How many minotaurs live in your neighborhood?
Wyrmworks Publishing Wyrmworks Publishing
Helping you make lives better through Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Hi {name}!

I love the variety of people in D&D. Elves, orcs, dragonborn, aarakocra, and more present an amazing variety of people with a wide range of appearances and abilities.

But while we may not have feathers or tails on people in the real world, we have no less variety.

Last week, my wife and I had a rare opportunity to get away together for two days, so we went to our favorite nearby vacation spot, Wisconsin Dells, and relaxed at a waterpark.

While swimming in the pool, I noticed the wide variety there—people with a vast array of ancestries, body shapes, and abilities—and it struck me that we don't have to live in a fantasy world to live in a fantastic world.

Our culture somehow perceives Barbie and Ken dolls as Platonic ideals, adding photo manipulation to create the illusion that such appearances are even possible.

But what if, instead of holding each other to an impossible and unhealthy ideal, we noticed the variety of shapes and abilities in our environments with the same appreciation as we would a world of gnomes, minotaurs, and tabaxi?

Next time you're out in public, enjoy the fantastic variety around you, and when you look in the mirror, appreciate the unique contribution that your appearance brings to the diversity of humanity.

Thanks for being part of our kaleidoscopic world.

Exciting News!
Disability Community of Wizards and Wizards Pride Presents Disability Representation In Tabletop RPGs: Shifting Your Perspective of Disability by Rachel Voss On June 22, 2023 at 10a PST/12p CST.

This is so great. Rachel Voss, one of our friends at Forge Ahead: A Party to Access, who helped us design the service animals section of Limitless Heroics, has been a guest on Gaining Advantage, and is an all-around very cool person, has been invited to speak to the staff at Wizards of the Coast about the importance of authentic disability representation in tabletop roleplaying games.


This is a huge milestone toward our goal of ubiquitous disability inclusion. Regardless of how you feel about WotC, they are the largest, most influential company in the industry, so if they're planning to add authentic disability representation to their future products (the 2024 Players Handbook?), that will set a standard for other publishers and millions of gaming tables around the world.


The campaign is far from over, but this could be the tipping point. Because I know people on the design team at WotC who care about this, I choose to be hopeful that this event will help shape the future of TTRPG.


(And to be clear, I'm not taking credit for this, but I know that our work has at least indirectly supported and encouraged the overall movement that is bringing this change. And I can think of no one more qualified to present this topic to WotC than the Forge Ahead team.)

Projects We Love
Dryad in woods: Caliya's Chronicle Of Runes. Unearth Ancient Runic Power In The Languages Of The Multiverse. Runic Power Unearthed

Our friends at Spectre Creations just launched a very cool 5e Kickstarter a few hours ago, and it's already funded!

Caliya’s Chronicle of Runes is a 300+ page tome for 5e that brings the magic of runes to your table. Whether you're a DM looking to fill your world with ancient runic lore and extraordinary monsters, or a player eager to sink your teeth into hundreds of inspiring new races, subclasses, spells, & more for your characters, this sourcebook unleashes endless possibilities for your epic adventures across the multiverse!

Get the free 16-page sample and back the project!

Thanks for your support!



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