Great variety, amazing price!
Wyrmworks Publishing Wyrmworks Publishing
Helping you make lives better through Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Hi {name}!

In this update:

  • How to make the season wondrous
  • A great deal on a diverse TTRPG bundle
  • Community Copy Update
  • Mod your cyberpunk city

My family used to run Tech Talk for Families, a toy and game website and podcast, and Leapfrog flew us out to San Francisco to get a factory tour and give us a marketing spiel. We had a great time. We were living in rural Iowa at the time, which was overwhelmingly homogeneous. We boarded a bus in San Francisco, and nearly every voice among the passengers spoke a different language.

While it might have made some of my Iowan neighbors uncomfortable, that cultural diversity felt like home to us.

I love variety. My favorite food is one I’ve never had before. I love exploring new places. I love getting to know people whose experiences and perspectives are vastly different from mine so I can expand my perspectives. I love new ideas and creative solutions to problems.

Consequently, I love that kind of variety in my TTRPGs. Player options like new ancestries and subclasses get me excited. I like using monsters that aren’t in the Monster Manual. I want twists, not tropes.

But that’s one of many features that make TTRPGs so wonderful. You can have all the diversity you want. Mix it up! Add some magic! Challenge expectations!

And that’s what makes the real world better, too. You’re different from me. You have different lived experiences. You perceive the world with your own set of senses, abilities, and contexts, past and present. And when we get a chance to learn about each other’s experiences and perspectives, that provides new contextual pieces for our own experiences, and our lives get more wonderful.

As we enter a season of multiple holidays with multiple cultural perspectives and traditions, I hope you experience the wonder of empathy, getting a sense of others’ experiences. And I hope that makes your season a season of wonder.

Speaking of diverse TTRPG possibilities…

Community Copies

Thanks to our Patreon members and other donations, we were able to add 31 copies of the Limitless Heroics Coloring Book and 12 copies of Limitless Heroics to our Community Copies program, a total of $635 worth of products!

If you would like a copy and can't afford one, or if you can support this program, follow the appropriate link below!

Purchase Community Copies
For every Community Copy you purchase, we will match your donation, giving away an additional copy for every 1 purchased. #DnD #TTRPG
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Community Copies
We're partnering with you to improve even more lives by making free electronic community copies available for those who can't afford to buy them. #DnD #TTRPG #DestigmatizePoverty
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Projects We Love
100 Businesses For A Cyberpunk City. Azukail Games. A robot standing in front of a large window in a run-down street of a city. Inside the window, a bar where someone is showing a briefcase full of computer chips

Cyberpunk is all about the mods — modifying the body and other devices. But what about the city? To give your city some depth, you need both new fantasy locations and familiar locations that have been modified for a cyberpunk setting.

Our friends at Azukail Games are known for these kinds of high-quality worldbuilding resources at low prices, so this upcoming Kickstarter will be a must-have for any cyberpunk city.

Get notified when it launches!

Thanks for your support!



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Wyrmworks Publishing
183 Muriel Blvd. St Paul, MN 55118