Nose Discharge

A person with smoke coming out of their nostrils

A substance leaks out of your nose. Roll on the table below for the nature and effects of the substance.

d20 Discharge
1–3 Blood
4 Honey
5–10 Mucus
11–13 Pus
14 Smoke
15–20 Tears

Blood. Blood drains out of your nose at a rate of (IE)2 ounces per day. Because of this blood loss, you need to eat more to compensate, consuming an additional (IE) days’ worth of food per week to avoid exhaustion.

Honey. A honey-like substance flows from your nose at a rate of (IE)2 ounces per day. While this substance is edible and tastes similar to honey, most people are reluctant to consume it, considering its source. Because of its sweet smell, it attracts insects and other animals, and if not properly cleaned, it will leave contacted substances sticky.

Mucus. Mucus fills and flows from your nose at a rate of (IE)2 ounces per day. Because of constantly wiping your nose, your nose and mouth are raw, and you must blow your nose to smell properly. You have a −(IE) penalty on all saving throws and surprise rolls involving smell, and you have a −(IE) penalty on other smell-related ability checks and saving throws.

Pus. A foul-smelling ochre pus flows from your nose at a rate of (IE)2 ounces per day. The smell gives you a −(IE) penalty on Dexterity (Stealth) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks. If collected, 32 ounces of the pus can be thrown at a target and cause the same effects to that target as a Stinking Cloud spell.

Smoke. Sulfurous-smelling black smoke streams out of your nose. The smell gives you a −(IE) penalty on Dexterity (Stealth) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks but advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks due to suspicion of fiendish origin. If left 1 ÷ (IE) hours in a room without ventilation, everyone in the room except you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be affected as if by a Stinking Cloud spell.

Tears. Tears drain out of your nose at a rate of (IE)2 × 8 ounces per day. Because of this fluid loss, you need to drink additional water to assist with the loss to avoid Dehydration and exhaustion.

Real-world Examples

Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Nasal Polyps

Assistive Options

Rinsing out the nose with a spray or neti pot can reduce the IE by 1 for an hour on a successful DC 10 Constitution check. Failure to use sterilized water requires a DC 8 Constitution saving throw to avoid Infection.

Magical Assistance

Juanita’s Wonderful Wind Plugs can be fitted to the nostrils. When so used, because of the air current it creates in the sinus cavity, it’s impossible to speak intelligibly, and no spells with verbal components can be used while wearing these in the nose. The Prestidigitation spell can clean the affected area but does not stop the discharge.