Your body has a negative reaction to a stimulus or group of stimuli. While all have a Triggered Frequency, some can seem periodic due to the nature of the stimulus, especially seasonal allergies. You have 1d4 of the following allergies.
d4 | Allergy |
1 | Food Allergy |
2 | Venom Allergy |
3 | Airborne Allergy |
4 | Contact Allergy |
- Food Allergy. You are allergic to ingesting certain foods. If you have multiple food allergies, you can combine two into a food category such as tree nuts, shellfish, or citrus. Because you’re used to being careful with your diet, you have a +(IE) bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) checks to detect your stimulus or similar foods.
- Venom Allergy. You react more strongly to even mild venoms, whether from stings, bites, thorns, or other injected toxins. A venom allergy will automatically be a category based on type, such as insects, reptiles, or plants.
- Airborne Allergy. You are allergic to an inhaled substance, such as mold spores, animal dander, pollen, or certain gasses.
- Contact Allergy. You are allergic to a material, either liquid or solid, such a plant resin, iron, tannin (and thus leather), or wool. Because you’re used to being careful with materials, you have a +(IE) bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) checks to detect your stimulus or related materials.
Reactions vary depending on the contact nature and IE of the allergy as follows. If the reaction is a trait or complication, it is experienced at the IE of the allergy. If the stimulus is part of an ability or attack that requires a saving throw, you have a −(IE) penalty on the saving throw against that attack. A successful CR 8 + (IE) Wisdom (Medicine) check will reduce the duration by half.
IE | Ingested | Injected | Contact | Inhaled |
1 | Rash | +10% Damage | Rash | Eye or Nose Discharge |
2 | Nausea | +20% Damage | Rash + Eye or Nose Discharge | Rash + Eye or Nose Discharge |
3 | Fatigue + Nausea | +20% Damage, Fainting | Rash + Nausea | Shortness of Breath |
4 | Gain 1 level of exhaustion per round | Gain 1 level of exhaustion per round | Gain 1 level of exhaustion per round | Gain 1 level of exhaustion per round |
Real-world Examples
Allergies, Food Intolerance, Celiac Disease, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Assistive Options
The best way to manage an allergy is to avoid the triggering substance. If this is not possible, flushing your skin or sinuses with water for a minute will reduce the IE by 1 for 1d20 minutes after the flushing. For food allergies, vomiting may reduce the duration as it removes the stimulus from your system.