Traumatic Flashbacks

I am not my disability, but it’s not to be ignored either. It’s a part of me; it makes me who I am.
-Ryza Wood]
You experience memories of past trauma (sometimes violent, but not always) as if it’s happening again. The flashbacks are triggered by external stimuli, sometimes predictable, but the specific stimuli can be any number of brief sensory experiences. In this case, the response is triggered seemingly randomly (IE)d4 times per day or when exposed to stimuli known to relate to the traumatic event and lasts for (IE)d6 minutes unless you succeed on a DC 8 + (IE) Constitution saving throw. All spellcasting and ability checks require that you succeed on a concentration check or make the subsequent check with disadvantage, and tasks that normally require a concentration check are made with a −(IE) penalty. If you take damage during the flashback experience that doesn’t make sense within that context, you may make another Constitution saving throw immediately.
Real-world Examples
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Assistive Options
An ally or service animal that recognizes that you’re experiencing a Traumatic Flashback may use a help action to give you advantage on the Constitution saving throw.