Altered Growth

Your bones grew more than normal (50 percent) or less than normal (50 percent).

If more, then your height is (IE) × 10 percent more than the typical maximum height for your ancestry. Because of the strain that this puts on your body, you have a −(IE) penalty on all Constitution checks, and clothing and armor usually costs an additional 100 percent + (IE) × 10 percent.

If less, your height is (IE) × 10 percent less than the typical minimum for your ancestry. The same hormonal deficiency that reduces growth also reduces some organ development, so you have a −(IE) penalty on Constitution saving throws.

Real-world Examples

Acromegaly, Gigantism, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Down Syndrome

Assistive Options

These traits have no mundane assistive devices. Some with these traits pose as those of other ancestries such as short humans as halflings, although halflings and those familiar with them notice the difference in body proportions.

Magical Assistance

The Enlarge/Reduce spell and items that duplicate its effects assist with the size difference but do not remove the Constitution penalties.