Andovir Planes of Existence

black and yellow fractal, abstract, background

The Planes of Existence in the Andovir campaign follow the Great Wheel cosmology, including the quasi-elemental inner planes, Feywild/Shadowfell and the Far Realm, and any number of demiplanes, but lacking the Temporal Plane and mirror planes. These planes are inhabited by all manner of corresponding creatures, including beings of great power known in other campaign worlds as gods. In Andovir, these beings are known by some sages, but they generally remain in their own planes and have little influence if any on the Material Plane, preferring to pursue lives on their home planes and interact with the gods of Andovir, whose power far exceeds these other beings.

The exceptions are the fiends and celestials, which take a more active role in the lives of mortals, acting as servants of the gods, though most fiends see themselves as serving the principles of the Twilight Pantheon but not the gods themselves, whereas the celestials gladly bow to the Lords of Light. While most mortals have never seen a fiend nor a celestial, the former constantly seek entrance onto the Material Plane, and the latter come when sent for a specific purpose.

In addition to these planes, two more planes separate the Great Wheel from the Far Realm: the Psychic Plane and Oblivion.

Psychic Plane

The Psychic Plane is the source of intellect, creativity, and the energy that forms the substance of the soul. While only the gods could ever visit this plane without an immediate overload of mental energy and dying or falling into complete irrevocable tortured catatonia, this plane also serves as the source of all psionic ability.


Also known as the Plane of Annihilation or simply the Void, Oblivion is the plane of destruction and negation. Not just emptiness, Oblivion is an actively destructive black energy that obliterates anything that it touches. Certain wizards known as nullimancers have learned to tap into and manipulate the destructive energy, manipulating it to destroy matter or nullify magic or energy, but most nullimancers eventually lose control of the powerful force and destroy themselves. Even so, dark conclaves continue to train wizards in these dangerous arts.