the Ring of Fidgeting. However, Syd is the most helpful thing to her life, and she is very thankful for her Emotional Support Animal.


Fiorabelle is very fidgety and nervous in diplomatic situations. She finds it hard to sit still during periods of long talking. She uses her Ring of Fidgeting to focus. Fiorabelle was taught more to fight than to sit and learn and communicate with others. Her anxiety rises as situations become more complicated and verbal. She becomes agitated if she remains for too long in a conversation-based situation. She may also become agitated over her chronic pain, which is particularly in her neck, shoulders, and back. In addition, she is very sensitive to bright light, and prolonged exposure to light or smells triggers migraines.

Due to the abuse she suffered as a child, any movement near her head or touching her head causes Fiorabelle to fly into a rage. Certain smells also cause her hallucinations, which can lead to rages. She does experience other types of strong emotions. When depressed, she is withdrawn and disinterested. When she is manic, she is very talkative and witty and bubbly. This can sometimes confuse the people around her. However, in general, Fiorabelle is quiet but jovial and has a sharp wit. She is also very bellicose if provoked. Fiorabelle is used to resolving situations with violence. Respect and affection must be earned.

Fiorabelle relies on Syd, her capybara, to keep her calm if the Ring of Fidgeting fails her. He also helps calm her after she comes out of rages. He is big enough for her to ride a mount when she is in severe pain or exhausted. She is extremely sensitive about children who are mistreated in any way. If she witnesses this, she will fly into a rage at the people she perceives as the mistreaters. Furthermore, she is particularly awkward around other gnomes.

Plot Hooks

  1. Fiorabelle may ask the adventurers to find an item that will help soothe her body after she ends a rage.
  2. Fiorabelle may ask for the help of adventurers to correct the behavior of the group of half-orcs that treated her unkindly. Rumor has it that they are trying to train more children to be fighters. Fiorabelle hopes that she can prevent this dangerous behavior.
  3. Fiorabelle may challenge any adventurer who thinks they are tough, to a battle of strengths.