
You feel detached from your life, thoughts, and feelings, as if you’re watching a character in a performance. Your memory and sense of time and space, including your own shape, may change. At IE 4, you can’t recognize yourself in a mirror. You have a −(IE) penalty on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks unless you take an extra (IE) × ten percent time to perform the check, and you have a −(IE) penalty on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration. You have a +(IE) bonus to Constitution checks and saving throws, except to maintain concentration. You have resistance to being charmed or frightened, and when you gain a level of exhaustion, if you succeed on a DC 8 + (current exhaustion level) + (IE) Constitution saving throw, you can ignore its effects for one day, repeating the saving throw after each long rest, though you can still die at exhaustion level 6. If you have multiple traits, you may choose Amnesia, Insomnia, Baseless Emotion, Eating Disruption, and Alleviation Behavior as one or more of them.

Real-world Examples

Depersonalization Disorder

Assistive Options

Assistance involves compassionate patience by trustworthy allies who acknowledge your experience.