Your blood doesn’t clot in a typical way. You bruise easily and bleed excessively even from slight injuries. When you take bludgeoning damage higher than your Constitution modifier × your Proficiency modifier, you must succeed on a DC 10 + (IE) Constitution saving throw or experience Internal Bleeding. When you take slashing, piercing, or necrotic damage higher than your Constitution modifier × your Proficiency modifier, you must succeed on a DC 10 + (IE) Constitution saving throw or lose (IE) hit points at the start of each of your turns due to an open wound. Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 8 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check. You heal (IE) × 20% less hit points from a rest (minimum 1). If you have multiple traits, you may choose Arm Pain and Leg Pain as one or more of them.
Real-world Examples
Assistive Options
First aid can usually stop bleeding, and ice can aid joint pain caused by internal bleeding around the joints.