Even if you have a myriad of problems, somewhere out there are friends for you too, and what other people see as mundane can be an adventure. Don’t judge a book by its cover. You’ll never know what’s inside, or why.
-Anna Pz
Your body has colors or patterns not normally associated with your ancestry, usually one or more amorphous shapes on the skin covering 15 percent × (IE). These may be due to blood vessel abnormalities, burn scars, pigment differences, moles, or magical causes, and unless caused by injury, they typically don’t feel different from other skin. While this coloration typically ranges from red to brown or black in the real world, magical causes could result in any number of colors (Choose randomly from https://www.random.org/colors/hex) or patterns, transparency, or even changing or moving. Consequently, when people who don’t know you see you, they especially notice these differences. This gives you +(IE) to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks but −(IE) (up to −4) to disguise checks or Dexterity (Stealth) checks to blend into a crowd as well as a −(IE) penalty on Charisma (Persuasion) checks due to many people’s discomfort around those with unexpected appearances.
Note that this is usually a permanent condition and does not fluctuate, but the player and GM are welcome to determine a magical version that fluctuates based on the Frequency table. Classic stimuli include sunrise/sunset, fluctuation of the moon, or mood changes.
Real-world Examples
Burns, Vitiligo, Birthmarks, Melasma, Tinea Versicolor, Rosacea, Psoriasis
Assistive Options
Players can attempt to conceal the coloration using clothing, makeup, or a tattoo, but a Wisdom (Perception) check against the character’s disguise skill (or the tattoo artist’s disguise skill) will notice the color difference if not covered with clothing. Makeup will need to be monitored and reapplied daily or when exposed to water or sweat.
Magical Assistance
The Seeming spell can alter a person’s appearance to mask this and other cosmetic differences.