Missing Arm or Hand

You are missing a hand or partial forearm (IE 1), hand and partial forearm or entire forearm (IE 2), entire forearm and hand (IE 3), or entire arm and hand (IE 4). You are unable to use 2-handed weapons, a second weapon or shield, or anything else requiring two hands without a prosthesis. (If you are missing part of your arm but not your hand, you can still use a shield but not a two-handed weapon.) You have a −(IE) penalty on Strength (Athletics) checks that require two hands, such as climbing, and in mounted combat, whenever you attack or take damage, you need to succeed on a DC 8 Dexterity saving throw or fall off your mount.
Real-world Examples
Symbrachydactyly, Congenital Amputation
Assistive Options
An artisan can make prosthetic hands and arms for various purposes, with differing durability, function, and price. The base cost of a cosmetic wooden replacement is (5 + (IE)) × 50 gp, with costs increasing significantly for specialized uses. It must also be adjusted or replaced annually or when you experience any major physical changes. A prosthesis designed to hold a weapon will still have a penalty of −(IE) on attack rolls with that hand due to the prosthesis’s lack of feeling and fine motor control.