In Greek mythology, the tale of Pandora's Box serves as a (somewhat misogynistic) cautionary story about curiosity and the unintended consequences of our actions. The story is often remembered for releasing all the troubles and sorrows into the world, but it also left something behind as Pandora shut the box — hope.
But do we want hope in a box? I propose that hope is not a finite resource to be contained. Instead, it's a powerful force that grows stronger when cast out into the world.
Hopelessness encourages fear, selfishness, and exclusion of new ideas and paradigms. The act of sharing hope is not a zero-sum game. When we share hope with others, it multiplies, transforming perspectives and inviting inclusion and generosity. Hope invites us to work for a better future. Hope is not just a passive feeling but an active force we can nurture and share. Hope makes lives better.
Thanks for hoping with us. |