Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have experiences or beliefs that others do not share, but you absolutely believe them to be true. Choose or roll on the following table. If you have multiple traits, you may … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have experiences or beliefs that others do not share, but you absolutely believe them to be true. Choose or roll on the following table. If you have multiple traits, you may … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You become suddenly disoriented, losing track of where you are and how you got there, and are unable to concentrate. You have a −(IE) penalty on initiative rolls, attack rolls and ability … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You are unable to experience pleasure from social interactions and relationships (50%) or tactile stimuli (50%). Social. You have resistance to being charmed and a +(IE) bonus against other forms of enchantment … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have ongoing difficulty passing stool. Every three days, you must succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Strength check during a rest to do so effectively or experience either IE 1 … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have trouble with larger body movements, such as jumping, throwing, walking, running, and maintaining balance. You have a −(IE) penalty on all melee attack rolls to hit and Strength (Athletics) and … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have trouble making precise movements, especially with your hands and arms. You have a −(IE) penalty on all Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks, Dexterity checks to write, or other attempts to … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You experience sudden painful tightening of muscles in your body with little or no warning. This tightness makes the cramped part of your body completely unusable and distracting. This cramp may always … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Most or all movements that you make are reduced by (IE) × 15 percent. You have a −(IE × 2) penalty on all Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity checks, saving throws, and your … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have trouble sleeping, or your sleep is disrupted in some way. Note the rules on p. 87 of the Basic Rules regarding rest and other fifth edition sources regarding exhaustion. As … Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! You have trouble communicating using language, including speaking, understanding, and writing. Choose or roll on the following table. You have 1d6 of the following patterns. d20 Language Processing Expression 1–5 Dysgraphia 6 … Continue reading →