Skeletal Difference

(IE) areas of your body are not the shape typical for your ancestry—curved, rotated, bulbous, or otherwise different. Roll on the following table for the locations:
d10 | Area |
1–2 | Ribs |
3–6 | Arm |
7−10 | Leg |
- Ribs. Your ribs are too small for your chest. You have trouble breathing as your ribs press on your lungs. Every minute of exertion, such as combat, a walking forced march, or climbing, you need to either succeed on a DC 5 + (IE) Constitution saving throw—increasing cumulatively by 1 every minute of exertion—or take one level of exhaustion until taking a short rest.
- Arm. Your arm bone curves or is underdeveloped such that you have a −(IE) penalty on all Strength checks and melee attack rolls that use your arms.
- Leg. Your leg bone curves or is underdeveloped such that you have a −(IE) penalty on all Strength checks and melee attack rolls that use your legs.
Real-world Examples
Paget’s Disease of Bone, Neurofibromatosis, Jeune Syndrome, Spondylocostal Dysplasia, Spondylothoracic Dysplasia, Phocomelia
Assistive Options
Depending on the nature of the malformation, a prosthetic might help reduce the penalty by 1 in some instances. For other manifestations, a wheelchair or other mobility device may help.