Atraitatic Disease Carrier

You are infected with a disease but show no symptoms yourself. Choose a disease from official fifth edition sources or another source. You transmit this disease to others via the transmission method associated with it. Anyone who comes into contact with you via its transmission method must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw or become infected.

Real-world Examples

Typhoid Fever, HIV, Epstein–Barr Virus, Clostridioides Difficile, Cholera, Chlamydia, Poliomyelitis, Tuberculosis, COVID-19

Assistive Options

Depending on the method of transmission, taking precautions (e.g., a face mask for air transmission) can give the potential target advantage on the Constitution saving throw.

Magical Assistance

Magic that cures diseases can eliminate this condition, but anytime you need to make a saving throw against disease, unless you succeed by at least 5, you become an Atraitatic Disease Carrier of the new disease.

Brain Fog

You experience mental fatigue that affects your memory, ability to concentrate and think clearly, and focus. You have a −(IE) penalty on concentration saving throws, and when you need to make an Intelligence check to remember something, you have a −(IE) penalty on the check unless you take 1 + (IE) times as long to think about it.

Real-world Examples

Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Chronic Stress, Sleep Disorders, Menopause, Anemia, Depression, Diabetes, Sjögren Syndrome, Migraine, Dementia, Hypothyroidism, Lupus, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Dehydration, COVID-19

Assistive Options

Regular sleep and exercise and a balanced diet may help. A rest will relieve Brain Fog for 1d6 hours. Keeping a journal, calendar, task list, or other notes can compensate for memory challenges.