Of all the D&D monster types, I have a special place in my heart for aberrations. Or maybe that place is in my brain in this case. They're strange and have unknowable motivations. Their attacks are often indirect or abstract, and if you make it to their lairs, you've already faced countless other challenges. They're ready and waiting for you to confront you with fear and loathing. 🐙👁️🧠
I'm also glad they don't exist in real life.
That said, I've often (and recently) faced aberrant trolls online that can inflict serious psychic damage. It's even worse in their social media lairs, where they have rage algorithms as lair actions that summon swarms of others.
A long rest can often help to shake off the effects, but sometimes, they can implant a toxic thought into my brain that prevents the psychic damage from healing.
So what's the secret to defeating a psychic troll?
While these trolls are powerful in their lairs, they have little or no power beyond. They rely on you to keep attacking yourself after you leave. (It's a strange anti-charm.) But if you make a successful Wisdom save, the damage dissipates.
And if you have allies who support you, they can give you bardic inspiration on the save, and it stacks — multiple allies all offering encouragement make that saving throw a whole lot easier.
Just knowing those trolls are there, ready to attack, can be a powerful regional effect, and it can even charm us into going back to face the attacks again.
But remember—your allies know you best and want the best for you. Let their encouragement fill your mind and purge the psychic parasites.
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