Yeroc’s Summoning Spiderwalk

wheelchair with tarantula legs instead of wheels

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This gray furry wheelchair has 6 charges. While sitting in it, you can expend 1 charge for the following properties:

Spider Walk. As a bonus action, you can cause the wheels to unfold into spider-like legs for 1 hour and walk. While in this form, the wheelchair can Spider Climb as the spell and suffers no penalties for traversing rough terrain or spider webs. While in this form, it extends 2 mandible-like extensions from the back that optionally function as a harness to hold you in the chair when climbing. 

Cobwheel. As an action, you can cast the Web spell.

The wheelchair regains 1d4 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. 

Waterlow’s Instant Chariot

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This gold-encrusted cedar flagon-sized chariot can be activated with a bonus action up to three times per day for up to 8 hours total per day. While activated, it takes the form of a wooden chariot capable of transporting a medium-sized creature or smaller, including a wheelchair or analogous device, and any gear they would normally be able to carry with a 30′ movement speed or with a 20′ movement speed when carrying a large-sized creature. The chariot otherwise maneuvers and functions as a typical chariot, and if it takes damage that would destroy it, it deactivates and returns to its smaller shape, unable to be activated again until the next sunrise.

Veralynn’s Countryside Conveyance

elf with long brown hair, green leaf-motif dress, sitting in wooden wheelchair, 3 potion bottles in side pocket of wheelchair

Wondrous Item, common

This wheelchair has wide wheels that enable it to move through wilderness areas with a 30 foot speed, adjusted for terrain difficulty. While seated in it, you can command it telepathically to propel itself for up to 8 hours per day. The wheelchair regains its charge after a long rest.

Tockelberry’s Chair of Speed

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This scarlet and gold wheelchair has 3 charges. While sitting in it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the Haste spell. The wheelchair regains 1 expended charge daily after a long rest. 

Rohna’s Manipulative Mobility

human with long dark brown hair, purple hat, multicolor dress, sitting in a wheelchair with 4 arms made of connected spheres, holding teapot & cup on right and paintbrush & board on left. Hubs and arm spheres have Hebrew inscription on them

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This metal and wood wheelchair has 4 arms extending up to 5 feet from it. The ends of the arms have modular attachment settings. While sitting in the wheelchair, you can move according to your movement speed, controlling direction and speed with your thoughts. You can control each arm separately, using their functions according to the attachment affixed to each arm. Each arm can carry up to 10 lb.

The wheelchair includes attachments for grasping, pounding, and affixing handled tools such as cutlery. Modifying toolkits for use with the wheelchair increases the price of each kit by 20%. Other attachments cost 1–5 gp, depending on complexity. Switching attachments takes 1 action.

Because you have no tactile feedback from the arms, any ability check performed with the arms has a −2 penalty. The arms cannot make the swift movements necessary for melee or thrown attacks but can load and fire bows, crossbows, and similar devices with the proper attachments and the same penalty.

Oleander’s Cane Cap of Planar Detection

Wondrous Item, common

This cap, which you can affix to the end of any cane, has 4 charges. While touching the target with it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to detect whether the target is an aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, or undead, or whether the ground has been magically consecrated or desecrated, if any. The cap regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Nathaniel’s Belt of Levitation

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This belt has 5 charges. While wearing it, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus action to rise vertically, up to 5 feet, and remain suspended there for up to 2d6 x 10 minutes. You can move only by pushing or pulling against a fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling or using a walking stick along the ground), which allows you to move as if you were climbing. You can move up or down as part of your move within the 5 foot maximum. The belt regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily after a long rest. If the ground under you changes elevation, you float gently up or down accordingly, remaining no more than 5 feet above the surface. When the effect ends, you float gently to the ground if you are still aloft.

Merdragon’s Crutches of Fashion

Wondrous Item, uncommon

These crutches look like standard wooden forearm crutches with small runes and a scale pattern stitched in green thread inside each arm cuff. These crutches have 5 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to transform to perfectly match the user’s outfit for 1 hour, making them functional but fashionable accessories as well as mobility aids. This can be as simple as changing color or material or as dramatic as transforming into sculpted works of art. 

While transformed, it emanates a 30-foot radius aura that inspires awe, admiration, or appreciation in the minds of those within the radius who fail a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw, eliminating any trait-related Charisma penalties. Those immune to being charmed are not affected. 

The crutches regain 1d4 + 1 expended charges at the end of a long rest.

Mariska’s Stockings of Levitation

cobalt blue socks above the ground, blue glow indicating upward movement

Wondrous Item, uncommon

These stockings allow you to levitate as the spell up to an hour per day. This does not provide horizontal movement, but you can use poles, rope, or other means to propel yourself.

Luke Wyatt’s Exo-Skeleton

Wondrous Item, uncommon

Made from bones and leather straps, this set of braces can provide support for any part of the body and rightly gives the appearance of wearing a skeleton, even more so in the dark, as it emits a faint green glow, giving you disadvantage on vision-related Dexterity (Stealth) checks in the dark. This brace has 5 charges. While wearing it, your Impact Extent effectively reduces by 1 (minimum 0) for trait-related mobility needs, and you can expend 1 charge as an action for one of the following properties: 

Walking Dead. You animate the bones, which follow your mental commands for 1 hour. For the duration, your Impact Extent effectively reduces by 3 (minimum 0). After using this property, you take 1 level of exhaustion until you take a short rest. 

Necrotic Surge. You shove an opponent, causing 2d4 necrotic damage on a successful attack. 

If you only need a brace for part of your body, you need not wear every piece, but you must carry the other pieces on your body (e.g., in a backpack) in the same dimensional space, not a bag of holding or similar magic containers, to use its charges. 

The brace regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.