Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have difficulty controlling when or how your body voids your bladder or colon. When you feel the urge, you have 1d4 ÷ (IE) minutes, after which you must succeed on a … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have difficulty controlling when or how your body voids your bladder or colon. When you feel the urge, you have 1d4 ÷ (IE) minutes, after which you must succeed on a … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have ongoing difficulty passing stool. Every three days, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Strength check during a rest to do so effectively or experience either IE 1 … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You experience stimulation unrelated to external stimuli in your extremities, even those you don’t have, such as an amputated limb or wings. This may manifest as tingling all the way to sharp … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have a −(IE) penalty on all saving throws against disease. Real-world Examples Addison Disease, Celiac Disease, Dermatomyositis, Graves Disease, Hashimoto Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Pernicious Anemia, Reactive Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You get hiccups (IE)d4 times per day. You don’t know when to expect them, and they’re painful and last (IE)d10 minutes. (The GM should roll at the beginning of the day and … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have trouble with larger body movements, such as jumping, throwing, walking, running, and maintaining balance. You have a −(IE) penalty on all melee attack rolls to hit and Strength (Athletics) and … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have trouble making precise movements, especially with your hands and arms. You have a −(IE) penalty on all Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks, Dexterity checks to write, or other attempts to … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You experience seizures. Choose or roll on the following table. If you remain aware and conscious during a seizure, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution check to maintain … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You are nearly always tired. After every long rest, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw, or you do not benefit from the rest, regardless of the … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You experience mental fatigue that affects your memory, ability to concentrate and think clearly, and focus. You have a −(IE) penalty on concentration saving throws, and when you need to make an … Continue reading →