We all need some magic every day
Wyrmworks Publishing Wyrmworks Publishing
Helping you make lives better through Tabletop Roleplaying Games

'B’iba {name}!

In this update:

  • Remembering Spells and other important things
  • Miniatures sale
  • Interview with the Blind Paladin
  • Full Merfolk Language
  • Cool treasure chests

While the exact explanation varies from edition to edition, the concept of prepared spells is based on the works of Jack Vance, known as a Vancian Magic System. In older editions, characters literally forgot the spells they’d memorized as they cast them. Since my ADHD makes rote memorization of details difficult, I could never be an AD&D caster. (I had a hard enough time, as a player, just keeping track of which spells I had memorized!)

I also often forget what I already knew in real life — that my family loves me, that many people respect me, including my family, and I feel alone or inadequate. Maybe you’ve felt that way, too.

As foster-adoptive parents, attachment disorder is a big part of our lives. Children who have experienced the loss of their parents can also feel alone or inadequate, afraid to trust parental figures for fear of being abandoned again. “Do you still love me?” and, “Why do you love me?” are common refrains in our home. And my own cauldron of anxiety and rejection sensitivity dysphoria leaves me wondering the same.

But trauma aside, we all need to hear again and again how loved and valued we are, even when we know it’s true. We need people to help us prepare Bigby’s Hugging Hands, Otto’s Undeniable Affirmation, and Confirm Human-Cool-Us.

The world is better for you being in it. You are valuable to your party, whether a gaming group, a friend group, or a family. And I’m glad you’ve joined us on this adventure.

In case you missed it…
How do you say…?

I'm developing full languages (4000-5000 words) with grammar rules for our accesspunk campaign world to give names of people and places a sense of cultural continuity and diversity.


Mer is the language of merfolk, tritons, and abilini (humanoid abalone with iridescent armor shells), designed around sounds that travel well underwater like dolphin and whale sounds.


The abaloi are abilini who adapted to living in the desert, so their language is a dialect of Mer that has evolved for their new environment.


Both entries include a web-based English translator.


You can access these and more with a free 7-Day trial of our Patreon.

Projects We Love
Shocked person opening a glowing green chest , a phantasm in background, D66 Curious Magical Chests Curious Magical Chests For Fantasy TTRPGs 36 Magical Chests Azukail Games

Our friends at Azukail Games, famous for their D100 tables, are launching a treasure trove of treasure chests that will make you flip your lid!

Introducing D66 Curious Magical Chests. These 36 enchanting chests aren't just containers; they're the real loot you've been waiting for.

This Kickstarter's success hinges on your support. Follow it now to get notified when it opens!

Pick the Lock & Check for Traps!

Cha'chungi 'gunu 'd’aba vu'b’ucha vu'ngada 'yadi u'kuchu chu'tita!*





*(Translated from Mer: "Goodbye and thank you for all the fish!")

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