Wyrmworks Publishing What if you could have a role play party of dozens or hundreds of people, and raise money for charity in the process? Welcome to Gaining Advantage. Wyrmworks Publishing Welcome to Gaining Advantage. We are using role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons to make others lives better. We have a big announcement about some free stuff that's available right now. If you go to our website WyrmworksPublishing.com and sign up for our newsletter, you get 23 4k high resolution combat maps, all of the maps that were created for our Accessible Adventures of the Week, now these were, before those were available for $1 per adventure's worth of maps, which is usually two maps per adventure. Alright so as total with the 10 different adventures, we had 23 maps in all, alright and they are now available in gridless, square, or hex grid options, 69 total maps, alright? 4k high resolution. Plus, the Nullimance arcane tradition which is wizards who manipulate disintegration energy. Alright, so $12 value for all that stuff. FREE when you sign up for our newsletter on our website. And there's more freebies coming along the way so get signed up now so you don't miss any of them. Alright? And speaking of getting the information that you need, alright, very soon we are going to have our book kickstarting: Limitless Heroics, including characters with disabilities, mental illness and neurodivergence in fifth edition. Alright, we're going to have, if you get signed up for our newsletter, you will find out as soon as it's available. We already have the preview version available on DriveThruRPG. And, so sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss it when it comes available. And so now with that said let's fly down to Australia for today's interview. Wyrmworks Publishing Tabletop role playing games benefit the players, but the benefits can extend a whole lot further especially when the producers and the community are fundraisers for charity. And so today we welcome Rhydian "Oneuppington" John, the founder of role playing for charity. Turning Halloween into a treat for a whole lot of people, welcome Rhydian. Rhydian "Oneuppington" John Hi, Dale. Good to be here. Wyrmworks Publishing So what would you like us to know about you personally specifically speaking to the tabletop role playing game crowd? Rhydian "Oneuppington" John To be honest, I'm pretty new to it. I've been doing some role playing for about five years, at best, with a lot of it being Dungeon & Dragons of course, but for good year dipped into some one shots with a bunch of different stuff. And honestly, I just wanted something fun to pick up my time, and maybe even find a way to make it work for me, in a sense, but with other people as well, I think, be fun. Everything's a good game. Wyrmworks Publishing Yeah, yeah exactly and so tell us about your work, how does roleplay for charity work? Rhydian "Oneuppington" John Um, in order to go into roleplay for charity, it's pretty much good to go to when it started, and I kind of started last year when of course everything fell down, and October was coming up, and I thought, how can I have a Halloween experience this year that would not only help myself as a good time to distract myself from all the badness, but also spread a bit of joy, and so I came up with something called D&D for Halloween, a hashtag, pretty much where I pretty much handed my account over to the tiefling bard I made called Shanti. And she'd pretty much go around inviting other people to just put their avatars and role playing characters online and pretty much pretend that there's a party going on and pretty much that went very well to the point that I decided we should try and do this again. Not just for this year but for Halloween, but also expanded so it's for more than just Dungeons and Dragons, of course. And also, see if I can do something to make good towards the world. For instance, there was a event that we tried as a kind of a, I don't want to say prototype for this one but definitely just to get the running legs, called, which I called roleplay for pride, where we did pretty much the same thing, but for Pride Month, and, with proceeds going towards the Trevor Project. And that was good and going into this with zero goals in mind, I'm pretty happy with the money that we raised. So coming into it now we want to do bigger and better. As we pretty much do it back in the homeroots as it were, of, of this lovely little project that I've kind of gotten myself into. Wyrmworks Publishing Alright so how do people get involved. Rhydian "Oneuppington" John Well, this kind of starts about a month or so beforehand, goes as we're recording this, this is September, we generally call out to people say, "Hey, we're going to do this fun thing. Who wants in? Who wants to help out for a good cause and to have a good laugh?" And those who volunteer, pretty much has spent the whole month, being in character for Twitter, and that's how the main of it works, but of course we do understand that other accounts can't exactly do that, like it's a business account, so we have other ways people join in and have a go, like, for the first time, I actually have the Wreckage RPG podcast being able to do a couple of one shots this month, and which is very surprising for me — they absolutely surprised