You have a tendency to frequently become unconscious. You become lightheaded for a round, causing disadvantage on all rolls. During this round, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Wisdom saving throw (without disadvantage) to intentionally become prone. Failure indicates that you didn’t notice in time and take 1d2 bludgeoning damage from falling over. The next round, you must succeed on a DC 10 + (IE) × 2 Constitution saving throw (without disadvantage) to remain conscious, rolling with advantage if prone. On success, you remain lightheaded the rest of the round. On a failed roll, you become unconscious for (IE)d4 minutes. During the Frequency, the GM should roll a passive Constitution check (IE) times per hour at random intervals to determine whether another fainting episode is beginning. If the Frequency is Triggered, some common triggers include standing up quickly or for too long in one place, Pain, and Dehydration.
Real-world Examples
Hypoglycemia, Anemia, Dysautonomia, Amyloidosis, Heart Arrhythmia
Assistive Options
Quickly applying a cold solid or liquid to the face gives advantage on the Constitution check to remain conscious. Being in a cold environment does not have the same effect, as it’s the sudden temperature change that helps.