that on me and that's lovely for them. So a nice free plug back for those boys there. Wyrmworks Publishing Alright so, then is there a…. You have like a pinned tweet that the people go to or something like that? Rhydian "Oneuppington" John Exactly, we pretty much have a tweet that we keep passing around, and if they say, "Hey, I want in on this," I pretty much add them to a Twitter list and, and pretty much use that list to help organize that thing, like, ask questions towards the characters to make sure they have something to work with, as it were. And pretty much trying to try and keep the party, staying alive as it were. Wyrmworks Publishing Okay so we are recording this, as you mentioned in September but this episode won't post until October 22, and some people won't see that until after the fact is it too late to get involved? Rhydian "Oneuppington" John If we want to say no. I think it would be a bit exclusionary of us to not have people just join in at the last second of, "Oh, shoot. This is something fun and something, or a charity that I want to do. Hi. I was put on this. And hi, yeah. Hi, could I have in," and I'd say sure, like, and if, and even if you don't exactly want to go in and do that there is still of course, the time where you do donate to charity as we pass around the tiltify link, and, and just see how well it goes as it were. Wyrmworks Publishing So, so how have you seen lives change because of your work? Rhydian "Oneuppington" John I can at least see mine changed because of this. I kind of noticed when I initially started with D&D for Halloween, I pretty much just dived into the Twitter role playing game space and how wonderful it is at times and meeting some fantastic people with it. And I, I want to give this as a way of giving back as it were as a personal thank you to those people who have treated me, kind and, yeah, that's, it's been wonderful here. Wyrmworks Publishing I have to agree with that. You know I, as far as especially in the Twitter tabletop role playing game space. I've been on Twitter for a long time but kind of more recently jumped into that area as I've gotten more focused on what I'm doing and, and there's a lot of really tremendous people there. You know, there's the…. As with any public space, you know, there are exceptions to that rule. But yeah, when you start looking around there, there's just, there's just tremendous people and, and just a lot of people who just want to have fun and support each other and stuff like that. So it's it's definitely an area worth checking out better than some other social media areas that the tend to attract different crowds. So, but, so you just you just rescued a djinn from the hands of an efreet and it offers you three wishes to achieve Roleplay 4 Charity's goals—what do you wish for? Rhydian "Oneuppington" John I would wish for, actually, some other ways for people to help out, like, I think that's number one on the list is see what different avenues would go with this, because there's the roleplay marathon, which is a pretty daunting task for those who genuinely think about it, a whole 31 days of being someone else — crimini! And there's also different avenues and we have experimented in those ways. RPG apparel, being a fantastic store has opted to pretty much make a whole line of shirts, hoodies and cloaks, for the event. And half the proceeds of course, going to the charity of this month will, which is the World Cancer Research Fund. And we have decided half, just, just because droopy dog RPG Apparel is the only people outside of the charity is getting money out of this but that's fine because that's their job, like they're literally doing their job to help us out here, and I'm more than happy to do that. And yeah, he, like, he's been kind, that guy. He has been wonderful. And he definitely deserves what he gets because he is like very strong part of the RPG scene on Twitter, obviously apparel so I'm more than happy to give him love that. So that's wish one, wish two, I got to say anything that helped me more organize this back to the edge. I think this is definitely having a crash course in organizing stuff. Like, this is possibly the, this is actually like the first time now there's been like a month advance on the signup. So, and it definitely shows it better because we have like 15 signups ready to go before this thing started with, and a podcast now willing to help us out. Great. I, I definitely helped to organize it in my field, and maybe as the last wish, I'm going to say some actual goals on the charity's and I do admit that this thing started that, "Hey, fun thing, look at the fun thing. It's the thing that we have for fun," and then the charity's kind of tacked on the end of that, and there's not much goals in that regard. I kind of wish there was a way to change it in that sense, like, that's more conversation with the charity of choice, I feel, which probably goes back into wish number two. But again, I do think that we can have a fun thing be good. And I hope one day we'll play for charity. Well, I say, "I hope." It is. I hope we can do it more. Wyrmworks Publishing Alright. Yeah. So, speaking of, what, what projects, do you plan for the future? What you know what would you have thoughts on what you'd like things to turn into or what you envision possibilities? Rhydian "Oneuppington" John Whatever it is, I wish roll. Well, Roleplay 4 Charity does to get bigger and better in any way we can make it. Um, I, when it comes to other projects, it's, it's a lot of up here stuff that has literally nothing written down and organized or not even on the vision board here, those you keep on hearing about. And that I, it is a bit of a struggle for me sometimes to get those anywhere. So, maybe have a I'll just say, "Watch this space for now, something, something else may come out of it, or something might not." Wyrmworks Publishing Alright, so we will have all your contact information in our show notes, but what's the one best place that you'd like people to start to learn more about you or to contact you? Rhydian "Oneuppington" John I think the best for this right now is to contact the roleplay 4 charity Twitter page that is at role number 4 charity and role 4 as an ROLE, and pretty much go there, the DMs are always open for those who want to questions and answers on what's happening. Um, When it comes to me personally, @Oneuppington, It's there for you. And I find that I'm good with little things that I think would make a bit of good in the world, like something I think I'm getting notoriously at: quote tweeting cute pictures or of kittens or sunsets, with the hashtag #andbreathe. Which, something I kind of started since, I believe that was the January six. Yeah, I believe that was January 6 where was the Black Lives Matter, I honestly don't know but it's generally just me noticing that I've been retweeting awful lot about the world's terribleness. And I thought, "I need to find a picture of a dog or something and just trying to get a, some, some moments of breathing in there," I think they've been very good. When it comes to. Anyway, I should probably keep put this back into Roleplay 4 Charity. When it comes to our link tiltify link for Roleplay for Halloween this year would be in the will be in the show notes, this hasn't exactly been released yet as of recording, we like to pull that out, October 1, and pretty much close it, October 31 as a pretty much a goal of this is what we've done for this whole month. And it's, I believe that's the only three links that people should truly know. I know that I've discussed other people and what they might be doing. And of course, those links as well. I, and Dale, thank you for helping me out with this. This is because those who don't know, this is my first time having an interview like this, and Dale has been so accommodating, as I just been just juggling dangerous objects around here, because it's just been more than a few months, especially to organize this. Thank you, Dale for giving me a good half hour conversation on your podcast. That is lovely. Wyrmworks Publishing Well, you know, there's, there's so much frustration about so many things in the world right now. And, you know, when someone comes along and says, "Hey, let's have some fun. And let's do some good at the same time," and you know I saw that and I thought, "You know, that's awesome. People need to know about this," and you know that's, that, you know that there's your I always feel like when I finish these interviews and I feel like this now that you know this is, I can, I can walk away happy from this and anybody who's watching this or listening to this, you know they can walk away happy too and feel like, "Well, there's some good in the world I've got I've got a little, little bit more faith in humanity now so…so thanks for coming on the show. Rhydian "Oneuppington" John Thanks for having me on it. Wyrmworks Publishing And everyone check out those links in the show notes. Rhydian "Oneuppington" John Thank you. Wyrmworks Publishing We don't have a Playing the Other segment this week, but we hope to in future episodes. So if you are disabled or neurodivergent, or have chronic or mental illness, please contact me at WyrmworksPublishing.com/contact to be my guest. And when you come on you can talk about your experience with one of those disability, neurodivergence, chronic or mental illness, and also give us a chance to get to know you as a person and to talk about any projects that you're working on right now. And then you also just as our gift for being a guest on our show, will get a free copy of Limitless Heroics when it comes available. And so as we wrap up, if you are not signed up for our newsletter yet, you can go do that right now WyrmworksPublishing.com, and if you can't do that right now, because you're driving, let me help you with that. Hey Google, remind me in two hours to sign up for the newsletter at WyrmworksPublishing.com. Wait — don't miss your next turn. Take a left at the corner up here! Wyrmworks Publishing Alright, if you see the show being helpful, hit the like button if you're watching this on YouTube or somewhere else where you can do that. If you'd like to see more, you can subscribe, if you know people who need to hear this, please pass it on to them, and if you, like me, think everyone needs to hear this, then pass it on to your social media friends. Don't forget those podcast ratings, it really makes a big difference to spread the word, or leave a review. We really appreciate it. So we close with this question, "How have role playing games helped you make the world a better place?" Transcribed by https://otter.ai